He blinks several times, as if trying to break free from a trance, and his eyelashes are long and dark against his golden skin. It occurs to me how very… alone we are. We’ve only ever been alone together twice before. Once on the night we met, when we had to fight the shadow in my motel room and both ended up poisoned. The second time was just recently when he visited me in that cell and we had bars between us.

This is different. More intimate. Just Frost and me in this big room, his quiet demeanor and calm presence so different from his brothers.

Frost clears his throat. His deep voice is thick and halting as he admits, “Being near you eases the pain inside me.”

My heart flutters in my chest like a caged bird. The void I’ve been carrying since the moment our connection broke in the New Mexico mountains fades away a little, and something opens up inside me. I want nothing more in this moment than to wrap myself around him, to feel him next to me, to chase away all of his painful shadows until he can breathe again.

So for once, I allow my instincts and my heart to override my brain.

Leaning forward, I lay my hands on his chest and tilt my face up to kiss him.

For a moment, it’s soft and hesitant, barely a kiss at all. His lips yield to mine but remain still, and if it weren’t for the way his heart is racing beneath my fingertips, I might think he didn’t want it at all.

Until his arms wrap around me, and the tentative connection between us explodes into something else entirely.