“Are you okay? You’re all red.”

He lifted his head. “I’m not surprised. I feel like I’m on fire. You drive me crazy, you know that?”

Sure fingers slid through her lips, seeking her center. Rafe met her gaze as he found his quarry. Dark eyes, wild with lust, gazed at her, watching her reaction as his questing finger found the center of her torment.

She cried out as he gently sank into her. Rafe held perfectly still except for his questing finger, gently exploring and retreating, occasionally detouring to swirl around her clit but always returning to delve just a little deeper inside her.

“Jesus, you are so tight. So hot…” He bit his bottom lip as he sank in with two fingers and his thumb traced circles on her clit.

Molten heat spread through her body. She parted her legs to give him even better access to her folds. “Rafe…”

Instead of coaxing a response from her, he demanded one, and her body gave him what he wanted. His thigh wedged between her legs, bringing him in contact with her throbbing clit. She could feel the heat and hardness of his leg muscles and the friction he applied to her sweet spot. Her hips gave an involuntary jerk, and he gave her a satisfied grunt.

He left a trail of buzzing nerve endings in his wake as his hand traveled up her belly, then her ribs to her breast. His lips slid back over hers as his thumb skimmed the underside of her breast. Another shot of lust hit her hard, and she rocked her hips on his thigh. When he did it again, Diana threw her head back.

He trailed kisses along her jawline, then dipped his head farther to her neck. He traced a thumb over her nipple and she cried out. Moisture and heat rushed to her center, and the building need tipped her close to the edge of ecstasy. It wouldn’t take much. Just one more stroke from his deft fingers, maybe two.

“Jesus, you are so beautiful,” he whispered.


Suddenly his fingers slid away. Diana opened her eyes to find him slumped over, his eyes closed.

“Oh my God. Rafe?”

His eyes opened instantly. “Hmm?” His eyes latched on to her bare breasts and he smiled. “You’re so beautiful.”

She gasped. “What just happened? Are you sick?”

His brow furrowed. “No, I’m fine now. I took the aspirin in your purse.”

Diana’s mouth fell open as his eyes closed again. Holy shit. He’d drugged himself! Guilt assailed her as she pressed a hand against his forehead.

Well, that definitely explained his out-of-control libido tonight. But she hadn’t expected him to just conk out all of a sudden either.

As she watched him sleep, dread crept through her system. If she’d been waiting for a sign, there would never be a clearer one than this. Rafe would be out for hours.

This was her chance.

Diana gently moved over the mattress, grabbing Rafe’s shirt from the floor and pulling it over her head. Everything from her muscles to her soft center ached from the many times they’d made love. But the thing that hurt the most was her heart. Pain sliced through the beating organ. She knew she didn’t have a choice, but the thought of leaving him… of hurting him… it still pained her. What would he think? How would he feel when she left him?

Too late to worry about that. Now it’s time to move. Before he wakes up.

If she assumed he’d taken two since he thought they were aspirin, he’d be out all night. But she still couldn’t afford to waste any of that time. What if the decoder needed all that time to work?

At the threshold of the room, she looked back at his prone form on the bed. Rafe had rolled to his side, his muscular body looking like a sculpture in the soft light from the window. Her hands had been over every inch of that magnificent form, and she was still tempted to go back for more. After how insatiable he’d been, she should have been tired. But there was no such thing as too much Rafe. The man was more than a snack—he was a full buffet.

She knew how much Rafe wanted her when it was just the two of them, but add in a dose of whatever was in the pills and the effects were stratospheric.

He’d been Rafe, but he wasn’t as gentle as he usually was with her. The desperation in him was evident, in the way he’d gripped her, the grit of his teeth when he slid inside her. All night he’d been on the razor’s edge of tension. And he’d made love to her with a desperation unlike anything she’d seen or felt before.

Maybe he knew you were leaving.

A part of her liked it. Another part of her, the saner part, was worried about how much he held back. He did that for her. Oh yes, they’d made love before. And it was so intense it made her skin burn. But he’d been deliberately gentle with her before. Refusing to let go of control. Tonight there was no more control, and she realized she’d been looking for that.

Up until she’d come here, her life had been so rigid and mapped out. She liked the sense of freedom she felt with Rafe. Well, you won’t have any freedom if you stay here. Get moving.

She shoved aside her guilt and padded down the hall to her room to get dressed. With stark efficiency, she dragged on underwear, yoga pants, and a long-sleeved T-shirt, then a pair of socks.