In an instant, she exploded. Her cries and whimpers were so fucking arousing that Rafe figured his dick could pound through concrete by now. He grimaced and gripped his erection, trying to calm down. What the hell was wrong with him? He’d never had any issues with control before, but he legitimately felt like he might come at any moment.

“What’s wrong?” Diana murmured. She trailed her hand down his chest, and he drew in a ragged breath when she found what she sought.

“Oh, fuck, Diana.” His hips bucked, pushing his straining erection into her hand.

She trailed hot, openmouthed kisses along the column of his throat and when she found his nipple, his hips bucked again. With her thumb, she stroked the soft round head of his length, spreading the moisture that had leaked.

Hovering her lips over his erect nipple, she whispered, “Is something wrong, Rafe?”

Something that sounded like a strangled moan tore from his chest, and he dug his hands into the sheets.

“I’ll take that as a no.” Diana brushed her lips over his taut nipple and chuckled at the groan that tore from his throat.

He bucked again, digging a hand into her hair, gently tugging her head back. “I swear to God, Diana—”

She ignored him, instead grazing his nipple and pumping his erection again.

Before she could move, he had her flat on her back and her hands locked above her head, restrained with one of his.

“Rafe?” She struggled slightly, and he realized all at once how tight he’d been holding her. He sat back and ran his hands through his hair. He needed to slow down, but he wasn’t sure he could. His body was reacting like he’d been away from her for years instead of minutes.

Maybe this was what it was like when you were with someone you cared about?

Rafe reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a condom. Rolling away, he sheathed himself before settling back between her thighs. He kissed her deep, and Diana widened her legs to accommodate him. His erection nudged her, and she moaned as he sank inside.

He dropped his forehead to hers, retreated an inch, then pressed forward again until he was fully seated inside her. Her name on his lips sounded reverent.

Her gaze met his, and immediately none of it mattered anymore. In this moment, everything was perfect. She felt perfect.

The corners of his lips tipped into a lopsided smile as he retreated and sank back in. Diana clamped her legs around his hips, and he muttered curses under his breath. When she pulled him to her for a kiss, he growled low in his throat.

Diana nipped his lower lip with her teeth, and he scooped his hands under her ass, lifting her hips to his. The new angle had her sobbing at the pleasure. Only when she murmured his name on a sigh did he stroke into her a final time, then cry out her name on his climax.

Diana’s breath lodged in her throat as Rafe slid his tongue over hers again. After three orgasms back-to-back, he showed no signs of slowing down. The man had crazy stamina, she knew that, but this was unlike anything she’d ever seen.

He was kissing her like he was afraid she’d disappear if he let go. She’d never been the center of a man’s attention like this before.

She slipped her hands over Rafe’s torso, skimming over rippled abdominal muscles and the hard planes of his chest. The sounds he made at her touch were more like pain than pleasure, but when she paused, he canted his hips, bringing the hot, hard length of him directly against her heat again.

“Again. Already?” she squeaked.

To hold on and attempt some level of control, she slid her fingers into the thick, soft curls at his nape and gently tugged. With a moan, he smoothed a hand down her back to the curve of her ass and tucked her closer to his body. She rolled her hips into his, and Rafe tore his mouth from hers with a harsh curse.

“Diana, you’re addictive. I can’t stop.”

She trembled in his arms. “Then don’t.”

Diana shivered as Rafe kissed her softly before shifting her so her head was closer to the headboard. He then settled his body between her legs, tracing a path of kisses from her lips to her jaw, to the sensitive hollow between her neck and her ear. Slowly, he brushed

kisses over her belly, and Diana held her breath.

Leaning down, he breathed soft kisses on first one, then the other nipple, each responding to his caress by instantly budding into hard little peaks. Focusing his attention on one, he drew the dark bud into his mouth, taking greedy tugs while his thumb teased the other.

Diana bucked, and her back bowed as pleasure reverberated through her body.

“Yes, I need more. I can’t stop.” Rafe panted hard.

That’s when she noticed how flushed his cheeks were. He was bright red, like he’d just run a marathon.