She was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing. “Right! So I should have just let her get eaten by that snake?”

Tasim looked away, feeling…off. Embarrassed? No, that wasn’t right. He liked her laugh. And she smelled so damn good!

Still, he looked around, scrabbling for an adequate response. “No. Of course not.” Now that he thought about it, Tasim acknowledged that he didn’t like the idea of Luna being in danger either. “But next time, call your guards,” he ordered. Putting a hand on her back, he led her over to the buffet table, putting a plate in her hand. Getting food meant that he could concentrate on something other than this odd, uncomfortable feeling in his gut. “Yes, call your guards next time,” he repeated gruffly. “That’s what they are paid to do. And they have more training than you.”

She smiled, holding the plate. “I handled the situation back there,” she pointed out.

He looked at her, his eyes conveying the seriousness of his words. “Don’t do it again, Luna.”

She tilted her head slightly. “I know that you’re not ruining our detente by giving me an order. Because you know me well enough by now to know I don’t take orders.”

He chuckled and pulled her plate away from her chest with a finger. “Right. You’re a feminist liberal,” he teased, and put something cheesy on her plate. “You’re also an expert knife thrower. What are your other hobbies?”

She laughed. “I wouldn’t say that throwing knives is a hobby. More of a necessity.”

He continued to load up her plate with the buffet’s delicacies, but this time, when she didn’t want something he was about to serve her, she’d shake her head or pull her plate away. When he passed by something that she was particularly excited to try, she lifted the spoon and put some onto his plate as well as hers. Both of them were completely unaware of the other guests watching their interaction with fascination and smiling their approval.

“I don’t have many hobbies. There isn’t a great deal of time for hobbies in our world.”

“’Not many’ implies that you do have a few. Tell me, what are the things that you do when you don’t have royal obligations?”

Luna shrugged slightly. “I love to read.” And that revelation started them off on a discussion about their favorite books. He preferred mysteries and books on espionage, but she shook her head when he asked her about those genres. “I can’t read those. Unfortunately, I know that they are all too real. It terrifies me that those authors know what’s going on behind the bland surfaces of so many international cities. And if their horrible plots haven’t already happened, then I’m guessing someone tried it and failed or it’s about to happen.”

He laughed and they sat down at one of the corner tables. These tables were smaller, placed around the edge of the room with the larger tables in the center for bigger groups to assemble and eat. Why they gravitated towards the smaller, more intimate tables…neither of them bothered to ask or wonder.

“So, what do you enjoy reading?” he asked, lifting a hand to a waiter who immediately came over to pour the wine.

“I usually stick to the classics,” she admitted. “I find them soothing. As if they can foretell the future because everything that’s in those stories has already happened, but I also know that it’s going to happen in the future as well.”

“What’s your favorite story?’

“I have to choose just one?” she laughed. During the meal, they ate and debated various stories written throughout the centuries. Both of them agreed that Shakespeare was brilliant, of course, but also the more modern authors, such as Samuel Beckett and Ray Bradbury. They even debated the more commercially vibrant children’s book series, such as Harry Potter and Rick Riordan.

Luna was having a lovely evening, relaxing and laughing at some of his arguments. She even finished everything on her plate, not caring about the calories or fat content. Tonight, talking with Tasim was just too exhilarating to worry about anything.

“Excuse me, Your Highness,” General Sokawski interrupted, smiling at them. “But I was wondering if I might borrow this lovely lady for a dance?”

They looked up, startled to realize that they’d been sitting over here in the corner of the dining room for so long, the dinner buffet had been cleared away and the small orchestra was playing in a corner, giving the guests a chance to dance.

Luna looked up at Tasim and she could feel his surprise. Because she was feeling it as well! They both looked at the general, then at the small table, suddenly painfully conscious of how their little dinner tête-à-tête must have appeared to the other guests

“Of course,” Tasim replied stiffly, standing up and bowing formally. “I’ve monopolized your time, Your Highness,” he said apologetically as he took her hand, lifting it to his lips for a brief kiss. But there was a sparkle of humor in his eyes. “Until tomorrow.”

Then he was gone. Luna watched him leave, her eyes following him until he was out of sight.

“Your Highness?” the general prompted.

Luna blinked up at him, startled all over again. “Oh. Right!” She stood and followed the general around the table, wishing that she could have vanished as easily and quickly as Tasim. “Dancing,” she whispered, wondering why she’d arranged for dancing.

Of course, she’d done that to try and keep Elon in the room. He and Ella had a tendency to wander off. She’d thought that dancing would allow the couple to hold each other, which might keep them here with their guests for a bit longer this evening.

Remembering her manners, she smiled politely at the general, even giving him a small curtsy. “Thank you, I’d be delighted to dance with you,” Luna tucked her hand into his arm and he led her onto the dance floor. “Have you seen my brother recently?”

The general moved into position, taking her into his arms as he chuckled. “They disappeared about an hour ago. I’d imagine that they are in the gardens somewhere, stealing a kiss.”

Luna swallowed a snort at that ridiculous statement. She knew her brother. He wouldn’t be out in the garden, stealing a kiss. If he were anywhere with Ella, he was in his bedroom and they were…well, Luna was not going there. Her older brother naked was definitely not an image she needed.

“He’s charmed you.”