He didn’t respond. He simply handed the platter to the waiter, and again snubbed her by turning to converse with the woman on his other side.

“You must love broccoli,” the man to her left commented with a soft chuckle as they both looked down at her plate.

“Oh, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to eat all of this,” she said to the man, in a voice loud enough so that the jerk could hear. “I’m sure that I’ll find something creative to do with it though. I don’t want food to go to waste.”

The general cleared his throat, calling attention.

“Would anyone like to hear a joke?” he asked the table hopefully. Before the group could reply, he eagerly began. “A guy walks into a bar…” the general paused, his smile lighting up as the other guests at the table ended their conversations and looked on politely. “And he’s carrying jumper cables.” The general looked around, eager to please. “The bartender turns to him and says, ‘Hey buddy, don’t start anything in here.’”

Luna slapped a hand over her mouth and looked around. The other guest were laughing politely and it took Luna a great deal of effort to restrain herself from laughing out loud. It was a very corny joke, but she loved it! It was absolutely hilarious!

“Don’t hurt his feelings!” Tasim hissed into her ear.

Luna glanced up at him and all amusement dissipated in the face of his anger. “I wasn’t…I thought…”

“Stop!” he hissed. “Just stop! He’s a kind man. He likes to tell silly jokes and, I’m sorry, but he’s probably going to tell that joke again.” He eyed her sternly. “Don’t hurt his feelings!”

Luna’s eyes widened for a moment. Their glaring match continued, but without a winner, what was the point?

Instead, she glanced over at the elderly general, then at his wife, who was stared fixedly down at her plate with embarrassment. Over a joke? How ridiculous!

“General, thank you so much for lightening the conversation. We were venturing into political territory on this side of the table and your joke was very much appreciated,” she said, smiling warmly at him. The man’s eyes widened, then his cheeks flushed with pleasure.

Tasim watched the interaction, even noticing that the general’s wife looked relieved. Well done, Princess, he thought. But he didn’t say anything. Although her words sounded sincere, this was Princess Luna after all. She was spoiled rotten and irritatingly self-centered.

Wasn’t she?

So, why did he suddenly have the feeling that he’d hurt her feelings with his abrupt warning?

Since she turned to speak to the man on her other side, Tasim couldn’t see her face. But instinctively, he knew he’d wounded her deeply.

Guilt wrapped long fingers around his throat. Trying to ignore it, Tasim conversed with the woman on his right, trying to push the guilt aside. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t go away. In fact, when he glanced back at Luna, he glimpsed a flash of her forlorn expression. In that moment, the guilt tightened its fingers.

Allaena, he didn’t want to feel sorry for her!

Thankfully, the dinner came to an end and the engaged couple stood up, hand in hand and beamed at the crowd.

“There is dancing and dessert in the next room, if you all would like to come with me,” Elon announced. There was an almost unanimous surge of excitement as most of the guests followed the couple. Tasim rose as well, even stood back, politely holding the princess’s chair. But he didn’t follow. He kept back, observing the crowd as they made their way into the adjoining ballroom.

Correction, he watched the princess. Her spine was stiff, her shoulders tight, and she didn’t walk with her normal grace and elegance. There was a jerkiness to her gait that made him feel as if he’d kicked a puppy.

Muttering under his breath, Tasim tried to shake it off, following the crowd into the next room when all he wanted to do was to grab Luna and drag her off somewhere so that he could talk to her. He wanted a bit of privacy where no one could observe their expressions or overhear their conversation.

And yet, even that desire didn’t make much sense. Why in the world would he give a damn about her feelings? It was ridiculous!

Tasim looked around, noticing that the dancing had begun. Immediately, his gaze found Luna. He gritted his teeth as he watched her swirl across the floor in the arms of someone else. Turning away, he stalked down the hallway to the suite of rooms that he’d been assigned. It was only the first day and already he could tell this was going to be a long week!

Chapter 3

A knock sounded on her door and Luna turned, wondering who would knock this early in the morning. One darkly handsome face popped into her mind, but she pushed the thought away. There was no way that Tasim would come to her room for any reason.

“Come in!” she called out.

A moment later, Ella stuck her head in. “Good morning!”

Luna grinned and turned around. It was hard to dislike someone that was so joyously sweet.

“Good morning! How are you doing?”