p in her chest at the reminder. “Yes, well, your brother is very charming.” She swallowed past the lump in her throat.

Ella frowned thoughtfully, leaning back against the chair. “What happened?”

Luna stared at her sister-in-law, startled all over again by the woman’s determination. When she’d first met Ella, Luna had thought that the woman his brother loved was…weak. Weak and soft.

Not so! Ella was strong and determined. Just like her older brother, Ella charmed her way through the world, easing tensions with wit and a pleasing demeanor. But when crossed or challenged, the woman was… indomitable. Every day, Luna liked her more.

In this case, Ella’s dogged determination was amusing and she couldn’t hold back her laughter. “Well, you married my annoying brother, for one thing.”

Ella’s eyebrows lifted, silently waiting for the real issue.

“Your brother is very charming, Ella. I suppose that I was…irritated…by the events of that weekend. But he used that charm to get me out of my funk.”

Ella’s eyes softened. “You didn’t lose your brother, Luna,” she pointed out gently, ever the sweet and caring woman. “You gained me!”

Luna laughed and nodded. “Yes, but at the time, it didn’t feel that way. And I wasn’t so much opposed to you, as I was opposed to easing the tensions between your country and mine. I know that you didn’t grow up there, so you wouldn’t know, but the animosity between our two countries has been…” she searched for a diplomatic word.

“Annoying?” Ella offered.

Luna smiled, nodding. “Yes. It’s been annoying. So, having your brother,” she didn’t want to use his name, “was difficult.”

“And you say that he charmed you?”

Luna shrugged, not wanting to continue with this conversation. “Yes, well, regardless, I just–”

“That’s odd. Because Tasim isn’t known for his charm,” Ella interrupted thoughtfully. “He doesn’t have to be. In fact, most people consider him a real jerk.”

Luna grinned despite her ever-present exhaustion. “I don’t think that’s the word people use.”

Ella waved that aside. “So if my brother bothered to dig out the charming side of his personality, then…!” Her eyes suddenly widened. “What happened?!” she demanded, leaning forward.

Luna was startled by Ella’s perceptiveness. “Nothing!” she lied through her teeth.

Ella’s lips pressed together, her eyes narrowing as she contemplated Luna’s blush. “Yes, it did! Something definitely happened! My brother is categorically not charming! He’s a horrible, arrogant bastard. Traits which make him an excellent leader! He doesn’t put up with anything less than the absolute best from everyone around him. But…he is NOT known for his charm!”

Luna’s mouth fell open. “But…your uncle! He said something about how Tasim uses his charm like a missile!”

Ella laughed, slapping her knee with delight as she shook her head. “Not Tasim!” she said between gasps of laughter. “No way! He doesn’t need to! He’s only charming to…!” Her laughter faded and her smile shifted from amusement to…wonder?

“He fell for you!” she whispered. “If he was charming, then–”

Luna’s chest tightened. “No, he didn’t,” she interrupted.

Ella nodded slowly. “Was he kind?”

Luna blinked at her sister-in-law, surprised by the question. “Well, yes, but he had to be.”

“Did he make you laugh?” Ella continued.

Luna didn’t reply. “I can see the truth in your eyes, Luna,” Ella said softly. “What did my uncle say? Exactly.”

Luna thought back to the night of the wedding reception, her heart still aching even after two months.

“He didn’t say it to me,” Luna admitted, feeling shame for the words that she’d overheard. “I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop. But I…”

A delicate hand fluttered in the air. “Don’t worry about the circumstances,” Ella interrupted. “Just tell me the words.”

Luna bowed her head, blinking back tears. When she lifted her head, Luna couldn’t look at her sister-in-law. It was too painful. Too humiliating.