Chapter 1

Princess Luna el Fariq watched with horror as the lovely woman ignored decorum and, with a delighted squeal, raced across the palace lobby, throwing herself into Elon’s arms. Luna understood how her brother, Sheik Elon el Fariq, ruler of Mosar, would be attracted to such an enthusiastic woman. But love? Did Elon really understand the implications of his actions? Her brother had fallen madly in love with the sister of one of their country’s most hated enemies!

Luna turned away from the lovers’ reunion, her stomach twisting with anxiety as they embraced. Their passion and love for each other was desperately obvious to anyone standing nearby. Actually, it was quite lovely to see and…okay, Luna was truly happy for her older brother.

Still, did they have to be so…enthusiastic about their feelings?

Luna sighed as she accepted that this wedding was going to take place. Elon had even become good friends with the bastard brother of Princess Ella, also known as Sheik Tasim, so perhaps the powerful leader couldn’t be all bad. Luna suspected that she should get on board and stop arguing with her brother about his upcoming nuptials. Elon loved Princess Ella with his whole heart and, Ella clearly loved him just as fiercely.

Of course, that didn’t mean that Luna had to stick around and watch. She stepped away from the scene, tamping down her guilt at ignoring her royal duties and ran into…a wall?

Stepping back quickly, she felt strong fingers grasp her upper arms, gently steadying her. Before she could recover her balance, Luna felt the sting of embarrassment. She pasted on a bright, albeit polite smile on her features as she turned to thank her “rescuer”. If he hadn’t steadied her, she would have fallen to an undignified, graceless heap on the floor. Granted, if he hadn’t been standing so close to her, she wouldn’t have run into him. But she was a member of the royal family and, as such, it was her job to be diplomatic.

Unfortunately, her dark gaze clashed with a pair of eyes that were darker still. And angrier!

“You!” she hissed, immediately jerking her arms in an effort to get his vile hands off her.

“Yes, me,” the loathsome and hated Sheik Tasim El Silandar replied with a mockingly derisive tone. “And you are Princess Luna.” He leaned closer and it took everything in her not to cringe away. He was huge, with a vaguely threatening aura and an oddly fascinating scar along his sharp cheekbone. Instead of cowering, she lifted her chin higher, silently showing the brute that she wasn’t intimidated!

His dark eyes sharpened and she found she was holding her breath for some reason. “Smile, Princess,” the odious man murmured. “The press are watching us. We need to play nice for the audience.”

Inwardly, Luna seethed, but outwardly, she pasted a smile to her features and turned, gazing at her brother and his fiancée as if she were thinking sublime, wonderful thoughts.

“Your sister is beautiful,” Luna commented, scrambling for a safe topic.

There was a moment of silence. Luna could feel the big man searching for an appropriate reply. “She is a good person. And if your brother…”

Her smile brightened and she tilted her head towards him, her eyes flashing a warning up at him. “Careful, Your Highness!” she interrupted with saccharin sweetness. “The press are filming us and they can read lips.”

She watched as the man’s mouth quirked, but his eyes were flinty and unyielding. “Take care, my dear, not to take any action that might harm their relationship. I will do anything,” he paused and pinned her with his gaze, “anything, to ensure my sister’s happiness.”

His warning delivered, the loathsome man walked away, stepping forward to greet Luna’s brother. Today was the formal introduction, a sort of script enacted for the benefit of the reporters and photographers present, since the two countries had battled on and off for centuries. But his suave demeanor didn’t fool Luna. Watching the ridiculous scene play out for the reporters, Luna decided that she absolutely hated Sheik Tasim.

Tasim could feel the woman’s eyes boring holes into his back. If she’d had a weapon, he suspected that he’d be impaled by now.

In a different situation, Tasim might have gone after her. But this was an official meeting and reporters were watching their every move, their cameras snapping dozens of pictures while the leaders of their two countries pretended to meet in person for the first time.

“Good afternoon, Sheik Elon,” Tasim greeted the man with a decorous bow. Thankfully, Sheik Elon politely and warmly reciprocated the greeting, shaking Tasim’s hand and bowing as well. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person.” That was such a bald-faced lie, Tasim thought, keeping his expression blandly polite. The cameras flashed wildly, the rest of the world desperate to see the reactions of their leaders.

“Thank you, Sheik Tasim,” Elon replied respectfully. Tasim gritted his teeth as Elon extended his hand, enveloping Ella’s small hand in his own. Ella was such a tiny thing and looked even more delicate beside the huge Elon. Ella was glowing with happiness at her upcoming wedding and Tasim had to remind himself that Ella’s happiness was paramount. After everything Ella had gone through during her childhood, she deserved to find happiness with a man who loved her so completely.

It also helped that their romance had created this diplomatic detente. But Tasim also knew that it was time. Time to put aside the bad feelings on both sides, feelings passed down from generation to generation, and move on. It was time to form new alliances and strong economic ties. He didn’t have to like the guy in order to ensure the prosperity and safety of the people of his country.

Glancing behind him, he noticed that the soft, lovely woman, who had been glaring daggers at him moments ago, was walking away. For a brief moment, Tasim watched her departure. Princess Luna’s beauty hadn’t been exaggerated. She was stunning. Her dark hair was currently pinned up in an elaborate twist, but he imagined that it would probably cascade over her shoulders in a dark waterfall when taken down. Her full hips were lushly gorgeous, especially when coupled with her slim waist and…her eyes were lovely, he thought. The soft brown in those eyes had looked at the happy couple and…had that been a flash of sadness in those dark depths? Or was it something else? Unfortunately, Tasim didn’t know her well enough to tell. But it seemed as if the lovely princess didn’t entirely approve of her brother’s fiancée.

As a man who hadn’t approved of his sister’s romance with someone outside of Mosar until recently either, Tasim understood Luna’s animosity. Still, she needed to

accept the situation. Accept and move forward, because Ella obviously loved the ass. Fortunately, the besotted look in the ass’ eyes told Tasim that Sheik Elon was just as devoted to Ella.

That was all that mattered, Tasim reminded himself.

The besotted fool in question interrupted the repetitive clicking of cameras. Elon turned to Tasim, bowing slightly in a polite gesture. “Please, it would be an honor to take you on a tour of the city.”

Tasim knew that he was supposed to say something, but Elon pulled Ella closer to his side and it took all of Tasim’s concentration to keep from punching the man for touching his baby sister.

So instead, he offered a curt nod, then glared ominously at his sister. The imp only grinned brightly up at him and Tasim rolled his eyes, forcing himself to relax. This wedding was going to happen. His sister and this ass would be married and…nope! Tasim wasn’t going there. The wedding night was just…nope!

Chapter 2

“It appears that we are dining companions,” Tasim said, pulling out the adjacent chair. “Princess,” he added as his formal greeting of Luna – which wasn’t all that formal. In fact, his tone implied sarcasm more than civility.

Tonight, Luna wore an exquisite dress in a soft shade of mocha that made her skin glow. And her eyes…they were brilliant! Had her eyes been that incredible shade of milk chocolate earlier today? He wasn’t sure, but at the moment, he couldn’t seem to get his brain to function. Because in addition to the beautiful color of her dress, Tasim suddenly noticed that the dress was low cut, exposing the soft swells of her breasts. As she sat down in the chair, his gaze was drawn to the enticing, dark shadow.

His mouth went dry and his body tightened with…not anticipation! Looking around, he tried to tamp down on the fury and lust. This was his enemy’s sister, damn it!

“Good evening, Your Highness!” General Sokawski greeted Tasim, distracting him from the image of those temptingly lush breasts that…that he was absolutely not going to think about! “I’m delighted to be dining with you both tonight!” the general continued.

The General chuckled, as if he’d said something hilariously funny, and Tasim swallowed a groan. General Sokawski was an excellent strategist and was beloved by the troops. He truly was a great general. But his sense of humor was…sometimes painful.

“Good evening, General,” he replied politely, shaking the older man’s hand. “And Janice,” he said, turning to the general’s wife, “it is a delight to see you again.”

The general’s wife was in her late fifties and a beautiful woman, poised and gracious. “Your Highness, it’s a pleasure to see you as well.” She turned to the princess who had stood up again, smiling politely. “Princess Luna, you look lovely tonight. That dress is magnificent!”