I’m released from the hospital after two days. I’m sore as hell sitting in my apartment with my brother, who hasn’t left my side in the week since I’ve been home. While I appreciate his constant company, he’s not the one I want by my side. The only problem with that is she wants nothing to do with me still. I tried texting and calling Kasey for the first three days after our phone call, but she never responded, leaving me at a loss. I know her sister has been staying with her and she rarely leaves her apartment. I’ve had Aiden checking on her so I could be notified the moment he thinks she might need me. For what, I’m not sure, but I had to feel like I was still there for her, still fighting for us. I called him off two days ago. The reality is if she wants me, she’ll call. Or return a damn text, but so far it’s been radio silence.

Sean has been in and out of my apartment, keeping me updated on my campaign. I haven’t decided if I should continue. At the moment, my focus is shot (no pun intended) and I can barely muster the willingness to answer any of Sean’s calls or emails.

I can tell my brother is worried by the way he’s always hovering about, ready to jump into action anytime I need him. The problem is there isn’t much for him to do. The bullet wound is healing fine and I’m pretty much able to take care of myself. Jackson’s concern and guilt keep him here, though, and I don’t have the heart to tell him to go home. I think he needs the company as much as he thinks I do.

I’m lying on the couch, not really watching what’s on TV, when there’s a knock on my door. Jackson answers it for me and Sean follows him into the living room.

“How’s the patient today?” he asks as he takes a seat across from me.

“Fine. Same as yesterday. What’s up?” I ask in return. I appreciate the concern, but nothing has changed since yesterday when I saw him last.

“I know this may seem too soon, but I’ve been fielding calls for the last few days for interview requests. The statement that you were home recovering after being shot by an unnamed woman is just making reporters more eager to get the entire story. We need to set something up before anyone goes digging too deep on their own for this story.” He looks at my brother, already having some knowledge of what went down in that basement.

“Also, little idea for the interview. I think you should have Kasey there too, since she’s a part of this. I think voters will eat up the idea that you charged into unknown danger to save your girlfriend from a stalker.”

I haven’t talked to Sean about where Kasey and I stand, but I doubt she wants to see me, or do an interview with me.

“I’m not sure those grand plans are going to happen anytime soon, Sean. I need more time. I’ve only been home a week, and Kasey and I aren’t exactly seeing each other any longer. I don’t want to disturb her with interview requests while she’s taking time with her sister.”

He isn’t thrilled with my hesitance, but he knows me well enough not to push me on this.

“Okay, I get it. I just wanted to bring it up to you. If you change your mind, let me know.” He stands and heads to the door. My brother comes from the kitchen, having given Sean and me a little privacy, and sits on the other end of the couch. I know that look. Jackson has something to say.

“What’s going on, Donovan? You used to listen to Sean’s ideas about your campaign. Have you decided to pull out of the race?”

“I haven’t decided anything yet. I just don’t want a bunch of people asking questions I’m not ready to answer.” Like questions about Kasey and me.

“I realize you went through something horrific and you’re still dealing with that, but the brother I know and love wouldn’t be sitting here watching sports highlights wasting away on his couch.”

Is that what’s on TV right now?

“Well, Jackson, I am recovering from a bullet wound and the woman I love wants nothing to do with me, so I suppose you could say I’m a little preoccupied at the moment. The campaign isn’t first on my list.”

His eyes widen at my admission. I wonder if it was the part where I said I don’t care about the campaign or the part where I said I was in love. I know he’s trying to help, and I know I shouldn’t be short with him, but get off my fucking back already.

“If you love her, then why aren’t you fighting for her? I’ve never known you to give up, Donovan.” That’s true, he has never known that of me, but what can I say? I know when the fight is over.

“I have to think about her feelings, too. If she wants nothing to do with me, then what the hell do I do with that? She made it clear and I’m respecting her wishes. She had a point. I was way too concerned with our reputation at the cost of her sister. How do I even begin to fix that?”

“Well, you don’t fix it by sitting on your couch, I can tell you that much. You’ve all but given up on everything and everyone. Kasey included. You have to understand that yes, reputation is important, especially in your campaign, but what you two have trumps all that shit. I saw it in you and in her. She loves you, too. She’s scared because she thinks you let her down in the way you handled her sister’s disappearance. I’m not going to sugarcoat it. I think we all let her down to some extent, but you have to fix this with her. I’ve never seen you like this and I know it’s more than the recovery from a bullet wound, brother. You’re trying to recover from a broken heart that won’t heal because you aren’t doing what your heart is telling you. Fuck reputation. Fuck everything except what you know you need to do. Right now, you need to get your girl back. You can’t just walk away from her. You won’t heal from that.” When the hell did my brother get so fucking introspective?

“I have no idea what to do, Jackson. She won’t talk to me. She hasn’t been to work in a week, as far as Aiden can tell. I doubt she’ll even answer her door if I show up.”

“Sean was talking about an interview. What if you asked her to do it? She’s a reporter. Maybe she can write the story. It’s both of your stories anyway, so let her tell it.”

I think about that for a minute.

“Maybe. It would at least give me an excuse to call her, I suppose.” He might be on to something. My wheels are turning, and I feel my fight coming back. I can do this. I can get my girl back.

“You’ve really been great to stay with me, Jackson. I know I’m not the easiest patient to deal with.”

“Yeah, your mood swings are a real bitch. Other than that, it hasn’t been too bad. I just figured I would try not being the fuck-up for a while and see how it fit. I kind of like it, I have to say. Maybe my black sheep days are over.” He shrugs and gives me a small smile.

“It would definitely save me some headaches.” I chuckle.

Who knew my brother had it in him? He’s right, though. I can’t always be concerned with what everyone thinks of me or my family. If people can’t see what I stand for and what I bring to the table, then that’s too damn bad. Being a senator may not be for me then, but I know what is. Being the man Kasey can count on is what has to be my focus, my mission. Without her, nothing else means anything to me.