He gives me a little shrug. “Little of this, little of that. I’m good at looking through everything my boys find and figuring out the story. Like seeing how all the moving parts work together to solve a case.” Not vague at all.

“So how do you know Aiden?” I’m curious to know more about this jack of all trades standing in front of me.

“Royal Marines. When Aiden got out, I hooked him up with a friend of your father’s.”

“Do you know my father?” I’ve never met him before. I’m sure I would have remembered him based on size alone.

“I know lots of people who need lots of things, mate.” That doesn’t sound suspicious at all.

“Thank you for coming on such short notice. We appreciate your help and discretion in this matter.” I reach to shake his hand again.

“I owed Aiden a favor. It’s not a problem at all.”

“Don’t suppose you plan to elaborate on that?”

“Nope.” And that’s that. I didn’t expect him to, anyway. I don’t make it a habit to pry into Aiden’s past more than was necessary when I hired him. He came recommended by a trusted family friend and I’ve seen nothing but the utmost professional conduct since he’s been with me. Liam obviously shares the same closed mouth philosophy as Aiden. I respect that.

I walk farther into my apartment and see my brother on the couch looking a little contemplative and a lot lost. It looks as though he’s been running his hands through his hair in frustration all day. When he glances up at me, I walk over to the couch, apologies swimming in his eyes.

“Donovan, I can’t help feel like this is all my fault,” he tells me, rubbing his hand over his face.

“Listen, I’m not happy with any of this, but to put the blame squarely on you wouldn’t be fair. This could have nothing to do with you at all. Yes, the story is something I’ve been worried about happening for a long time, but we would have dealt with it. It’s not like you were the one running for office. A couple news cycles and no one would have cared.” I don’t know if that’s true or not. It certainly isn’t what we’ve been told our entire lives, but I can’t let my brother carry the weight of the entire situation.

“How was Kasey when you dropped her off? I’m guessing not good if you’re here and she’s there.” That’s an understatement.

“She’s angry, worried, and right now, done with me. I said some awful things to her I didn’t even mean. Fuck, I’m such a jackass.” It’s my turn to run my hands through my fair in exasperation. I fall next to Jackson on the couch and lean back, closing my eyes. Visions of Kasey’s heartbroken face swirl around on the back of my eyelids, like a movie I can’t change the outcome of. I wish this day were a dream. I wish I could have controlled my emotions and fears, or at the very least not spoken them out loud. I wish Kasey was sitting next to me so I could comfort her and figure all this out with her. I shouldn’t have let her be alone tonight, but she was clear that there was nothing left to say. I didn’t want to fight tonight and make it worse. For our first fight, it was definitely a doozy.

I sit up and start going through the pictures, still lying on the coffee table.

“There’s something we’re missing here. There has to be a clue somewhere. Aiden seems to think these are connected. The pictures Lindsey took and the pictures sent to me. What is it?” I’m asking myself out loud more than directing the question to anyone.

“It’s so weird looking at all this and knowing that someone was watching me and I had no clue. Kinda scary.” Jackson is reasonably disturbed by the thought.

“I think it’s safe to say that whoever sent the pictures to me had to have noticed Lindsey. At least in the last set. If they’re watching you that close, then surely they saw her watching you,” I wonder out loud as we sift through them for the millionth time.

“I need a drink.” I’m not much of a drinker when I have work to do, but we have help from Liam and his friends. They’re better suited for this than I am. My investigation experience begins and ends with this.

“Want one?” I ask my brother.

“Nah, I want to keep looking at this stuff.” He’s really taking finding out where Lindsey is and what the connection is seriously. I don’t want to tell him to leave it to the professionals, so I let him be. I don’t think I could say anything that would make him feel less responsible tonight. I may not think it’s all his fault, but seeing him take this so seriously and doing everything he can to help is encouraging. This isn’t the party boy I’m used to dealing with. In fact, I think this may be the first time I’ve seen this side of my brother. I just wish it didn’t come with a missing sister and a girlfriend who despises me at the moment.

I pour myself a scotch and tell my brother I’m heading up to my room. Liam peeks his head around the corner.

“I’ll let you know when we find something. This is a marathon, not a sprint. My boys and I have plenty of caffeine and energy. We won’t shut it down until we find something.”

I nod in thanks and trudge up the stairs to my room. I want to call Kasey. I need to hear her voice. I want to reassure her that Aiden has people working on this and we’ll find Lindsey. Mostly, I just want her to not hate me right now.

I lie back on my bed as I pick up the phone and look at the picture I have assigned to her contact. It’s the one where she’s wearing my shirt, lying in bed with her hand resting on the hem like she’s going to pull it up and show me what’s underneath. Was it just yesterday that we were here, in this bed, bringing each other unbelievable pleasure? When she trusted me with her body? Now I’m alone, wondering if we can ever get back there again, hoping that once we find her sister, we can put this behind us. I can’t take it anymore, so I hit the call button, hoping she answers. Of course she doesn’t. I hang up and call back again, hoping she’s just asleep and not ignoring my call. Again, no answer. I decide to leave a message. Maybe hearing the regret in my voice will thaw her a little.

“Baby, I am so sorry about everything I said. Aiden’s guys are here, looking at every possible bit of information, trying to find Lindsey. I should never have accused you of sleeping with me for a story. You say that we don’t know each other, but that’s not true. I know your heart and you know mine. That’s the truth. Nothing else I said tonight was. I let fear in where it didn’t belong between us. I know you don’t want to talk right now and I’ll respect that. I just didn’t want to let this day go without you knowing how I feel and that I am unbelievably sorry I ever let doubt get in my head and then took it out on you. I’ll call you in the morning with any updates. Good night, beautiful.”

I hang up, not feeling any better. If she would just talk to me, I know I could make this right. I text Aiden for an update on Kasey.

Aiden: No movement. No one has come in or out of the building.

Me: OK thanks

Aiden: Do u want me to knock?

Me: No I think she’s had enough of us today. Let her sleep.

I know he’ll let me know if anything changes. I turn my head to her pillow. When did I decide she had her own pillow on my bed? I lay my head on it, inhaling her sweet scent into my lungs. I can’t let this go. I can’t not smell or taste her again. I’m falling in love with a woman who hates me at the moment. My heart sinks to my stomach as I hug her pillow tighter to my chest. No, this isn’t over. It can’t be.