“Are you going to come for me?” He puts two fingers inside me and I. Fucking. Lose. It. I scream in pleasure as my orgasm rips through me. He rips the toy away and takes his fingers out as he slams into me, thrusting so hard and grabbing my hips as he pumps.

“Fuck yes, baby, I feel your tight cunt milking my dick. Goddamn, that’s it. Ahhh.” He bellows his own orgasm as I feel him coat the walls of my pussy.

Holy shit, now that’s how it’s done.

He slows his thrust and removes my blindfold, caressing my face. I see the sweat dripping down his brow and a contented smile on his lips. He kisses me softly as he undoes the knot from the bed and unwraps my wrists, massaging each one. Lying down next to me, he pulls me on top of him with his hand trailing up and down my back.

“How are your wrists?” he asks softly, kissing the top of my head.

“I honestly can’t feel my body right now,” I purr into his chest. He chuckles and continues rubbing my back. Soon I’m pulled into a deep sleep. My body and mind completely spent and totally satisfied.

I wake the next morning alone in bed. Donovan’s side of the bed is still warm, so he can’t have been gone long. I take a long stretch under the covers. Man, I slept like the dead last night. I smile, thinking about the night we had. That man plays my body like no one has ever even come close. I’ve never been with anyone who fulfills every fantasy gladly without any of those pesky inhibitions getting in the way. I’ve never felt so comfortable or free to ask for the things I want. It’s a powerful feeling that I want more and more of.

The bedroom door opens and in walks the man himself.

“Good morning, gorgeous. How did you sleep?” He hands me a cup of coffee. He really is incredible.

“Mmm,” I say, taking a sip of the liquid gold. “I slept great. You?”

“I always sleep well next to you.” He winks and sits next to me on the bed, taking a wrist in his hand and inspecting it.

“My wrists are fine. I promise.” He kisses said wrist and does the same for the other one.

“Just making sure,” he tells me before he leans down and gives me a sweet kiss.

Gah! This man.

“So I know of a little farmer’s market by your place. What do you say to going back to your apartment so you can change and we go check it out?”

“I say I would love to. Does this mean we’re going public?” It’s kind of a big step for us and I want to clarify what we’re doing.

“It means that you’re my girl and I want everyone to know it. I’m not going to hide you, Kasey. If we get noticed, then we get noticed, but you’re it for me. I don’t care who knows it. Is that okay with you?” He looks at me nervously, knowing my hesitance in the beginning. I smile reassuringly at him.

“Absolutely.” And that’s that.

I take no time at all to get ready at my apartment, probably because I lock my bedroom door. Donovan wasn’t a fan of the move.

“Babe, I was just gonna watch. I would have kept my hands to myself,” he tells me as we’re headed to the farmer’s market.

I give him a look that says yeah right, like I believe that. He winks and I laugh. He doesn’t for a second even believe it himself. No one pays us much mind. A couple of people do double takes, but that’s about it. I’m sure his PR guys will have to deal with it on Monday, but today we’re enjoying the sunshine and smell of fresh flowers. As I’m looking at some fresh bouquets of flowers to bring home, I get an eerie feeling that runs up my spine. I look around and don’t see anyone looking at us, so I buy my flowers and we wander away. Well, that was weird. I’m probably just nervous about someone from the press or a tabloid seeing Donovan with a woman. If they did any digging at all, they would find out who I am and that I just did a story on him. Judgment from people, especially my colleagues, is still a concern for me. I really need to get over that.

Donovan looks at an incoming text, then looks at me.

“Jackson just texted me, wanting to know if I wanted to have dinner. I told him we were spending the weekend together, and he wants us all to go. I can tell him we have plans if you don’t want to.”

“Don’t be crazy. Of course we can go to dinner. I’d love to get to know your brother more.”

“Okay, I’ll let him know. Nowhere fancy, probably just grab burgers or something.”

“You’re in luck, burgers and beers are one of my favorite meals. I don’t always want fancy, I’ll have you know.”

He pulls me in for a quick kiss. “You really are the perfect woman.”

We smile at each other and keep walking through the market.

Yup, I’m a goner.