Chapter seventeen


Kaseylooksatme with wide eyes, her mouth open a little like she’s surprised with my choice for the evening. I had a feeling she would be. We’ve never really talked about going there as a couple, but I have a feeling she wants this. She doesn’t realize how free she is sexually and how much she likes it. I want to be the man to pull more from her. As much as she’ll let me.

“We don’t have to if it makes you uncomfortable, beautiful. I’ve never been there but the one time, and I want to share this with you. If it’s too much for you, though, we don’t have to go.” She looks away for a moment and then I see an expression of resolve on her face like the one she had when she took me up on my dinner offer a few weeks ago after our interview. She looks me in the eye, decision made.

“I would love to share it with you, Donovan. I’m all in.” I must have the biggest grin on my face as I lift her hand to my lips and kiss it softly.

“After you, gorgeous.”

We get to Club Noir and are let in through a private entrance. I can tell Kasey is a little nervous but mostly excited, maybe even turned on by the idea of what we’ll experience here tonight. I called my brother and told him I was coming. To say it shocked him is an understatement. He didn’t give me too much shit, though. Probably didn’t want me to change my mind. He reserved a booth for us and wouldn’t you know it, there he is at the table. Nosey bastard.

He stands to greet Kasey and me. She has a look of recognition on her face. Whether it’s from the press he gets, or if she recognizes him from here, I’m not sure.

“Hello, brother.” He reaches out to shake my hand and turns to Kasey, taking her hand in his, raising it to his mouth, and kissing her knuckles.

“It’s a pleasure to meet the woman who has finally gotten my brother out of his stuffy perfect shell.” She smiles at him, still a little shocked we’re here.

“It’s a two-way street, I think.” She beams at me. Maybe not nervous then.

“Okay, brother, as much as I appreciate the welcome, I am on a date with my girlfriend.”

They both look surprised at me throwing out that title. Kasey recovers quickly, but my brother looks at me like I’ve sprouted a second head. He says nothing, just nods and smiles at Kasey and me.

“Well, I hope you two have a great time tonight. Everything is open to you. Let my manager know if you would like a private show and we’ll have it set up for you.” Jackson nods at us and leaves. Kasey makes herself comfortable on the couch, legs crossed, arms splayed over the back of the couch. She looks at me through her lashes with a seductive smile on her face.

“How about you buy a lady a drink, handsome.” She winks at me. My sexy little vixen. I sit next to her and she moves her hand to the back of my neck, lightly scraping her nails along my skin. I put a hand high on her thigh and watch her eyes darken while I rub my thumb back and forth over her exposed skin, leaning in close to whisper in her ear.

“What do you want?” Her breath hitches, and she knows I don’t just mean to drink. What is she ready for? She turns and faces me, excitement in her eyes.

“Everything, but I’ll start with a scotch.” That’s my girl.

We’re on our second drink, almost ready for a third. I know Kasey isn’t much of a drinker and I want all of her wits about her tonight, so I suggest we dance. The music is sultry with a deep bass running through me as I turn in her arms and we move together. This dress. I can’t even explain what this dress does to me. There is nothing better than a confident woman feeling sexy in an amazing dress, and my girl is feeling herself tonight. We’re working up a sweat dancing closely, not even an inch between us. Her back is to my front, her arms stretched behind her, hands grabbing onto my neck as she grinds her sweet ass into my throbbing cock. I know she’s feeling what she’s doing. It’s spurring on her movements. I have my lips on her neck, licking the sweat there, giving her open mouth kisses up and down to her shoulder. My hands are running over her stomach, grazing her hard nipples, then moving back down to her hips and around to her stomach before moving lower, barely touching between her thighs, then repeating the motion slowly over again.

“You’re driving me crazy, Donovan. I love your hands on my body, touching me everywhere for everyone to see I’m yours.”

She hisses every time I brush over her pussy. I bet if I reach up her skirt I would find her wet and needy. I turn her in my arms so we’re chest to chest and kiss her deeply, still swaying to the music. My hands are on her luscious ass and hers are around my neck. I wedge my thigh between hers and use her ass to guide her movements, her hot pussy rubbing up and down.

“Let go, baby. Let me make you feel good. Show all these people what I do to you.” I lean my head down and give her a love bite between her shoulder and neck, licking and gently sucking her there like I do to her clit when I eat her pussy. I move one hand to her nipple and squeeze, the sensation making her move faster on my thigh.

“Oh shit, Donovan. I’m about to come.” I look in her eyes and watch as they close and her mouth opens, letting out a long breath. I pinch her nipple harder and twist, heightening her orgasm even more. I know what my girl likes, how to take her to the next level. Her movements slow and she opens her eyes with a satisfied smile on her face.

“God, what are you doing to me?” She smiles again, kissing me with all that passion she reserves just for me.

We continue to sway to the music for a few more songs. We can’t keep our hands off each other. Can’t stop kissing and touching one another. I can tell my girl is still needy, barely satiated by the orgasm I gave her just a few minutes ago. I’m still hard as a rock and my pants are becoming increasingly uncomfortable the more she runs her hands over my body.

“I heard your brother say something about a private show.” She looks at me with a questioning quirk of her eyebrow. “What do you think about checking it out?”

What do I think? Fuck yeah, is what I think. I grin and nod.

“I’ll call his manager.” We walk back to our booth, the minimal space between us charged with an excitement I haven’t felt before. Fuck, this woman is amazing.

About five minutes pass and the manager of the club comes to tell me our room is ready. I set my scotch down and pull Kasey up and into my arms.

“Are you ready, baby?”