Chapter fourteen


Ican’tbelieveI just did that. I giggle as we’re walking the short distance back to the house from the dock. Donovan looks at me with a knowing smirk, taking my hand in his.

“Pretty pleased with yourself, huh?” he asks, smiling.

“I am actually. Aren’t you?” I give his hand a squeeze.

“I’m very pleased with you. That was a first for me. Wouldn’t mind a repeat either.”

“First blow job?” I laugh at the thought. Yeah, right.

“First on the lake,” he tells me.

“Oh, please, you must just not have brought the right girl up here then.”

“You’re the only girl I’ve brought here. This is usually where I come to be alone and enjoy some peace and quiet.” I let that sink in a bit. That’s a pretty personal confession. Can’t say I mind one bit.

We get back to the house and Donovan takes my bag upstairs and shows me to our room. It’s huge, with a giant bed, an overstuffed love seat, and two leather club chairs next to the fireplace. French doors with gauzy curtains lead out to a small balcony overlooking the lake. The bedding is a dark blue with a nautical theme. There’s a private bath with a claw-foot tub and separate shower, both plenty big enough for two.

“There're towels in the bathroom cabinet under the sink. I’ll let you get settled and go start lunch.” He leans in to kiss me. “Don’t be too long, beautiful, I’m starving.” He gives me a smoldering look that tells me he isn’t talking about food.

He leaves and I decide to change into a yellow knee-length peasant skirt and tight white tank top. The fit makes my breasts look huge and my waist slim. It’s a little low cut, which I’m sure will be appreciated. Donovan is definitely a breast man. I decide against panties. Why? Because it’ll be a nice little surprise for him later. Less to have to do to get me naked and all that.

I walk downstairs, smiling at my little secret, and walk to the kitchen where he’s making us a couple of sandwiches. There’s a bowl of strawberries next to the sink, waiting to be washed. I can’t mess that up, so I decide to lend a hand.

“You look beautiful,” he says, staring at my breasts. See, breast man.

“My eyes are up here, buddy.” He just laughs and comes to the sink to rinse the tomato he’s about to cut. He leans over and gives me a small kiss on the cheek, and goes back to work. Every time he has to grab something, he never misses the opportunity to touch me. A kiss here, a hand across my back there. I love it. He’s so tactile, even out of the bedroom. Little affectionate touches just because.

We eat BLTs and strawberries. He can’t take his eyes off me as I’m biting down on the sweet fruit. I may be playing it up just a tad with the moans and slow, seductive way I’m biting into each one. The look he’s giving me right now is the “just wait until later” look. Exactly what I was going for. I’m having so much fun teasing and playing with him. The easy relationship we find ourselves in is exciting, new, and so unexpected.

We decide to take a walk around the property after lunch. I didn’t realize his family owned so much out here. The trees are beautiful this time of year, everything waking up from winter and becoming lush and green. We talk about how he and his brother used to play in these woods when they were kids. Taking his mom’s sheets and tying them to the trees with leaves all over them like they were forts. I’ll bet she was none too happy finding filthy sheets on the back porch.

“The only help we brought out with us was our nanny on occasion. My mom liked to feel like this was a private little vacation for family only, but if we knew my father had a business dinner during our stay, she would bring someone with us. I don’t think she realized how much work we were when she didn’t have anyone here to help. She was so used to us being dressed in clean clothes all the time but had no idea it was usually several outfits a day. She finally gave up. My dad would tell her ‘they’re boys, Susan, let them be dirty.’”

I love hearing stories from his childhood. We have a ton in common from growing up, even though it was a totally different lifestyle. The love and camaraderie we feel for our siblings are the same, though. Like me, I sense there was a change in the relationship. I don’t know why or when, but I get the feeling at some point he had to start looking out for his brother the way I do with Lindsey, making sure they aren’t getting into trouble, and like me, he’s a little sad about it.

“Did you like going to college close to home or do you regret not being able to go away on your own and stretching your wings a bit?” Donovan asks as we continue wandering the property.

“That’s a tough one for me to answer. I was excited to go, but my dad dying kind of overshadowed everything at the time. He was hit head-on by a drunk driver about a month before graduation. I don’t think I was excited about much of anything after that. At least not for a long time. Moving away or even going to college at all was the last thing on my mind. My mom wouldn’t let me drop out, though. I just changed direction a little. It was important to my dad for his girls to be able to stand on their own two feet and to him that meant an education.”

“I’m so sorry for what your family had to go through, sweetheart. I couldn’t imagine losing either of my parents like that. When we almost lost my dad to the heart attack a few years ago, it shook our foundation. We were lucky, though, and he lived to give us all a hard time. My brother still has issues with the fact that our dad is human and won’t live forever. I’m sorry you had to learn that lesson so young.” He gives my hand a squeeze, bringing it to his lips for a light kiss. I appreciate the gesture and smile softly at him.

“Thank you. It made me have to grow up pretty fast. All of a sudden, at the ripe old age of eighteen, I had to take on some pretty heavy responsibilities. Looking after my sister being one. We were more partners in crime before the accident. After, she had another ‘mom’ telling her what to do and where to be. It really sucked for both of us.” I bend down to pick up a fallen leaf from the ground and twirl it absentmindedly through my fingers.

“That’s how she got me to go with her that night to Club Noir,” I explain. “Lindsey called me ‘mom’.” I shiver to display my distaste at the word. “I hate it when she does that. I felt like I had to prove her wrong and do something very non-mom like.”

Donovan smiles down at me as we continue on the path.

“Well, I for one am glad you decided to show her something different. Otherwise I wouldn’t have seen the most gorgeous creature letting herself go and finding so much pleasure in it. That was the night I knew I had to ask you out. I couldn’t imagine not getting to know more. Maybe I should send Lindsey some flowers to show my appreciation.” We both laugh.

“Please don’t. I don’t want her thinking she has me figured out. She’ll only use it to her advantage, I’m sure. Who knows where I’d end up next.”

“Sweetheart, I can tell you one thing. I hope the only place you plan on going next is back to the house with me so I can spoil you with dinner and orgasms. Not necessarily in that order.” He gives me a sexy wink and a devilish smile. What that man can do to me with just a smile is criminal.

“Well, I’m not one to turn down a meal.”

He laughs as I grab his hand and quickly start walking back to the house.

He’s amused by my quick pace, knowing what he does to me. Sexy bastard. When we get inside, we stumble around furniture, too impatient to keep our hands off each other. It’s a crazy race to the bedroom with shirts flying off between kisses, pants being ripped off between lewd gropes and moans, and finally tripping up the stairs to the bedroom. I’m left only in my bra and skirt and Donovan with only his boxer briefs on, covering his enormous erection. When he pulls my skirt down my hips his eyes darken when he realizes I haven’t been wearing panties this whole time.

“Baby, if I’d known you were naked under this skirt, our walk through the woods would have ended with you pinned against a tree with my tongue in your pussy.”

“Promises, promises.” I laugh when he nips my earlobe.

“That mouth of yours.” He growls in my ear.

We fall onto the bed, Donovan beneath me, reaching around to unclasp my bra before I sit up and pull his briefs down his legs, throwing them across the room. We won’t be needing those for a while. I let my bra slip down my arms and throw that too, laughing at our urgency to get naked. He smiles as he sits up and quickly bites my nipple before giving me a hard kiss on the mouth. I push him back down and sit on top of him, rubbing my pussy over his hard length with one hand behind me, supporting myself on his thigh, the other hand rubbing my clit, seeing the heated look in his eyes as he watches me play with myself. His fingers are digging into my thighs, pulling me back and forth over his cock.

“Do you like watching me touch myself, baby?” I ask.

His hips bucking up harder is the only response I get as he stares at me, completely enraptured by my ministrations.

“This is how I touch myself when I think about you. I rub my clit and make myself come all over my fingers. That’s what you do to me.”

Two can play at the dirty talking game. He sits up suddenly and takes my mouth in an almost painful kiss. A teeth-clanking, lip-biting, ferocious kiss. He must like my filthy words as much as I like his. We’re writhing against each other, me pulling at his hair as he yanks my hair so that my head falls back, kissing and biting all over my neck.

“Fuck, Kasey, I have to be inside you. Now.” He reaches over to grab a condom.

“You don’t need that if you don’t want it.” Was that me? Yes, yes, it was, and I mean it. I don’t want anything between us. I want to feel him bare inside me.

“I’m on the pill. Have been forever. And I’m clean. I get a full workup every time I have to get my prescription renewed and I haven’t been with anyone since the last time I went and had it done.” I look at him with a soft gaze, wanting him to know I want to feel all of him, skin to skin.