“I have to say, Lindsey, for being the hot new place this sure doesn’t look like much.” I expected a line or at the very least a doorman waiting out front. I realize it’s only nine o’clock on a Monday, but I would think there would be a little more going on outside. I don’t even see any cars in front of the building.

“It doesn’t look like much from the outside on purpose. The owners don’t want attention drawn to this place.” Okay, that sounds a little suspicious. It also doesn’t sound like a great business strategy.

“Where did you hear about this place again?” I’m beginning to think this may not have been the best idea.

“I know one of the bartenders who works here from a little bar I go to when I need to unwind. Come on. The doorman is just inside. The guy I know said they have cameras facing the sidewalk and building for security. I don’t want to stand out here looking like we have no idea where we are.”

I consider turning around and heading home, but I have to admit, I’m curious now. Lindsey takes my hand and rings the doorbell to the left of the door. Huh. Guess they are pretty concerned with security.

A large man in a black suit with an earpiece opens the door and leads us into a small, dark lobby. Lindsey gives him our names and tells him we’re guests of the bartender, Alex. He opens an inner door that leads to a short hallway, then opens up into a huge, dimly lit area. This must be it.

The first thing that comes to mind when we walk in is expensive. They draped the walls with deep red velvet and there're booths lining the perimeter of the space. The music is a deep instrumental playing a sultry version of a popular song. Hmm, interesting choice. I would have thought a club would be a bit more upbeat, but maybe rich people like to keep it low-key here. I notice every booth has the same red velvet drapes around each one so that you can close the drapes for privacy, making it your own little room with plush couches in each. There are three small stages set up in the room, with dark oak tables surrounding the stages. A small dance floor lies in the middle of the room with a long bar stretching along the wall to the right of where we entered. The wall behind the bar is mirrored, with an enormous selection of what I assume is the most expensive liquor money can buy.

Lindsey and I make our way to the bar where she spots her friend Alex behind the bar. This guy is good-looking. Not quite Donovan hot, but close. Stop thinking about how hot Donovan is.

“Hey, Lindsey. Glad you could come check the place out. I haven’t seen you in a minute and I’ve been missing those baby blues,” he says with a flirty smile as he appraises her dress. I think he likes what he sees.

“Hey, Alex, thanks for getting me an invite. This is my sister, Kasey.”

Alex reaches out to shake my hand. I do not get the same smile as my sister from this guy. Go figure. Makes sense now how Lindsey was able to get us in here. Looks like Alex has a little crush on my sister.

“What can I get you two to drink?” he asks.

“I’ll have a dirty martini and Kasey will have a vodka soda.”

“No, I think I would like a scotch on the rocks. I’m feeling like something a little different tonight.”

Lindsey raises her eyebrows a little, surprised at my choice of drink.

Alex turns to make our drinks as Lindsey and I get comfortable in our seats. When he returns with my scotch, I turn around to survey the room. There are way more people in here than I would have thought with the lack of cars outside and all. Some of the booths are filled with rich-looking men and beautiful women in conversation and some are already closed off. The reporter in me wants to know what goes on in those. Why come to a bar if you just want privacy?

Since the time it took us to walk in and get our drinks, the three stages now have one or two women on each. Beautiful women, in fact, wearing less than I am. The dancers move erotically to the beat of the music, lightly touching, grazing each other’s arms, legs, and lips. I notice the poles in the center of the stages. I see couples at the tables surrounding the stages. Hands wandering over the women’s breasts and over visible bulges in the men’s pants. My eyes dart to the dance floor where couples explore each other’s bodies while swaying in time to the music. Where the hell am I? Did my sister bring me to a strip club? But isn’t the rule at a strip club, no touching? I turn to Lindsey with wide eyes.

“I didn’t want you to freak out and not come with me,” she quickly explains, seeing the look of horror and confusion on my face. “I know this is a lot to take in, but I had to be here tonight. I’ve been working on a story about a guy in a powerful family having an affinity for sex clubs. This family is so squeaky clean and always stays out of the press. It’s rumored that the people in his family pay off anyone who knows about it. If they’re paying off people to stay quiet about this guy’s sex life, what else is he into? When I got a tip that he was going to be here tonight, I knew I couldn’t come alone. Being by myself at a sex club would definitely get me propositioned, and I didn’t want to draw attention to myself. Please don’t be mad.”

My sister took me to a sex club. Not the words I ever thought I would say to myself.

“Oh, sister, mad doesn’t cover it. You could have warned me, Lindsey. Now, for the second time today, I look like a complete idiot! I’ve never even been to a regular old strip club, much less an actual sex club! And you were correct in thinking that I wouldn’t come with you. This is so far out of my comfort zone. I’m talking states away, like full-on multiple states, Lindsey.” I may be freaking out a little, but this is completely unexpected. Sure, I know places like this exist, but I never thought I’d find myself in one. I know I said I felt daring and wanted to see where the night took me. I just didn’t expect it to take me here.

“Kasey, look, we already have our drinks and we’re here. The guy is going to be here any minute and I need to see who he meets with and talks to. This could go higher than just one family. Can you please just stay? You’re drinking scotch tonight and you never drink that. Maybe you’re looking for something a little different and unexpected in your life.”

Wow, she’s really going for it, trying to convince me not to lose it and walk out of here. Honestly, she has a point, but I’m not going to tell her that. I have been stuck in a major rut. It really isn’t that big of a deal, right? How many people can say they’ve been to a high-end exclusive sex club. I won’t judge other people if this is how they choose to spend their money and time. I’m not seeing anything super explicit out there. Now I just have to get past the fact that I probably know what happens in the enclosed booths.

“Okay, I’ll stay. I’m not particularly thrilled about being lured here under false pretenses, but one night in a sex club won’t kill me, right?” Who even has to ask these questions? I never thought it’d be me, that’s for sure.

The look of relief on her face is instant. “Thank you, Kasey, and hey, maybe you’ll even have fun. You know, I hear there are rooms in the back where the real action happens. I’m sure Alex can find someone to give us a little tour.” She shimmies her shoulders like I’d be excited about that.

“Don’t push it there, sis. The only thing I want from Alex is another drink.”

Lindsey just laughs. I guess boring old Kasey Albright is going to see where the night takes her after all.