“I have one of the guys I know hacking into the security cameras across the street. At least it’s the one you can check online and not CCTV. Much easier. I should hear back soon. I’ve also been thinking about the pictures that were sent to you, Donovan. Do you have copies here?”

“No, I gave you the only copies I had.”

Aiden nods, then turns to leave. “I’ll go to my place and get them. I’m going to have some guys I know come here so we can use your place as home base. Everyone keep their phones on and charged in case anyone tries to make contact.”

He walks out the door, and it’s just the three of us standing in the living room with our thoughts swirling. The tension is thick in the air. Donovan is deep in thought, barely looking at me. Jackson just keeps staring at the pictures on the coffee table. I’m exhausted and don’t know what to do with myself. I need to get out of this room so I can think.

“I’m going upstairs to lie down,” I tell them. They both just sort of nod, not really acknowledging me. What is there to say, though? We’re at a standstill until Aiden hears something or until one of us gets a phone call from whoever has my sister.

I walk up the stairs and close the door to Donovan’s bedroom, but then decide to keep it cracked so I can hear if Aiden comes back or if someone’s phone rings. I try to lie down but can’t get comfortable. The last time I was in Donovan’s bedroom was this morning before the madness.

I spot a tie on his nightstand and I can’t keep the tears in. I want so badly to believe that he wouldn’t have anything to do with my sister’s disappearance. Could he be this good of an actor to play the concerned boyfriend? He is a politician, after all. Most act for a living. Why doesn’t he want me calling the cops? I want to believe Aiden can do the job, but is Donovan only concerned about this being leaked because of his brother or because he has something to do with Lindsey’s disappearance? What if Aiden isn’t looking for my sister at all? He could just be cleaning up after Donovan or Jackson.

No, don’t go there, Kasey.Donovan and I need to talk. That’s all. I just need to read his face like I read Jackson’s. How do you ask your boyfriend, who just last night you thought you were falling in love with, if he maybe had something to do with your sister’s disappearance? God, I’m thinking crazy-ass thoughts right now.

I hear Aiden come back with the pictures and decide to go see what he thinks he needs them for. When I get to the bedroom door, I hear Donovan talking to Jackson and Aiden.

“I don’t know. I don’t want to think she had anything to do with it, but the timing is a coincidence, don’t you think?”

What the hell?

“No way, brother. I see the way she looks at you. Like the sun and moon rise and fall with you. I don’t think for a second Kasey has anything to do with the story her sister is doing,” Jackson tells him.

“I agree with Jackson. That girl is all about you. I can spot a liar and I don’t think she could be that good of an actress,” Aiden chimes in. At least they have faith in me.

“This is all such a mess. One minute we’re having the time of our lives and the next I find out her sister is the one doing a piece on my family. I don’t know what to think right now. I don’t want to think what I’ll have to do about it if I’m right.”

Wow, this conversation isn’t making me feel any better about my crazy suspicions. What does he think he’s going to have to do exactly? I want to hear him say something about trying to find the kidnapper, not wondering if I had anything to do with a story. Why wouldn’t he believe in me? I understand we haven’t known each other long at all, but hearing him say that is painful. Just about as painful as thinking the worst about him. I never expected to have reason to doubt him, but the way he’s so against having the police involved is making me question everything. What if he’s trying to figure out how far he has to go to keep his brother’s secrets? Could he think he has to get rid of me like he may have gotten rid of my sister? Am I even safe here with them? I back up and sit down on the bed, deciding on my next move. All I keep thinking over and over is, where is my sister?