Dinner with Jackson is an absolute riot. We met him at a place close to his apartment so he could walk there and back, saying he needed the exercise. Yeah, right, he’s as fit as Donovan. These two have been turning heads since we walked in. I don’t think Jackson needs to worry about not getting enough exercise any time soon.

We’re at a little hole in the wall sports bar that Jackson seems to frequent. TVs cover one wall with a pool table in the back. It’s fun to see this side of Donovan with his brother. He’s a harmless flirt but loves to ruffle Donovan’s feathers. When we got here, Jackson took my hand as if to shake it but dramatically kissed it instead, which earned him a shove from his brother. He fell into the booth and feigned an injury but was laughing too hard to be taken seriously.

“Kasey, if it’s true that beautiful women travel in packs, then you must have some gorgeous friends. Any of them single? A hot younger sister, perhaps?” He wiggles his brows, which gets him a smack upside the head from Donovan.

“What, brother? You obviously scored yourself the hottest friend. I was just seeing if there was someone she could introduce me to.” Donovan rolls his eyes and I giggle.

“I have one friend, Abigail, who is stunning. I think she thinks you’re a bit of a man whore, though. Her words, not mine.”

He places a hand over his heart, pretending to be wounded. “Me? I just haven’t found the right woman like my dear brother over here.”

I look at Donovan and he smiles at me.

“I don’t think anyone could be as lucky as me. I definitely hit the jackpot with Kasey.”

I lean in and give him a quick kiss on the mouth.

“So, about this friend of yours. How long have you known her? What does she do? Is she a cuddler? I enjoy being held after sex. I don’t think it emasculates me at all to admit that.” Jackson looks at me so sincerely I have to laugh. He’s too much.

“I’ve known her about five years, I think? We work at the Philly Sun together. She covers lifestyle.” Recognition shows on Jackson’s face.

“Redhead with a nice rack? Yeah, she hates me. I may or may not have tried to get her to go home with me after some event our mother was hosting. It didn’t go over too well. Especially when she saw me making out with the coat check girl right after she turned me down.” He laughs at the memory, and Donovan looks horrified.

“You cannot be serious, Jackson. Do you even try to keep it in your pants?” Donovan gives his brother a scathing look.

“Now what fun would that be, brother?”

This gets another eye roll from Donovan and another giggle from me. Who cares? The man is single. As long as no one gets hurt, it’s no big deal what he gets up to. I doubt any woman Jackson takes home is under the impression that there are going to be wedding bells in the near future.

“So about that hot younger sister…”

“Don’t even dream of going there, Jackson.” Donovan isn’t entertaining the possibility.

“How about a game of pool?” I suggest, trying to cut the tension a little.

“Sounds good, beautiful. I just have to make a quick call to Sean. I’ll be there in a sec.” Donovan stands to make a call outside.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her for you,” Jackson calls to his brother. The response is a middle finger held over Donovan’s head as he walks out the door.

We head to the pool table and I rack the balls.

“Ladies first,” he says.

“Funny, your brother follows the same philosophy.” It’s my turn to wiggle my brows as Jackson chokes on his beer, laughing at my innuendo.

We play a few rounds and drink a couple pitchers after Donovan returns from making his call. Before I know it, it’s almost midnight and I’m pretty tipsy. And exhausted. After my second or third yawn, Donovan decides to call it quits and take me home.

“No need to pretend. I see when I’m not wanted,” Jackson says, faking offense.

“Sorry, this is late for me. I promise next time I’ll take a nap before dinner, then I’ll party all night with you,” I tell him.

“Promises, promises.” He pulls me into a hug while Donovan goes to pay the tab.

“In all seriousness, though, my brother is absolutely smitten with you, Kasey. I hope you know that. I saw it last night at my club and I see it even clearer tonight.” Jackson hasn’t mentioned the club all night, which I’m glad for. I may be all about letting go of inhibitions lately, but the fact that I met my boyfriend’s brother in a sex club makes me blush a little with embarrassment. He tips his head down so he’s eye level with me.

“Hey, none of that, missy. This is a judgment-free zone.” I smile at his reassurance. Donovan comes back and holds up my jacket to help me put it on. Always the gentleman. We walk outside and Donovan’s car is waiting to take us back to his apartment.

“Need a lift?” he asks Jackson.

“Nah, I like the walk. Thanks for letting me be a third wheel tonight.” They shake hands.

“Anytime, brother,” Donovan replies. Jackson turns and starts walking home as we get in the car.

“Tired, sweetheart?” I lay my head on Donovan’s shoulder.

“Mm-hmm. Beer will do that to me.” He kisses my head and we sit in comfortable silence on the way home.

When we get into his apartment, he carries me up the stairs to his room and undresses me. He enters me slowly, almost reverently. We have sex every time we have a chance, but this is different. I felt a shift last night and again today while we were at the farmer’s market, in public, for anyone and everyone to see. His eyes never leave mine. I see such a depth of emotion in them. It takes my breath away. This is Donovan making love to me. When we finish, he wraps me tightly in his arms as he drifts off to sleep. I’m exhausted and satisfied and I realize I’m falling in love. The thought should freak me out right now. Maybe I’m too tired or maybe I know he feels the same way by the tender way he holds me. Either way, I’m excited about what our future holds. I drift to sleep with a smile on my face.