Chapter sixteen


Iwakewithmy usual smile on my face every time I’m in Donovan’s arms. It’s still early and my alarm hasn’t gone off yet. I slide his arm from around my waist and get up to make coffee, throwing on a light robe, not sure where his T-shirt landed last night. I love that he came to surprise me yesterday. The orgasms just an added bonus. The fact that he couldn’t wait to see me gives me tingles all over, not just in my lady bits. I giggle to myself at the memory of all the things he likes to do to said lady bits.

The coffee is brewing and I’m pulling down mugs for us when I hear him walk into the kitchen, coming up behind me. He wraps his arms around my middle and rests his chin on my shoulder.

“Did I wake you?” I ask.

“No, I reached for you and found an empty bed. Figured I’d come see if you had made coffee or if I needed to start it.” He kisses the side of my neck and moves to grab a mug, pouring himself a cup and taking a sip.

“Mmm, you make good coffee, babe. Thank you.”

“That’s about the extent of my culinary expertise.”

“I remember.” He lets out a little laugh.

I tried to cook him dinner when we were at the lake house. I figured I’ve watched my mom make lasagna plenty throughout the years, so how hard can it be, right? Wrong. I’m pretty sure the noodles shouldn’t be crunchy and the sauce shouldn’t taste like ketchup. I don’t know how that one happened. I didn’t even use ketchup. I felt like an idiot. He made me feel better by eating me instead of the lasagna and then he made some pancakes for us. Could this man be any more perfect?

We have a cup of coffee, then decide to take a shower.

“No funny business in the shower this time, mister. I have to get ready for work.”

“Fine.” He looks so put out by the idea that I have to laugh.

“Last night wasn’t enough for you?”

He puts his mug down and walks over to me, leaning in for a kiss.

“Baby, I will never get enough of you.” He looks deep into my eyes and I see the truth in them. God, I am a lucky woman to have this man’s intense affection.

We both get in the shower and wash each other’s bodies. He pays special attention to my breasts that he obviously loves so much, and I pay close attention to his cock, which I love just as much. He stops my movements and laughs.

“You made the rules, so you have to follow them too, sweetheart.” Now it’s my turn to pout a little.

We get out of the shower and brush our teeth together, each of us only wearing towels. Good thing I keep extra toothbrushes for Lindsey for when she stays the night. I finish first and have to put on lotion, so I grab the bottle and drop my towel. His eyes darken as I prop my leg on the counter and start rubbing lotion on my legs. When I move on to my torso and start rubbing it into my breasts, his hand stops moving, toothbrush still in his mouth.

“You’re mean,” he says around the toothbrush before spitting the toothpaste into the sink and rinsing his mouth.

“Look at how you’re torturing me.” He points to the tent under his towel.

“What? I don’t want to have dry skin all day.” I give him an innocent smile.

“Evil woman.”

I laugh. Yes, I’m torturing him a little. No, I do not feel bad about it.

He grabs the lotion from the counter and steps behind me.

“Let me get your back.” He rubs the lotion onto my back in slow, long strokes. I close my eyes and enjoy the little back massage I’m getting. His hand comes around and massages my breasts. I open my eyes and arch an eyebrow at him through the reflection in the mirror.

“What? I’m doing my part in making sure you don’t have dry skin all day.”

Cheeky bastard.

“I think you’re just trying to torture me.” There’s fake indignation in my tone and a wide grin on his face.

“I’m only following your rules, baby.” They were stupid, stupid rules.

He finishes rubbing in the lotion and gives my ass a little smack before strutting out of the bathroom.

“You’re a mean and spiteful man,” I call after him.

“You like it.” He’s laughing his way down the hall.

Yes, yes, I do. A lot.

Donovan has his driver drop me at work before he heads home for fresh clothes. I have a bounce in my step as I wave hello to Clara and make my way to the elevator. When I get upstairs and go to my desk, Abigail catches my eye. I give her a wide smile as she makes her way over to me. She leans against my desk as I take a seat and hands me a coffee.

“You look freshly fucked this morning.” I about spit out my coffee at her crass language.

“Abigail!” I look around me, but no one is even remotely paying attention to us. “Keep it down, would you?”

“No one heard me, jeez.” She has a goofy smile on her face. “A little late night sexy call with your ‘friend,’ perhaps?”

“Even better. He showed up at my apartment last night.” I give her a beaming smile. I’m glad I told my friend about Donovan. Not like she wouldn’t have suspected something. The girl knows me too well, but it’s nice to share some of my excitement with someone.

“Lunch later?” she asks.