Chapter fifteen


WhatdidIdo in a past life to be so lucky as to end up with this amazing woman? Kasey has no idea how fortunate I consider myself that she chose me. I may have decided I wanted her when I saw her at Club Noir, but if she had turned me down, I would have gone and licked my wounds in private. She’s had complete control since this thing started and the fact that I get to have her in my bed, or tub, or boat (that was a surprise) is everything.

We had a weekend of sex, food, wine, more sex. More than that, though, I feel myself falling for her more and more with every smile and every laugh. We did plenty of that too. Getting to know her quick wit and having it match mine has been the icing on the cake. Her body is amazing, so warm and inviting, but her mind? That’s what has me obsessing over her. She’s always quick to laugh and make jokes. I don’t remember the last time I enjoyed just talking and joking with a woman. She’s the whole fucking package.

When I was talking about Jackson, I could tell she wanted me to share what had me upset about the deterioration of our relationship. I wasn’t ready to go there yet. I don’t doubt Kasey, but it’s been drilled into me since I was young that family business stays private. How can I explain to her reason for the shift is because my brother frequents sex clubs and parties way too much? So much so that I have to pay off blackmailers and various other people to keep my family from bad press. I come from a political dynasty that bases campaigns on family values. Nothing says family values less than sex clubs. Instead of delving into the troubled relationship between me and Jackson, I distracted her with wine and orgasms. I’d say it worked out pretty damn well for the both of us.

Spending a weekend wrapped in each other, then having to say goodbye on Sunday evening, was brutal. I wanted to sleep next to her again, but duty calls and I had an early morning of travel to get ready for.

We’re at the campaign event a few hours out of Philadelphia, and I have an interview scheduled for after the event. I still hate interviews. I don’t know many politicians who don’t enjoy talking about themselves. I guess I must be some sort of anomaly. The only interview I’ve enjoyed has been with Kasey, but I had ulterior motives going in. I’m never relaxed during interviews, but I try not to let my discomfort show. It’s never easy trying to tactfully dodge personal questions, but I like to think I’ve perfected the art over the years.

Everyone wants the scoop on our family. It’s more interesting to pry out a scandal of some sort than it is to accept that we really are as clean-cut as we present ourselves. Of course, we’re not, but they’ll never get even an inkling of that from me. This reporter is no exception. It’s been personal question after personal question, with a few openings for me to explain my policies that I want to implement if I’m elected, but not many.

We’re in the hotel bar. Maybe that was a poor choice for location, possibly giving this reporter the wrong impression of casual, but this was a last-minute addition and other than my hotel room (a big, fat no) I didn’t have anywhere else reserved to have the interview. She hasn’t outright been suggestive to me, but I should have been suspicious when she ordered a glass of wine. I’ve noticed the smiles that last a little too long, and the way she keeps playing with the ends of her hair. She isn’t an unattractive woman, but I am so far from interested that this is getting annoying. I’m trying to wrap it up because it’s getting late and I still have to go over tomorrow’s schedule with Sean. Trying to maintain a friendly yet professional demeanor is getting harder by the minute.

“So, Donovan.” Red flag number twenty-seven. Mr. Hayes went out the window three minutes in. “Your father often attributes his successful career to your mother taking care of the home, making it possible for him to be in Washington and work the long hours he needed to in order for him to be an effective congressman. Is there anyone special who will do the same for you if you’re elected?” The smile she gives tells me she would like to apply for that position. I’m not afraid of personal questions, but this woman isn’t so much asking a question as she’s wanting to find out if she has a shot.

“I’m focused on the campaign and all that entails. The people of Pennsylvania deserve my full attention, which I give them. That doesn’t leave room for dating. My priority is firmly on winning the election and doing the best job that people can and should expect from me.” I hope I am being clear enough. She gives no indication either way. Sean approaches the table we’re at. Thank God.

“We have a few things to go over before I turn in for the night when you finish up here,” he tells me. Perfect opportunity to get rid of this reporter.

“Thank you, Miss Saunders. If there is anything else you need for this article, please feel free to contact my office.” I hold out my hand for her to shake, trying to get out of here before she has a chance to flirt some more. The way she squeezes my hand and tries to rub her thumb across the top tells me she still isn’t picking up on the fact that I’m not interested.

“It was my pleasure, Donovan,” she practically purrs at me. I nod and turn to walk away, Sean following me. We get in the elevator to take us back to my suite.

“God, that woman was persistent. She was beyond unprofessional, Sean.”

“I’m really sorry, Donovan. I’ll make sure to put her on the no-contact list for future interviews. Speaking of reporters, are you still seeing Kasey Albright?” I smile at the mention of Kasey. Oh, I’ve seen plenty of her since the last time I spoke to Sean.

“Yes. We’re seeing each other, exclusively, in fact.” I really don’t want to deal with him freaking out over any sort of potential fall-out with the voters this could have.

“Okay. Let me know when you want to release a statement to the press. Voters don’t like to feel lied to, Donovan.”

“Thanks, Sean. I don’t need the lecture, though.” I give him my best shut the hell up look.

“It’s not a lecture, just a statement of fact. You don’t want this coming out and looking bad in the eyes of voters. That’s all I’m saying.” He holds his hands up, showing that he surrenders.

Whatever. I’m not in the mood to argue. We get to my suite and have a seat at the dining table. He goes over tomorrow’s schedule with me and we say good night. I only have one more day on the road, then back Wednesday night. I decide to call Kasey, needing to hear her sleepy voice and see her face, so I FaceTime her.

“Hello, handsome,” she answers. She looks beautiful with her head on a pillow and a smile on her face.

“Hi, gorgeous. I just wanted to see your face before I fell asleep. I’m not going to keep you. How was your day?”

“Good. Work was fine. I’m writing a story about an animal shelter in need of donations. The event you did last week kind of inspired me.” She smiles shyly.

“That’s great, baby. I like that I can inspire you because you inspire me to do all kinds of things.”

She laughs lightly at my not-so-subtle innuendo.

I tell her about the interview but leave out the reporter’s flirting. I know one concern she had in the beginning was the public perception that she was sleeping with me for a story, and I don’t want her to give more life to that idea than she already has. When I see her yawn for the second time in a row, I decide it’s time to say good night.

“Okay, baby, I get the point. I’m boring you.” I’m pouting a little, which of course, makes her laugh.

“Oh, stop it.” She smiles. “I had a long weekend with a hot guy. I’m bound to be a little tired today.” I smile, remembering the bone-tired state she was in when I dropped her off last night. Yup, that was because of me.

“All right, I’ll let you go. Have sweet dreams, beautiful.”

“You too, Donovan.” She gives me a sleepy smile and we hang up. I am one fortunate man.