“Okay, I have to wrap my head around this for a second,” I tell him, shaking my head slightly like I’m making room for this new information.

“You saw me dancing there? Please don’t take this the wrong way, but what on earth were you doing there? I’m not judging you, but is that something you like to do? Go to sex clubs?” I’m a little taken aback by this new information. I don’t have a problem with it at all. In fact, I’m as intrigued as he looked a moment ago.

“That was the first for me. In a strange turn of events that I didn’t see coming, it turns out my brother is an investor there.” He laughs softly and shakes his head at the idea.

“One thing led to another, and I ended up there that night. I was sitting in a booth talking with my brother and Aiden, my security specialist, and I saw the most enchanting sight and couldn’t look away. You were so free and sensual with your moves. I was absolutely spellbound.” The look on his face tells me he’s remembering the feeling of that night, just like I had done so many times. It was him. The one I was dancing for. I’m sure of it. I get the same feeling now as I did then. His desire is palpable, like that night.

“I have to ask, is that why you asked me out? Did you think I would be into that kind of thing? Or that it would be easy to get laid?” I’m a little nervous about the answer. I know we started off pretty fast, but I was feeling an actual connection. Am I wrong?

“No, Kasey, not at all. I was attracted to you the first time I laid eyes on you. Seeing you that night only made me want you more. I had to stop myself from going up to you that night and telling you all the ways I imagined having you, but I knew you needed that for yourself. I know you felt me watching you, and seeing the way you moved for me?” He closes his eyes for a moment. “Pure perfection. I saw a woman who was letting go of her inhibitions and just feeling. I have never wanted someone as fiercely as I wanted you that night, but I wanted you to have your moment. I asked you out because I decided that night I needed you in a way I’ve never needed someone. I’ve never felt this before. There’s something about you, Kasey. I knew it then and I’m even more sure about it now, and I know you feel it too.”

Okay, wow. What do I even say to that? No one has ever said anything like this to me. Not even remotely close. I remember the feeling I had dancing for him. I remember imagining his hands on me. I look at his hands now and slip my fingers over his.

“Donovan, I feel it too. It’s crazy and exciting and scary all wrapped into one. I want this. You. I want you like I’ve never wanted anyone in my life. The way you just described the feelings I had that night were so spot-on I can’t even believe it,” I tell him. “I can’t believe this. It was you. God, it makes so much sense now why I was so forward in my texts from the beginning.”

“I love those texts,” he tells me, running his fingers over the top of my hand. Well, I certainly didn’t think he had a problem with it, considering his responses. I have an idea that is so out of character for me, but I can’t stop myself from voicing it.

“So this is what I propose,” I start. “Let’s have them wrap this food and take it to your apartment. We could eat it here if that’s what you want, but honestly? I don’t want to wait any longer than I have to for you to show me all the ways you said you were imagining having me. How does that sound?” I ask with a look that says I am here for all of this.

“Beautiful, you read my mind,” he says with a wide smile.

He lets the waiter know we need the food to-go and pays the tab. Donovan stands, takes my hand, and pulls me into his warm body, slipping a hand around my waist and the other around the back of my neck, then weaves his fingers into my hair. He angles his head as he dips and gives me a small kiss on the lips. When he pulls away, I chase after his mouth, fusing mine to his. I lightly lick his lip and he takes that as the invitation it was intended to be. He opens his mouth and our tongues meet, doing a sensual dance together. His hand in my hair and the hand around my waist tighten as my arms wrap around his shoulders.

His body is tight with unsatisfied lust and I just want to melt into him right here, right now. I have never been kissed so thoroughly in all my life. We pull our lips apart slowly, lightly kissing as we both open our eyes. The pure lust I see in his eyes must be reflected in mine. I’m sure of it.

“There, I needed a taste before we leave. I couldn’t stand not knowing what your kiss tasted like for a second longer. Fuck, gorgeous, you’re delicious.” He leans in and gives me another short, but nonetheless powerful, kiss. He pulls away and grabs my hand.

“I need to get you to my apartment. Now,” he tells me as he pulls me by the hand through the private entrance of the restaurant.

Once outside, we get in the car waiting for us. His mouth is on my neck, inhaling and licking like he did earlier tonight, but more. So much more. His hand is running up and down my thigh, teasing at the hem of my dress. I can tell he’s barely restraining himself from letting his hand glide up the inside of my thigh. I’m barely refraining from opening my thighs and letting him.

His apartment isn’t far from the restaurant, but it feels like it’s taking hours to get there. I can’t believe how insanely turned on I am. We finally get to his building, and he leads me to the elevator. He waves at the doorman as the elevator opens. Thank God it was already on the ground floor. When we get into the elevator, he grabs and pulls me to his chest.

“You can stop this if you want to. I know it’s fast and I know you asked to come here, but I want you to know if this is all there is tonight, that’s perfectly fine with me.” The look on his face is so sincere and so endearing that I actually swoon a little. Or maybe it’s the feel of his hands on me, running up and down my back. Who’s to say?

“Not a chance in hell,” I tell him. “I am one thousand percent ready for this.” He smiles and gives me another one of his looks as the elevator doors open on his floor. He holds my hand as we take the short walk to his door.

“Then, by all means, come in,” he says with an absolutely sinful smile. Oh man, I just know this night is going to change my life.