“I received more pictures of my brother at another sex club. I think they are from whoever sent the ones last week. We need to know where these are coming from. ASAP,” I tell him.

“I’ll turn around and pick them up and get started on it right away.” He hangs up. I can always count on him to get the job done quickly. The man doesn’t waste my time. Unlike other people in my life. Speaking of other people, I see my brother’s name light up my screen.

“Jackson, I was sent more pictures,” I say in a clipped tone, not bothering with hello.

“Hey there, brother. Nice to hear from you. More pictures?” he slurs into the phone.

“Yes, Jackson. Like the ones I gave you on Monday. Where the hell are you?”

“Just having a drink with some friends at a little bar down the way.” It doesn’t sound like Club Noir from the noises I hear coming through the line. Am I going to have to have him pulled out of another club tonight?

“Where are you? I’m sending Aiden to come get you,” I tell him. Why the hell does he keep doing this? At least when he’s at his own club, there are security measures in place to keep him away from any sort of negative publicity.

“Relax, Donovan. It’s just a regular ol’ bar with regular ol’ people. Not the kind you’re thinking of. Honest. Well, regular people except for this one chick here. What she’s telling my friends she can do with pool balls is making even me blush,” he says, laughing into the phone.

“I don’t want to hear that shit, Jackson.”

“I’m just kidding, jeez. You’re so uptight. You really need to get laid. And soon.” What a prick. He thinks my problem is lack of sex and not the shit he’s gotten himself into, which I’m left to clean up.

“Fine. Stay. I’m having Aiden look into the photos. Keep it clean. Until I figure out what the hell’s going on, I don’t want to have to deal with any more of your bullshit.” I can tell him to stay out of trouble until I’m blue in the face and it never makes a difference. Jackson does whatever feels good to Jackson. Consequences be damned.

“10-4, big brother. Over and out.” He hangs up on a laugh. I want to strangle him most days. All days, actually. Today is no exception.

There’s a knock at my door and Aiden lets himself in, using the key code to the apartment. I hand him the photos and he looks at them with a careful eye.

“These are at a different location. Whoever is sending you the photos seems to be following him, but why? They haven’t contacted you other than to send you pictures, correct?” Aiden asks.

“Not me, and not Jackson either, that I’m aware of,” I reply.

Thankfully, we don’t actually see my brother engaged in any activities, but plenty of people around him are. The places in the pictures certainly aren’t the same caliber as Club Noir. At least from what I can tell, but my knowledge of sex clubs is limited to just the one place, so what the hell do I know.

“I’ll take these and try to see if I can pick up fingerprints from the photos or envelope. Maybe see if I can catch any similarities between the different places. I’ll let you know when I have something for you.” Aiden nods and leaves my apartment. Thank God he came to work for me a few years ago. His discretion and skill set are unmatched by any of my other security teams.

I’m thoroughly annoyed at the events from tonight. First Sean getting on my case about Kasey, then this situation with my brother. I pour myself another drink and exhale as I sink into my couch. Fuck, I can’t wait to see her tomorrow night. I will definitely be tasting that sweet neck of hers. Among other things, if she lets me have my way. I don’t want to scare her off, but the intensity of my desire for her has been growing leaps and bounds all week. Every time we text, or the couple of times we’ve talked, I sense the same in her. She knows how explosive we’ll be when I get her in my bed. I don’t see the point in taking things slow with her, and I hope she feels the same. When I know something is right, I can’t help but go after it with a determination that won’t be matched and can’t be stopped. Tomorrow I’m determined to show her the passion I wanted to show her the other night at Club Noir. It wasn’t the time then, but tomorrow is another story.