Of course he’s in a meeting, Kasey. He’s running a campaign.I can’t believe that things heated up so quickly between us. This is insane. Who sexts with their date before the date at ten o’clock in the morning? Me, apparently. At least the new me, who has decided a little walk on the wild side is in order. I can’t help but fall into the trap of that little voice of self-doubt that’s creeping in telling me this is a bad idea, though. That this could ruin my reputation and my career. I tell that voice to shut the hell up. So what if I’ve done nothing like this before? I’ve felt nothing like this before. Wasn’t I just saying the other day that I needed some mind-blowing, hot sex? Well, goddammit, if that’s what I want, then that’s what I’m going to get.

DH: meetings and events all day till I get back Friday.

Me: I’ll try to control myself then

DH: Don’t u dare. I want to see u more out of control.

I laugh to myself. He should have seen me Monday night.

Me: How about I save it for Saturday?

DH: Fuck I can’t wait

Me: Me neither. Ok I gotta get to work and u should proly concentrate. No one likes a distracted candidate.

DH: Fair enough. We’ll talk later?

Me: Definitely ;)

I put my phone down and see Abigail make her way over.

“Why are you blushing so hard, hmm? I saw you texting. Were you thanking a certain someone for the flowers I saw in the lobby?”

“How do you know those were for me? There are plenty of people who work in this building that they could be for.” I’m slightly panicked at everyone knowing I got flowers from someone after my interview with Donovan and putting two and two together.

“Oh my God, Kasey, relax.” She laughs. This is not funny. “I asked Clara, and she told me they were for you. I doubt anyone else even cared about seeing them.”

“Sorry. I’m just all over the place today. I’ve made this monumental decision for myself and I guess I’m just adjusting,” I explain.

“Don’t sweat it. It’ll just take some getting used to. You’re used to thinking you always have to be the good one with the perfect, dependable reputation. The truth is, no one really cares about other people that much. It just needs to stop being such a shock to you that you’re actually a woman just like the rest of us, and attracted to a hot guy who feels the same about you. You’ll get there, and I’m sure he won’t mind helping you get there.” She gives me a little wink. I honestly don’t think either of us will mind one bit.