DH: Boring huh? I’ll show u boring.

Me: Promises promises ;)

I’m impressed he got my number so quickly and texted. I don’t know where all these flirty responses are coming from. He doesn’t seem to mind, and I’m too tired and too damn excited to play coy.

DH: And I’ll live up to them all.

Me: Ur pretty sure of urself huh?

DH: Yes.

Well, okay then. I can’t argue with that.

Me: We’ll see Saturday, I guess. ;) Good night Donovan

DH: Good night beautiful

Yeah, I could definitely get used to this.

The next morning when I get to work (on time, thank you very much) Clara waves me over before I get to the elevator.

“Something was delivered for you this morning,” she sings to me.

She points to an enormous bouquet of flowers sitting on top of the large reception desk.

“Someone has an admirer, hmm?” she says with a smile on her face.

“Maybe,” I answer, returning her smile.

“These are just beautiful. It makes me remember when my husband was courting me.” She has a wistful look on her face. Who even says courting anymore?

I lean in and smell their sweet fragrance and take the card that’s tucked inside. It reads, I’m not a hearts and flowers kind of guy, but I couldn’t resist imagining the smile on your face every time you looked at them. I can’t wait until Saturday when I get to see that beautiful smile in person -DH.

This guy is good. Flowers before the first date. That’s a pleasant change.

“Clara, do you mind if I keep these down here until I leave? Gus isn’t a huge fan of flowers in the office. Something about his allergies.”

“Of course, dear. I’m happy to enjoy them for the day.”

I don’t know if Gus has allergies or not, but I don’t want to answer questions from anyone. I’m determined to keep this thing with Donovan under wraps for a while until we figure to where this is going and until well after my story is published. It’s the smart move.

When I get to my desk, I get a saucy little smile from Abigail. I shoot her a look that says don’t you dare say anything, and she just pretends to zip her lips and throw away the key. I smile to myself. Maybe this secret romance thing could be fun.

Gus calls me into his office before I have a chance to sit down.

“How did the interview go with Hayes?” he asks.

“I think I got some good stuff. It’ll be ready to go to print by tonight.”

“Good. We’ll run it in the morning. Better get to work.” He waves his hand at me to go back to my desk. I leave his office to do just that, but first I need to thank a certain someone for a delivery. I decide to send a text since Donovan is probably busy with his campaign staff already.

Me: Thank u for the flowers. They’re beautiful and smell amazing :)

He answers right away. I like that. A lot.

DH: I’m glad u like them. Can’t imagine they smell any more amazing than u did last night. I could barely stop myself from taking a little taste of your neck with my tongue.

And panties ruined.

Me: Mmm I would have liked that.

Who am I right now?

DH: Then I plan on doing just that when I see u. I bet ur delicious.

Me: I can’t wait for u to find out ;)

DH: Just thinking about it is making things rather uncomfortable in certain places.

DH: My pants have been fitting a bit tighter since I first laid eyes on u on Monday.

All right, if this is what we’re doing, I’m going all in.

Me: I can relate. My panties get wet every time I think of u. And I can’t seem to stop thinking of u.

Oh my God! Am I actually sexting with Donovan Hayes right now?

DH: Fuck Kasey. I’m about to have to leave this meeting and handle this situation in private.

Me: Oh god! Ur in a meeting right now??