Chapter eight


Whenthedrivercloses the door to the car, I just about bounce out of my seat. Thank God for tinted windows. I’m so excited. I didn’t imagine this crazy two-sided attraction with an insanely hot guy, and I now have a date with said guy. Man. He’s all man. I laugh at myself and my musings. That man is fine with a capital F. I can’t wait to tell Abigail. I pull out my phone to send her a text and stop myself. Should I tell her? Should I tell anyone? My worries about my career and being judged for sleeping with someone for a story is what had me pausing when he asked me to dinner and it’s making me pause again. I made my decision, though. That feeling of freedom and just not giving a shit I felt last night when I was dancing came flooding back for a moment. So I said yes. I’m going to do what feels right for me, for once.

I need to play it smart. This isn’t something I need to advertise to everyone. Especially not to my boss. Or my family. Gus might come to the wrong conclusion, and I enjoy having his approval. My mom and sister would be over the moon excited for me, I’m sure, but what if this doesn’t go anywhere? I really don’t want to be part of another episode of Kasey Loses A Man.

I’ve never regretted cutting ties with any former boyfriends, but my mom sure has. I guess when you meet the love of your life at eighteen, get married and raise a family together, you have a certain idea of what you want for your daughters. My mom has never out and out told me my career gets in the way of “true happiness” (whatever that means) but the look of disappointment on her face whenever I stop bringing a guy around says it all.

I have to tell someone. I’m too excited to keep this in. The car stops in front of my apartment building and the driver gets out and opens the door for me. I wouldn’t mind getting used to this. This guy is way more polite than most cabbies or Ubers in the city. My apartment is on the first floor of an older building. I’m closer to all the street noise, which I don’t love, but I never have to worry about the old elevator breaking once a month, which I do love. Plus, instead of having only a fire escape to enjoy the sun or a cool evening breeze, I have a little private courtyard with a brick wall surrounding it and tall green Cypress trees for some added privacy.

It’s a decent-sized two-bedroom with plenty of natural light that warms the place in the colder months along with the fireplace in the living room. Who doesn’t love sitting in front of a fire after a long day with a glass of wine to wind down? I set my things on a small kitchen table and make my way into the kitchen to pour myself a small glass of cabernet before heading back into the living room. As I make myself comfortable on the couch, I decide I have to text Abigail. I can’t not tell someone.

Me: Soooo had my interview with DH. Went good. He asked me out!!!

My phone immediately rings.

“Tell me everything right now and leave nothing out!” she practically screams in my ear. I let out a giddy laugh. I’m so glad I texted her. I need someone to be excited with me.

“I get to his office and I can barely keep my eyes off him while he’s finishing up his phone call,” I start.

“You could see in his office? I hope he has blinds to cover those windows so you can get some afternoon delight one of these days. God, I’ve always wanted to try that.”

“Abigail.” I laugh. “I think you’re getting a little ahead of yourself here. We haven’t even gone out yet.”

“Are you seriously going to tell me that you didn’t think of that while you were there?” She knows me too well.

“Not the point. Can I finish my story?”

“Yes, please.”

“Okay. The interview went really well. He’s different from what I thought he would be. Instead of being stiff and boring, he was really charming and funny. It was getting late and neither of us had eaten, so he offered to get some dinner sent in.”

“Did he offer to use you as a plate and lick you clean?”

“Jesus, Abigail! No! He was a absolute gentleman. No licking except for when I had sauce on my face and he used his thumb to wipe it off then sucked it.” Oh man, I’ll be replaying that memory tonight.

“Shut the fuck up! That is so hot! How did your panties not catch on fire?” Again with the yelling.

I laugh. “It was insanely hot. I don’t know how I controlled my hormones, to be honest.”

“Then what?”

“We just sort of kept talking and eating. We traded childhood stories and laughed a lot. I made a joke about doing this again sometime and he asked if we could. Of course I was nervous about saying yes.”

“Why? He’s hot as hell and you guys obviously had a good time talking,” she asks.

“Because I don’t want to be that girl who gets a bad rap for sleeping with someone she’s writing about. That’s not me at all. I’ve never done that and never would have considered it before, but there’s just something about him. I can’t stop thinking about him. It’s crazy, but after last night I realize that I have to allow myself to be a little wild. I’m sick of sticking myself in a box and shutting the lid. So I said yes,” I tell her with a triumphant smile on my face.

“I’m proud of you, babe. No one is putting you in a box except you. You go to a sex club one time by accident and now you’re letting out this inner vixen. I love it.” We both laugh.

“I wouldn’t go that far yet, but it feels pretty damn good. I just don’t want anyone to know about it yet. I want to let the story come out, then we’ll see where this goes. Who knows, we may have a horrible time and there is actually no chemistry there.” I’m not even trying to say that seriously. I’d be lying to myself if I actually thought that.

“Yeah, right, Kasey. It sounds like you two are about to explode with all this sexual tension. Mum’s the word for now, got it. Seriously, I’m really excited for you. I gotta go, though. I have a little work to do before bed. See you in the morning, yeah?”

“Sounds good. Talk later.” We hang up and once again I think how glad I am that I told her. How long has it been since I was this excited over a date? Months, maybe years? God, that’s pretty sad. I get ready for bed, and just as I’m plugging in my phone to charge, I get a text.

Unknown Number: I had a great time tonight. Can’t wait till Saturday.

Unknown Number: Btw I got ur # from Sean. Didn’t realize I didn’t ask u for it before u left. Too excited u agreed to dinner

I smile at that. I’m glad he thought of it, and I can’t believe I didn’t. But when he whispered good night in my ear, all logical thought went out the window.

Me: Ha! I guess having ur # makes it easier to make plans. I’m really excited too.

DH: I’ll pick u up at 7 at ur apartment

Me: How do u know where I live?

DH: I asked my driver to send me ur address.

Me: Stalker! Haha

DH: I haven’t resorted to peeking in ur windows just yet

Me: Haha. I doubt I would mind

DH: In that case I’ll be right over. I could use another look before I leave.

Me: Sorry lights out time over here. Have to get up and write a story about some boring guy in the morning.