“So, how was your night? Where did you go? Did you flirt with any cute guys like I told you to?” she fires off.

I laugh. “Slow down there, turbo. My night was great. We went to a place called Club Noir and yes, I sort of flirted with a guy there.”

“Club Noir? I’ve never heard of it. Where was it? Was it some weird goth club that should have gone out of style years ago but is still around? It sounds weird.”

“It was downtown and off the beaten path a bit. And no, it’s not a goth club.” I lean in closer to her and whisper, “It’s a sex club.” Her eyes are giant saucers and she rears back, almost falling over, choking on air.

“Kasey Albright, you went to a sex club?!” she asks, a little too loud for my liking. Thank God there is no one at the desks in our vicinity. Even so, I’m not trying to start rumors about my personal life.

“Abigail, keep it down, for God’s sake. Yes, I went to a sex club. Obviously, I didn’t know before I went.”

“Obviously,” she says. I roll my eyes at her quick agreement.

“Oh, come on, Kasey. Don’t give me that look. You’re not exactly known for your wild ways. A you-know-what club is a tad extreme, even for me. Not saying I wouldn’t give it a shot if the opportunity presented itself, but you? I wouldn’t have guessed it in a million years.” She has a point. That was a big part of why it was so fun for me, though. I tried the unexpected, and I liked it.

“So how did you sort of flirt with a guy at your ‘club’?”

“Oh, stop. It isn’t my anything. No need for the finger quotes.” I tell her the entire story from the scotch to me freaking out initially but then losing some of my inhibitions, all the way to dancing for a faceless stranger.

“Damn, Kasey! Color me impressed. I didn’t think you had it in you, to be honest.”

I’m not offended. I really didn’t think so either. I don’t mention the dream I had. I already know what she thinks of Donovan, and I’d rather not add fuel to that fire.

Abigail gets back to work and I call Sean to confirm the time and place for this evening’s interview. The interview isn’t until later today at Donovan’s campaign offices, so I have some time to kill. I go over my notes for the interview one more time. Not that I need to, but I feel like I need Gus to see me being busy, so he won’t think I’m a total slacker today. He ends up leaving early, anyway. Something about his grandson’s graduation. I’m not really up for pretending to work anymore, so I decide to take a walk to Donovan’s office instead of catching a cab. It’s not too far from my building. I have plenty of time to get there. The weather is beautiful today and I need to clear my head after last night and the dream I had. I don’t want any evidence of my attraction to him that is sure to be written all over my face if I don’t take a few minutes to myself.

I get to his office about twenty minutes early. The walk did me good, I think as I’m heading toward reception. They plastered the place with enormous posters and an even bigger banner hanging from the front desk all reading “Hayes For Senate”. Typical office decor for a senatorial candidate. When I get to the desk, Sean is speaking with the receptionist. He looks up as I approach and gives me a wide smile.

“Thanks for coming down. We’re all looking forward to the article.” He’s nice enough, but I can still tell he has some reservations about my little outburst yesterday at the presser.

“Glad you could fit me in. I know things are really heating up after yesterday.”

“Not a problem at all. You’re a little early, and Donovan is just finishing up with a phone call. As soon as he’s done, Trish here will take you back.” He nods to the receptionist and I take that as my cue to have a seat.

When I sit in the reception area, I have a direct line of sight to Donovan’s office. The front of his office is basically one giant window with a door. There are blinds that are open but can easily be closed for privacy. Why the hell would you need privacy, Kasey? Get it together! I shouldn’t have to keep reminding myself of that. I see Donovan on the phone with a sweet smile on his face. Oh my God, does he have a girlfriend? Knowing me, I’ve been fantasizing and dreaming about a guy who is already taken. That gives me a skeevy feeling. He hangs up with whoever he’s on the phone with, but his smile lingers. He looks up from his desk and spots me waiting in the office lobby. His smile widens and definitely changes. Not in a bad way, but now he’s smiling at me like he has a secret I’m going to love to find out about. That’s a panty-melting smile if I ever saw one. Which I haven’t. At least not one directed toward me. So maybe no girlfriend then? I sure hope not for her sake, you know, the imaginary girlfriend. God, I sound like an idiot. Okay, time to put my professional pants on. Trish lets me know when Donovan is off the phone and that I can go back to his office. I guess she didn’t see me staring at him the whole time. Score one for me.

I walk back to his office as he opens the door for me. That smile still on his face.

“Hello, Miss Albright. I’m glad you could make it. Please, have a seat.”

This is the first time he and I have been in such close proximity to one another. I’m immediately taken in by his scent. Cedar and bergamot, if I had to guess. Or what I like to call delicious. He’s wearing a crisp white shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. Arm porn for days. Stop it, Kasey. I give myself an inner eye roll.He isn’t wearing a jacket today, so I can see some serious definition under his shirt. He isn’t overly bulky, but I can tell he takes care of his body. Maybe I can include some questions about his workout routine in the interview. The one that should be happening now instead of me sitting here ogling his form. Ugh. He’s tall, but I already know that. It’s different standing next to him. I would guess him at six-foot-one or six-foot-two. I’m considered about average at five-foot-seven and I have to say I enjoy standing next to a man who towers over me a bit. Must be some sort of left-over primal instinct from the caveman days.

“Thank you for having me, Mr. Hayes. Please, call me Kasey.”

“Of course. And in that case, I expect you to call me Donovan.”

“Sounds good. I figured we could make this as informal as possible since I’m sure you’ve been up to your eyeballs in interviews since yesterday.”

“That sounds great.” He takes a seat next to me instead of behind his desk. Interesting choice. I’m definitely not opposed to being this close to him, even though I probably should be.

“Okay, let’s get started then.” Here we go.