Chapter six


Themusicissultry and invigorating at the same time. I feel so free and alive. The lust in the room is palpable. The other people around me are feeling the same intoxicating sensations, I can tell. They are touching and caressing each other with pleasure on their faces. I’m sure I have the same look on mine but for different reasons. I’m feeding off their lust but staying just outside of their space. It could be the three scotches I drank in pretty quick succession when I realized where my sister had taken me, but I think it’s more than that. I’m letting myself go and enjoying the unexpected situation I’ve found myself in.

My sister is dancing with me, but I can tell she’s not having the same experience I am at this moment. Then again, she only had one martini. I don’t know if the guy she was waiting for ever showed up. She hasn’t reacted one way or the other. The only thing I want to concentrate on right now is this feeling.

“I’m glad to see you getting a little wild, sis,” she tells me with a wide smile on her face. Oh, how she loves to be proven right. The shock and anger I felt when I realized what was going on quickly turned to curiosity and excitement.

“Maybe you should look into a membership here,” she suggests. She and I both laugh at that idea. I may be willing to have a few drinks and dance while some pretty racy stuff happens around me, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. I can be this person, this carefree and wild girl for a night. This is a one-off, and dammit, I’m going to make the most of it. Within reason, of course.

“Just by the look of the liquor selection, I’m going to go out on a limb and say I could never afford it, even if Gus tripled my pay.” I don’t care, though. I’m having an adventure that I’m sure I’ll never repeat. It doesn’t make me sad, though. It just makes me want to enjoy it that much more.

I’m looking around and seeing all the people grinding and kissing. There’s no actual sex being had out in the open, but I can imagine what’s going on when I see two, or sometimes more, people going into a booth, then closing the curtain. I also spot a hallway across the room with a more sheer, willowy curtain than the ones that are used to partition off the booths in the main bar area. I can just make out people going in and out of rooms. Huh. Must be the private rooms Lindsey was talking about. I wonder what happens in there. Maybe… Whoa, girl. Maybe you need to slow down on the drinks. I nursed my fourth drink. Since I have been dancing and sweating, the alcohol isn’t hitting me too hard right now, but that train of thought is still way beyond anything I need to be considering.

Some booths have the curtains open. There are all different kinds of people here. The one thing they have in common is they are all obviously rich. I can practically see the money dripping from them, from the expensive watches on the men to the diamonds draped around the wrists and throats of the women.

I notice a couple of men in what looks like a heated conversation in one booth across the large room. Their body language screams tense. I thought this place is supposed to be about freedom and letting go. Maybe they didn’t get the memo or the scotch. I’m too far away to tell what they look like, but one seems familiar. Wait, there is a third man in there too, but he’s obscured in the shadows. All I see are a pair of long, powerful legs, with large hands resting on his thighs, spread in that way men do that suggest what they have between those thighs needs room. He’s barely moving and I can’t see his face, but I swear I can feel his gaze on me. I wish I could see the rest of him, but it’s probably better this way. I don’t need to put a face to this feeling. It would take the mystery out of the moment.

I realize I’ve turned my body toward where the man is sitting. I’m sure this is all in my head, but I start to move slowly and seductively, running my fingers up and over my hips, swinging to the sensual rhythm. I slide my hands up my ribs and around the outside of my breasts, then around my neck and down, letting them glide over the front of my full breasts, imagining they were his hands on my body. My eyes close and I get lost in the sensation. I don’t know where this confidence I have is coming from. It feels damn good. Turning around, I sway my hips, running my hands up and down my body with my head turned over my right shoulder, barely glancing behind. I can’t see him, but I can still feel him. I’m lost in the feeling and close my eyes again.

Can he tell I’m dancing for him? Is he excited by the way I move? After a few moments, I turn back to face him. The booth is empty. Just like that, the moment is over. I laugh to myself. I’m sure that was all in my imagination. I wonder what it would be like to have a man’s attention like that. To be his sole focus of desire. These are some heady thoughts for a Monday night.

It isn’t too much longer that we stay at the club. Lindsey seems to have gotten what she wanted but doesn’t give me any details. We walk out the door we came in, into the chilly night air. The sweat on my skin cools me off and brings me back to reality.

“Looks like you had a good time. Still mad at me?” she asks, nudging my shoulder.

“I actually had a great time,” I reply. “But I won’t be making it a habit to frequent any other places like this, so I hope you got what you came for.” I nudge her shoulder in return and smile at her.

“I think I did. I don’t think I’ll ask you to come to a sex club with me again.” She gives me a small laugh.

“You didn’t exactly ask me in the first place.” I give her a wry look. She just laughs again. She knows I can never stay mad at her for long, so her remorsefulness is usually short-lived.

Both of our cabs pull up at the same time. I lean in to give her a hug.

“Thanks for coming with me,” she says.

“You’re welcome, but just remember we’re not making a habit of this.” I wave goodbye as I get into my cab.

By the time I get home, it’s after two in the morning. Good thing I told Gus I wouldn’t be in the office until later. God, I can’t wait to tell Abigail about this. She’s going to be so shocked. She and my sister are always pushing me to get out and actually live more. I bet this isn’t what she was expecting at all. That thought makes me giggle as I crawl into bed, exhausted. Before I fall asleep, I remember the man I was dancing for. I never did get a look at his face.

I wake the next morning in a panic. Oh wait, I already told my boss I’m not going to be in until later in the morning. Deep breath, I’m fine. Waking up so late on a Tuesday definitely isn’t my norm. Neither is not coming into work on time. Gus didn’t give me any flack when I told him I would be late. Probably because I never am. I decide I might as well get ready and head in. While I’m taking a hot shower to wake the hell up, I remember the dream I had last night. I was dancing, but I’m not sure where I was. It wasn’t Club Noir, but it was still dark. Instead of being by myself, I was with a man. He was touching me everywhere I imagined the mysterious man from last night had. I don’t remember what his face looked like, yet I remember in my dream he had striking blue eyes. Like Donovan’s.

Shit.I have an interview with him later tonight. I seriously need to remember to keep my thoroughly unsatisfied libido in check around him today. After last night, I realize I want sex. Not nameless sex with someone just to scratch the itch, but that toe-curling, skin-biting, hot, passionate sex you have with someone you have a connection with and are unbelievably attracted to. The kind where the world could be falling down around you and you wouldn’t care because he was inside you. And here I go, thinking of Donovan again. I can’t believe I have to tell myself to pull it together again. Donovan is not an option for so many reasons. One of which being I’m writing a story on him. Hello, unprofessional much, Kasey?

I stop for coffee on the way to work since, hey, why not? I’m already late. Wow, where did this girl come from who’s comfortable breaking the rules? Although, I’m earlier than I originally told Gus I would be, so I guess I’m not a total rule breaker yet. When I get to my desk and set my things down, Abigail is eyeballing me from across the room. She comes over as soon as I sit down and starts in on the questions with a giant smile on her face.