Chapter five


I’msittingatmy desk in my office at home. I moved into a luxury penthouse apartment several years ago. Real estate is a smart investment in today’s economy, so I bought the whole damn building. What’s the use of having a trust fund if it just sits in the bank? My father always taught us to make our money work for us. Through my investments, I’ve nearly tripled my net worth. I never have to work another day in my life and I’m certainly not running for senator to get rich. My mother hired her personal decorator to furnish my apartment. The dark gray and navy color scheme was apparently masculine and serious, according to the woman she hired. I don’t really have an opinion about it, but it’s a comfortable space that’s mine, and that’s about all the feedback I gave her when she was here designing everything.

Since my press conference, Sean has been fielding interview requests. I’ve had a couple of interviews already today following the event this morning. When he told me I have a face-to-face scheduled with Kasey Albright for tomorrow, I could barely hide my excitement. The last thing I need is for Sean to be any more leery of my attraction to her. During the phone interviews today, my mind kept wandering to those beautiful dark eyes and that mouth. I’m going over my notes for the next several speeches I have planned for my campaign stops, but all I can seem to concentrate on is her mouth. The way she smiled to herself after asking me her question earlier, and the way her lips turned down slightly after she blurted she was single.

I wonder how her lips would feel against mine and what she would taste like. Sweet, I bet. Decadent. How her mouth would feel on the rest of my body, her lips stretched over my hard cock. I lean back in my chair and close my eyes, giving myself over to the images running through my head. I feel myself harden with thoughts of her. My hands covering her full breasts, tasting her nipples slowly and thoroughly. God, I could probably die a happy man with the taste of her on my tongue.

My phone rings, startling me out of my fantasy. It’s barely stopped ringing all day. I look at the screen and see it’s Aiden calling me. This can’t be good. I asked him earlier in the day to keep an eye on Jackson, wanting to know where he goes and make sure he’s keeping out of trouble. I have a feeling this is not a phone call I’m going to be happy with.

“Sir, we followed your brother to Club Noir. He’s inside now. Would you like me to go in and retrieve him?” Aiden asks.

Really, Jackson, another sex club?The only thing I know about Club Noir is that it’s an exclusive club where rich men and women can indulge in some fantasy for a high price of membership. They’re extremely selective about who gains access to said membership. At least he’s there and not some other public sex club he used to frequent in his early days of dabbling in that scene.

“Let me call him and have him come to you. The more discreet we are about this, the better.” At least one of us is concerned about discretion.

“Okay, sir. I’ll wait here for him. Tell him we’re in the private parking garage next door.”

“Thank you, Aiden. I’ll let you know if I have any trouble.” I hang up the phone and call my brother. Dammit, this was not the way I wanted to spend my evening. He doesn’t answer. Of course not. I text him. Again, no reply. So I call him again. Still no answer. Fuck it, my night is already shot to hell. I’ll go get him my damn self. On my way to the address Aiden sent me, I try Jackson again. He finally picks up.

“Donovan, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Cut the shit, Jackson. I know exactly where you are and I’m on my way. I had Aiden following you. He’s in the private parking structure next door. You need to leave immediately and have him take you home, where another one of my men will wait outside of your apartment to make sure you don’t leave again tonight. I’ll put him right outside your door if I need to. I thought we talked about this earlier. You said you were going to put a lid on this bullshit.”

“No, I said I was going to be more careful of where I spend my time. This is me being careful. This place is as exclusive as they come. Everyone in here is fully vetted, and no one gets in without the owner’s say so.”

Really, we’re going to play the semantics game here?

“Jackson, I don’t give a shit how you spin this. You know damn well that you led me to believe you were done with this sort of behavior. Get your ass to the parking garage now. If I get there and you aren’t with Aiden, we will go in there and drag you out.”

“No can do, brother. The night is young and I want to have a drink. How about I talk to the owner, who is here tonight, and see if I can get you and Aiden in? We can actually have some fun as brothers without all the responsibility and career bullshit getting in the way.” Is he serious right now? Just go right on into a sex club for a nightcap?

“Jackson, I don’t have time for your sentimental musings. I have a full schedule and you’re seriously taking up more time than I have to spend with this stunt. I’m almost there and I expect to see you with Aiden when I arrive.”

“Jesus Christ, Donovan, just come inside for a drink. It won’t kill you and I promise you being here will never get out.” And he hangs up on me. That asshole. I get to the parking structure to meet Aiden and, surprise, surprise, no Jackson.

“What’s the plan, sir?” Aiden asks. There is only one way I want to answer that question, but I have a feeling I’m not going to get my wish. I call Jackson. No answer. That fucker.

“I guess we’re going in to get my brother then.” Aiden just nods and leads the way. We make our way to the dimly lit door that Aiden saw my brother enter through.

“Is there some sort of secret knock that I’m supposed to know?” I muse out loud. Of all the places I thought I would find myself at on a Monday night, trying to figure out a way to get into a secret sex club did not make the list. Aiden just looks at me with a tight smile. Yeah, buddy, I know the feeling. The door opens and there stands my brother with his signature shit-eating grin on his face.

“Security cameras. Saw you two walking out of the parking garage together. See, totally secure. No one walks up to the door without us knowing about it. Good to see you, Aiden. So glad you could join us tonight.” I think I hear Aiden call my brother a miserable twat under his breath. I can’t be sure, but I also agree with the sentiment.

“Let’s go,” I tell Jackson.

“Not so fast there. I thought we were going to have a drink?”

Goddammit, he was serious about that.

“Fine. Let’s get inside. I don’t want someone to see me outside of this place and do some digging.” The last thing I need is a sex scandal to derail my campaign before it gets off the ground.

“Follow me, gentlemen.” Jackson is about as pleased as can be that he got his way. I’ll say it again. Fucker.

We follow Jackson down a short hallway past several closed doors. I can’t hear anything coming from the rooms, but I can imagine what happens in them. We come out into an open room, which must be the main area. A quick glance at the bar tells me they have an exceptional inventory of high-priced liquor. I spot my personal favorite on the shelf, The Macallan twenty-five-year-old single malt among the many expensive bottles. It looks like the owners at least have good taste in alcohol.

“I have a table over here, away from any prying eyes you’re so unnecessarily wary of here.” All I can do is roll my eyes at this point. He doesn’t understand my concerns, and I’m tired of arguing with him tonight. We sit on long couches inside of an alcove surrounded by heavy drapes for privacy. There are several similar little areas surrounding the perimeter. Some open for everyone to see in and some with the drapes drawn closed. At least I can partially hide from where I’m sitting.

A beautiful young waitress comes by to take our drink order and doesn’t spend any time at all looking too closely at Aiden and me. She’s obviously been working here or in other places like this for some time. It must take practice to look like you’re not trying to recognize who your customers are while being attentive to their needs. I appreciate the effort. She returns shortly with my scotch and the other two drinks for Jackson and Aiden. Being that Aiden is still technically on duty, he opted for water. I, however, am going to need this drink to get through the next hour with my brother without killing him. Or at least severely maiming him.

“So, Donovan, what do you think of my new venture?” Jackson asks. I nearly choke on my drink. I must have heard him wrong. If I didn’t, then it’s going to take a lot more than scotch to not murder him where he sits.

“Jackson, so help me God, if you’re not joking, then I’m going to throttle you.” I’m about to become unglued where I sit. He just looks at me with a small smile playing on his lips.

“No, not at all. You know what they say, sex sells, and let me tell you, business is good.” Aiden looks ready to jump out of his seat without a moment’s hesitation. To save my brother or help me murder him and hide the body is yet to be determined.