
A week has passed since Graham was in my apartment and it has been driving me crazy. Throughout the day, all I wanted was to text him and take him up on that offer for a date, but I was a little scared. I was having doubts about texting him, afraid that he had changed his mind about wanting to go out with me. That he realized that I wasn’t someone he would want. And at night, I am plagued with these wet dreams that leave me hot and bothered, whether it was waking me up in the middle of the night, or in the morning with soaking wet shorts. It was driving me insane, never having felt like this for anyone, even those I have dated before.

What makes him so special?

I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck as I approached my apartment building, really wanting to get out of my scrubs and take a nice, hot bath. That’s what I was planning, of course, but I froze when I saw a familiar figure leaning against the wall next to the door that led into my home. Dressed nearly head to toe in black, it practically made my heart skip a beat.

“Graham.” I whispered, seeing him look up, those sinful grey eyes meeting mine, “I wasn’t expecting you. What are you doing here?”

He straightened up, his hands buried in his pockets, smiling slightly, “sorry, I never received your number, and since you had yet to message me, I figured I should come here and get a straight answer instead of going crazy waiting.”

I flushed, feeling a little embarrassed, “I’m sorry. I’ve been a little busy at work, and it just slipped my mind. I’m sorry that I troubled you in coming all the way over here to find me.”

“It was no trouble at all.” I disagreed, pulling out my house keys, feeling my heart pounding in my chest, “would you like to come in? I can make some tea or coffee. It’s a little late, but it’s the best I got.”

“Actually,” Graham continued, and I stiffened as he reached out, brushing the stray hairs away from my face, his touch sending shivers down my spine, “if you don’t mind, I’d like to order in some pizza and maybe watch a movie with you. I brought a few.”

His hand dropped from my face, and he reached into his coat and pulled out a few DVD cases that he must’ve gotten from Redbox. It touched me a little to think that he had thought of me like this, and didn’t want to just take me out. I knew it was risky to just let him into my apartment, especially after everything that I have been dealing with at night.

But, I decided to not let that hold me back. Maybe, we can get closer…

“Sure, that sounds like a good idea!” I told him, fighting back the grin on my face, “there’s a really good pizza place right down the street that is reasonably priced. We can call now and order it. It should be ready by the time we walk down there.”

He looked like he was going to respond, but suddenly, his phone went off. He gave me an apologetic look before answering it, turning away. Deciding that it was just going to work, I pulled out my phone, looking up the number of the place. I ordered the pizza, hoping that Graham liked pepperoni because it was my favorite. As they told me it would be fifteen minutes, I hung up the phone, looking over my shoulder to see Graham in a heated discussion on his phone before hanging up.

“Everything okay?” I asked him as he approached, the anger raging in his eyes.

Almost immediately, the anger dissipated from his eyes, and he reached out, holding out his hand to me. My eyebrows furrowed slightly, confused as to what he was doing, but it almost immediately clicked in my mind that he wanted me to hold his hand. My cheeks flushed, and I reached out, taking his hand in my mine. I gulped as I felt his hand practically swallow mine, nervously biting down on my bottom lip.

“Let’s go, shall we?” Graham murmured, squeezing my hand softly.

All I could do was nod, feeling like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. Graham and I walked side by side as I led him to where the pizzeria was, just enjoying the presence of one another. Never did I once imagine that I would be doing this here with Graham, wishing that he would want to do this all the time. A girl could dream, right?

“Graham-” I started to speak, but I was quickly cut off.

“Well, well, well, boys, what do we have here?” I heard a cold, sinister voice speak, sending a shiver down my spine, “if it isn’t the great Graham Lennon.”

Graham tensed, his hand squeezing mine almost a little painfully, but when I looked up at his face, I was slightly terrified at how dark his expression had become. His eyes almost looked black, as if his pupil had swallowed up the iris, and if looks could kill… I think these men better run.

I looked over my shoulder, seeing how three men dressed in black suits had approached us, cocky grins on their faces. I easily recognized them, having to deal with some of their men who get brought to the hospital because of their dumb antics about running a stupid gang. I didn’t recognize any of them, but I knew it was going to mean nothing but trouble.

I whirled around, turning so I slightly guarded Graham’s body, catching the attention of the men, “listen, we don’t want any trouble. Please leave us alone so we can go about our business.”

The lead man scowled, eyes narrowing in on me, “Listen, girl, we don’t want to have to hurt you. Our business is with the man you are trying to protect. Begone, thot!”

Thot? How dare this asshole?

I froze as I heard the clicking of a gun being taken off safety beside me, and Graham’s gravely voice, “Say what you want about me, bastards, but don’t you dare say a single thing about her. I’ll kill you where you stand.”

I looked over, and I was horrified to see Graham had a gun pointed straight at the men who looked slightly afraid, reaching for what I assumed to be their own guns. I don’t even know where he had been hiding the gun, but it made me realize that Graham wasn’t everything that I thought him to be.