Page 73 of Forbidden Lust

“As a snake.”

“I can’t hear any more of this nonsense. I’m off to bed.” Mom rose and excused herself from the room, muttering something under her breath.

“Don’t worry about her. She’ll get over it.” Dad smiled.

“What brought this on, Dad?” I asked, shaking my head and closing my eyes at the realization I could actually do something with my life.

“Barrett, actually.”

“Barrett?” I straightened in my seat.

“Yes. I was talking to him earlier about your time in the Hamptons, and he said you expressed concern of feeling trapped.” He rubbed his temples in a brief show of vulnerability I hadn't seen from Dad before. “Anyway, if working frees you from that feeling, then I'm all for it, Lourde.”

I leaped out of my seat and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

He laughed. “Any ideas what you want to do?”

“I might have a few.” I smiled at the endless possibilities that lay ahead of me and all because of Barrett Black.

“I've just got to pop out, Dad.”

He looked at his watch. “It's after eleven.”

“I know.” I ran my hand through my hair, toying with the ends.

“Why do I get the feeling I know where you’re going.”

I paused. Out of everyone, Dad could read me the best.

“I don’t know what you're talking about,” I said.


I cracked a smile before heading toward the door.

* * *

I’d only been to Barrett’s a handful of times over the years, and that was because I was with Connor at the time when he was passing through. Each time, I’d always remained out front, though, never going inside.

With my heart in my throat, I ascended in the elevator, unsure why I was even here. The soft background music was doing nothing to quell my nerves. The ping of the doors opening pulled me back to the present, and I stepped out just before they closed on me.

Minimal and not at all like his place in the Hamptons, the apartment was sleek, neutral, and modern. If his homes represented him, this place was the exterior he projected, whereas the Hamptons were the glimpses underneath he’d shown me during our time together.

“You came.” He walked up to me barefoot and shirtless, every woman’s wet dream. But his riptide of muscles and his dirty words couldn’t distract me from what I truly deserved.

I needed to be strong.