Page 71 of Forbidden Lust



Ithought he didn’t care, but I was wrong. It was in his wayward glances and subtly in his rigid body when I made the slightest touch on Finigan's arm or laughed at what he’d said.

Barrett fucking cared. A lot.

He looked tired but oh so devilishly handsome too, in his charcoal suit, dark windswept hair, and clean-shaven. Just perhaps the last two days for him had been similarly hellish like mine.

I dipped into my crème brûlé with raspberry compote, enjoying Finigan’s company.

He was actually a nice guy. Not that I should be surprised—they all start off that way. However, I couldn’t help but half-listen to Finigan while watching Barrett. Not that Finigan noticed. I was the master of social skills, born and raised that way. And a woman could definitely do more than one thing at a time.

His parents were lovely too, talking about their trip to Cannes and his current stint as Governor of Massachusetts. But as the night was coming to an end, sitting opposite Barrett was testing my will.

I knew he cared, but I needed to know if he’d risk it all for me. For love, for what I deserved. Over dessert, I became extra touchy-feely with Finigan, wanting to show Barrett exactly what he’d passed up.

“Another,” Connor said to the waiter.

“Connor, don’t you think that’s enough?” I overheard Barrett ask.

“I second that,” I said quickly, glancing around to make sure no one heard.

Dad was busy talking with James while Mom was busy impressing his mom, leaving Connor to get wasted, which, to be honest, wasn’t like him at all. Something was troubling him, but we couldn't get into it now.

“Puh-leeze, give me a break,” he slurred. His voice was louder and caught the attention of the table.

I stared at Barrett. “Come on, Connor, I think we can call it a night, huh?”

Connor got up. “Lovely to have met you!” He cheered the governor and his glamorous wife.

Dad and Mom looked mortified.

“I’ll make sure he gets home,” Barrett assured them.

No.I didn’t want Barrett to go. Not yet. Not until… what? Maybe I’d pushed him away further tonight. Maybe he realized I wasn’t what he wanted.

Everyone said their goodbyes to Barrett and Connor.

When it was my turn, he kissed me on the cheek dangerously close to my lips. I could almost feel them brush mine. I felt weak at the knees. His hand circled my hip, squeezing it. “Meet me in the library in five minutes,” he whispered, his voice like a drug. I swallowed as I tried to compose myself.

“Nice to meet you, Barrett.” Finigan held out his hand, and Barrett shook it. I noticed a slight vein twitch in the side of Barrett’s neck. “Likewise.” His smile appeared genuine, but his cold eyes told otherwise.

After picking at my empty plate for five minutes and half-listening to Finigan, I excused myself from the table and set about for the library at the other end of the penthouse with my heart in my mouth. I walked into the dimly lit room. From nowhere, Barrett’s hand grabbed mine, pulling me into the corner behind the door.

“Barrett!” I gasped. “Where’s Connor?”

“Halfway home.” He pressed his body close to mine, his warmth radiating up my bare arms.

His index finger traced the outline of my cheek, landing on my bottom lip. I sucked in a breath. “You’re driving me fucking crazy, Lourde.”

“Because you want me, Barrett.”

He blinked, and I swallowed down my fear. His eyes darkened with a desperation I craved more than my freedom to be free from the binds of a Diamond heiress.

“Finigan won’t ever be able to fuck you like I can.” He breathed in my ear, and my pulse flew north.

“Maybe. Maybe not, but I bet he’s capable of love.”

He pressed me further into the wall, his body against mine.” Is that what you really want?” he asked while his hands dug up under my dress. Throwing aside the designer dress like it was trash, he felt me through my lace panties.

“Yes,” I whispered, unable to resist his hands on me.

He groaned. “Are you sure you don’t just want this?”

He dipped his finger inside my folds. I was so wet for him.

Two fingers.

I threw my head back as a moan slipped from my lips.

“Shh, dollface. You don’t want to get caught, now do you?”

“Barrett.” My hands pulled the base of his hair as I felt his dick swell against my thigh. “We can’t.” I breathed out, trying to shake the feeling. “I deserve more than this,” I said, somehow finding the strength to push him back.

Instantly, his hands were off me. I pulled my dress down while trying to catch my breath.

“I know you do.”

“You do?”

He dragged his hands through his hair as his words hung in the air.

“Will you come to the house after? I think we should talk.”

“Why?” I asked breathlessly.