Page 62 of Forbidden Lust

He crooked his arm, and I took it in mine. “Thank you,” I said.

We walked from the foyer toward the deck, then through the living room area when he turned. Barrett’s gaze collided with mine, then breaking it, his gaze fell on my hand in Michael’s.

I straightened my back. “Connor, meet Michael.”

Michael extended his arm. “Connor, nice to meet you.”

Connor looked at him, respectable in his crisp white shirt, tailored pants, and loafers. Connor gave him a once over.

“Join us for a drink?”

“Sure,” Michael said, taking the empty seat next to Connor.

No!That wasn’t part of the plan.

“I think we’ll just go for a stroll first,” I said.

“Nonsense,” Barrett said, getting up. As he did, his woman was unsteady but regained her balance. He dragged the chair next to his. “Lourde, here you go.” He patted the chair, and I walked past him, brushing his legs as he sat back down. Nerves shot up my spine. Images of him between my legs danced in my mind.

“Ari, grab that one for Michael, is it?” Barret asked.

“Thanks,” he said.

I sat as conversation swirled around me. Michael was confident around the men, even knowing a few people that Ari knew. Barrett’s missus for the night excused herself and walked around him, heading inside the house.

I toyed with my tasseled belt cinched around my shirtdress, watching Connor banter with my new friend. It turns out Michael was a respectable lawyer, something my brother would approve of. My ears pricked when Michael asked Barrett about Diamond Incorporated.

After a while, Michael turned to me. “And what do you do in the media business, Lourde?”

I opened my mouth to speak, but Connor spoke first. “Lourde? Nothing, she doesn’t want to be a part of it.”

“I think Michael was asking Lourde the question. Wasn’t he, Connor?” There was a slightly odd expression coming from Connor as he and Barrett looked at one another.

“Of course, she can. Sorry, sis.”

Well, that was new. Barrett standing up for me and in front of my brother?

Barrett’s focus fell upon me, his gaze lingering on mine. My gaze flickered between Connor and Barrett.

“Not yet. But one day, I’d like to.” I focused on my brother. His perplexed look carried over to me.

“God knows why? The amount of pressure I’m under with Dad and the board breathing down my neck.”

“I can help you, Connor.”

“Maybe she ought to,” Ari said.

“Shut up, Ari,” Connor snapped.

“Even if I wanted you there, sis, Mother would never allow it. You know that. Now, let’s just give it a rest. I came here to relax for the night.”

He stared at the woman on his lap. She only had one thing on her mind. In fact, they all did. I couldn’t bear to think of Barrett inside another woman. I glanced at him as I shied away from the conversation. He put his drink on the table and turned to me. “Don’t play with me, dollface.” His voice was gravelly, low.

I peered around, making sure no one was listening. Ari glanced momentarily our way before returning his attention to his woman.

“You’re the one playing,” I said firmly. I watched his chest rise and fall. He was just as angry and infuriated as I was. But why? He’d started it all.

“Meet me upstairs, now.”

What? How?

“Do it,” he reiterated.

“Excuse me while I find my girl. I’m randier than a teenage dick,” Barrett announced to the table.

I choked on my champagne. Connor laughed loudly. So did Ari. “Barrett, not in front of Lourde. Geez!”

“Sorry, Lourde, I forgot you were there. You’re just like one of the boys sometimes.”

He excused himself and pushed out his seat. My eyes caught a glimmer of his curved tight ass.

Now what?

What was I meant to say to remove myself and Michael?

“Shall we go for a walk now?” I asked my new friend.

I looked to Connor, who smiled, giving me the silent okay that this guy was good enough for his baby sister. “Come back soon, sis.”

“Of course.” I flashed him my most innocent smile.

“Nice to meet you, Michael,” Connor said.

“Likewise, Connor,” he replied, and we walked around the table toward the back stairs.

“Your brother seems nice.”

“If you mean overprotective, then yeah, I guess. I have another favor to ask.”

He laughed, looking out toward the sea. “Can we walk out toward the beach so they can see us, then double back to the house really quick? Then if you can just be out of sight from my brother for like half an hour, that would be great.”

“You’re shady, Lourde.” I shrugged. “Only if you promise me if it doesn’t work out with whomever this guy is that has your attention, you call me next.”

I smiled again. He was all right. It wouldn’t hurt. “Deal,” I said.

We walked out along the boardwalk, my brother, Ari, and their women behind us. As soon as our feet hit the sand, we walked back alongside the house, around the front, arriving at the front door.

“I hope he’s worth it,” Michael said, kissing me on the cheek.

“So do I.”