Page 55 of Forbidden Lust



Ithought he was on a business call when he walked ahead of me, but he’d arranged a picnic by the beach and all in less than an hour.

My dress floated around my ankles in the afternoon breeze. Barrett walked beside me as we leisurely strolled the piers, where people gathered for pre-dinner drinks and nibbles. Soft music filled the space, and waves gently crashed against the weathered pylons.

I glanced at Barrett. Sunlight caught his eyes as he tossed me a carefree smile. A warmth slashed my chest as a calm came over me. A calm I didn’t have at home. The idea of going back filled me with anxiety. With a spacious duplex penthouse, how could I feel stifled by Mom and Dad? Maybe it was time I moved out. Have this dinner with Finigan and then look for somewhere else to live.

He passed through the throngs of people, and I realized I’d fallen behind. “Come on, keep up.” He turned and slowed his pace. “I don’t want to lose you to the hungry eyes out there.”

“You should talk,” I said, noticing hungry women ogle him as we passed the last of the tables. That perfect head he was talking about? Any woman here would line up around the block for Barrett Black. He looked around as if he didn’t realize they were staring at him. His face blanched as his brows pinched lower.

Did he not want the attention?

* * *

He’d set it all up—a blanket, picnic basket, containers filled with fresh seafood and salads, and two beers. We sat hidden in an alcove of reeds and dunes on a secluded section of the beach. The ocean was like a sheet of glass in front of us.

“Thought you might like the taste of a proper drink.” He smiled, handing me the icy bottle.

“I’ve had beer before.”

He tilted his perfect face. “I doubt that.”

“Okay, maybe that’s not entirely true. Mom would die a thousand deaths if she knew I was about to drink from a bottle.”

I tried unscrewing the lid but only pinched my skin.

I watched him slam down the bottle against the edge of the basket. The lid popped off, and he held it out for me.

Not one to be outplayed, I did the same. Dammit. The lid didn’t budge.

He laughed. “Let me show you.”

He put his hand on top of mine, and a weird feeling settled at the base of my spine.

“Ready?” he asked. “One, two, three.” Together, we yanked the top of the lid. The froth bubbled and spilled over. Quickly, I took my lips to the bottle’s edge, swallowing the frothy liquid.

“Now there’s an image.” He grinned.

The crisp malt flavor was delicious. “This is good,” I said, eventually.

“Don’t get used to it, dollface. Diamond women don’t drink beer.”

I groaned. “Diamond women also don’t consort with mysterious men.”

“Mysterious?" He chuckled. Putting the beer to his lips, he took a large sip. I watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down, and heat coursed through me.

“And are you satisfied?” he questioned.

I blushed. “Yes, very.”

“I’m not talking about us, Lourde.” He laughed. “I don’t need to ask if you’re satisfied. I hear it when you scream my name.”

I rolled my lips in on themselves. Damn, his dirty words were like poetry to my lady parts.

“Are you satisfied?” I asked, scraping my teeth across my bottom lip.

He lowered his eyes. My chest heated, and I stopped trying to open the food container.

Shit.How can he still level me with one look?