Page 4 of Forbidden Lust



Five years later.

“Tell me again why we didn’t fly?” My boyfriend, Hunter Polmeo, the third asked of anyone who’d listen.

We were on the busy road driving to the Hamptons. Rows of cars on the I-495 sat idling like statues under the glaring midday heat. Inside his Porsche Cayenne, I sat next to Pepper and her boyfriend, Jake, who were good friends with Hunter. Grace was with her boyfriend, Dane, in the Audi behind us with two more of Hunter’s single friends.

“Fuck knows, brother,” Jake spat out. “Hopefully, it won’t be long.”

“Are you kidding? Day one of summer, and we’re packed in here with the riff-raff,” Hunter said, a scowl plastered across his face.

“We’ll get there, Hunter. Just chill.” I rolled my eyes at Pepper, feeling a headache coming on. Although, he was probably right. We were at a standstill with no movement in sight.

Three hours after leaving Manhattan, we’d finally arrived. My headache had kicked in and was now a thundering migraine. So instead of unpacking, I laid down, hoping it would be better by tonight, and I could enjoy the party.

When I woke up from a brief nap, although better, I still didn’t feel up to going out. Walking out of the bedroom I was sharing with Hunter, I made my way toward the laughter in the living room. Pepper sat on the charcoal couch next to Grace, who had her hands wrapped around Dane’s neck as she sat on his lap.

Jake, was with Hunter, pouring shots of something clear on the deck while Sebastian and Kyle, who were tagging along for the summer, sucked down their shots in record time, then slammed their glasses down for refills. Ugh. I wondered if Hunter was just serving or consuming. He promised me he wouldn’t drink today, especially since he had gotten blind drunk last night.

“Lourde, how’s your headache?” Pepper asked, coming around to hug me

“Still there.” I squeezed her, then let go, stepping back to admire her outfit. “You look hot!” She wore her recent purchase from Saks—a purple sweetheart dress. Her long jet-black hair fell around her shoulders, her olive skin a nod to her Greek heritage.

She twirled. “I know, I love it!”

“Here she is!” Grace hopped off Dane’s lap and walked toward me. Strikingly opposite of Pepper, her curly copper hair, freckles, and green eyes popped against the white pants suit and stilettos she donned.

Hunter turned and headed inside after spotting me. He stepped behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “You like, hun?” he asked, gesturing toward the view that lay beyond the floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

“Yes, it’s nice.” Clean lines and sharp edges filled the newly built residence he had rented in East Hampton. It wasn’t my style. I preferred the character-filled older homes, but the view was stunning.

“It’s nice?” He blew out, and the fruity agave scent of tequila escaped him, so too did his promise of an alcohol-free night. He dropped his hands and stepped in front of me, annoyance flickering behind his eyes.

I smiled. “It’s a stunner, Hunter,” I said, stroking his ego. If I learned anything about him over the last year of our dating, it was his need for gratification and praise.

His family came from a long line of senators and politicians, and he had a lot of weight on his shoulders. We were introduced during the Diamond’s annual charity ball. By chance? Absolutely not. Everything in my life was planned out with precision, leaving no room for chance.

But Hunter was a nice guy, good-looking, and apart from his foul temper, he treated me well. But we both were aware of the not-so-subtle arrangement in place for the two of us. I tried to ignore the pressure mounting on me, but it was difficult. We were both twenty-three, in the prime of our lives, with the expectation to marry, settle down, and have children.

I shook my head. That’s why this trip to the Hamptons was a trip I was counting on. Let my hair down with my best friends and just spend time with my boyfriend without the pressure that surrounded us. In the meantime, I just needed this migraine to subside and for him to take a chill pill.

He narrowed his eyes. “Jesus, fuck, just once try to seem pleased, Lourde.”

Geez. It was all I could do not to roll my eyes.

“What?” I threw my hands up in the air, but he’d already turned and headed for the balcony.

We were here!Why couldn’t he just be happy for once instead of the moody guy he’s turned into?

Momma had pulled me aside last month, hinting a proposal wasn’t far away. We certainly hadn't started on the right foot if a proposal was on the cards these holidays. The thought scared me, and I pushed it away from my mind. Whether to him or anyone else my parents introduced me to, a proposal was just a metal box and a cage for another Diamond woman. Unfortunately, I knew it was coming, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. Over the years, I’d accepted my role and slowly given up on having any dreams of my own. It didn’t mean I had to like it, though.

Pepper left Jake’s side and appeared by mine. We watched as they both walked outside. “What was that all about?” she asked.

“Hunter just being Hunter,” I said, shrugging it off. He wasn’t a fan of long drives and could get rather irritable.

“Oh, I know, and there you go defending him again,” she said, popping her dark eyes.

Pepper had witnessed Hunter’s temper. It certainly wasn’t the first time he’d made a display in front of my friends. Sometimes, I wondered if he liked the attention. But whatever. I had an elephant trespassing between my temples, and I wasn’t in the mood to argue. Plus, any minute, they’d be heading to Montauk to the party to kick off the season.

“So, you sure you want to stay here, hun?” Pepper asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

“I need to sleep this off. Otherwise, I have zero chance of making it out later to meet you guys.”

“Okay, well, sleep, and then hopefully, you can meet up with us later.”