Page 20 of Forbidden Lust

“Let’s go, Lourde.”

Why were they cock-blocking me? I was totally fine!

My shoe hit the substantial sliding door threshold, propelling me forward. A hand snaked around my waist, jerking me back. Okay, maybe I wasn’t totally fine, and why was Barret’s hand still resting on my hip after we got to the top of the staircase?

“You can go back to your date. You know I’m perfectly fine.”

“There’s nothing fine about you, Lourde.”

“You know, there was nothing wrong with that guy down there.”

“Did you know his name?” He walked beside me, his warm fingers digging into my skin.


He spun me around. His dark eyes burned holes into me. I stepped back, and he took a step closer. I took another step back, hitting the bedroom door. He towered over me.

“You heard me.” He was so close. His breath was on my face. I glared up at him. My heart thundered and clapped at his proximity.

“I can’t remember his name,” I said in a horse whisper.

His eyes trailed down to my lips, and I tilted my chin up slightly. Kiss me.

“Don’t fuck around, Lourde. It’s not you.”

I straightened, brushing my chest against his. He stilled. “Go back to your date, Barrett. She’s waiting.”

With my hand behind me, I felt for the doorknob and opened it. He stood there watching as I shut it behind me.

Ugh!He wanted me. He didn’t want me. His words didn’t match his actions. If he wanted to play that way, I could too. I could be the temptation he can’t ignore.

Maybe this summer started off on the wrong foot, but it sure as hell wouldn’t go to waste.