Page 16 of Forbidden Lust

I nearly spilled my macchiato. They were trying to set her up again. Talk about chained to the Diamond name.

“No, what?” Connor genuinely looked at her as though he didn’t know why she was questioning him.

“Do I need to spell it out for you? It’s been less than twenty-four hours since I saw Hunter’s dick in another woman’s sex hole.”

I laughed, and Mr. Killjoy tossed me a scowl. “What? She has a point, Connor.”

“Would you want the best for your sister, Barrett?”

“Of course.”

Connor knew very little about my sister, Evelyn. Only what I’d told him which was that she lived in Boston. But that’s all I gave him. No one knew our family secret, and my parents weren’t alive to tell the tale. And Evelyn certainly didn’t want to live through the trauma. She’d done that enough by retelling it to the best therapists I could find. Knowing my monster father abused her haunted me every day. Every damn day, I carried that guilt like the weight of a wall of bricks.

“As you can see, so do I.”

“I appreciate that, brother, I do. But you can tell Mom that I won’t be dating Harry or anyone else anytime soon. I’m single, it’s summer, and you can’t marry me off yet.”

“I’ll try.”

Lourde sighed. “Okay, maybe tell her to give me the summer.”

“I also came to tell you everything, and I mean, even the budget four-star hotels are completely booked out. So, unless you want to go crawling back to Hunter… which I suspect you don’t, I suggest you come back to Manhattan with me.”

“No! There’s got to be something?”

“My secretary has called around, and I’ve put in some favors asking some guys I know. There’s zero.”

“She can stay here.”

Dammit, Barrett.

“Really? Oh, thank you, Barrett.” She swarmed toward me, her arms barely finding their way around my shoulders in an awkward hug.

“Fuck, Lourde, pull your arms down. I can see your ass.”

Removing her arms, she giggled. “Sorry!”

She smelled of bacon and fried food as she hovered between my open legs on the bar stool.

Connor watched me. “I’ll be out most of the time anyway, and the guest suite is at the other end of the house,” I quickly added.

“That’s generous, but I don’t expect you to put her up.”

“Hello! I’m right here. I can make my own decisions, and I say yes!”

I laughed. “Fuck, you try arguing with that,” I added.

Connor shook his head. “Yeah, I’m at a loss.”

“Great, so it’s settled.” A huge smile spread across her face. “Connor, can you stay today so we can celebrate the start of summer? Maybe have a few people around?” She looked up at me with doe-eyes. “You realize this house is perfect for parties, Barrett?”

“Hold up, Lourde. I said you could stay, not have a bunch of strangers around, invading my space.”

“Barrett is very private, Lourde, but maybe a few people would be okay?” Connor raised his eyebrows. “We could call it a celebration for selling your award-winning tower.”

“Oh, sorry, Barrett, with everything going on, I forgot to congratulate you on selling 21 Park.”

“How did you know?” Connor and I said at the same time.

“It’s just the most prestigious tower in all of Manhattan. How could I not know? Plus, it popped up on my news feed.”

Surprised she had an interest in architecture, I caved.

“Okay, maybe a few people.” I flicked my wrist. “Shit. I have to run, make yourselves at home. And I’ll ask the housekeeper to set up your room, Connor.”

“Thanks, bud. I’ll head back tomorrow. Tonight I’ll let off some steam and have fun with my sister and my best friend. And maybe a few lady friends.”

I smiled. “Sounds good.” I turned around, acutely aware the only lady friend I wanted to fuck was his sister. But Lourde wasn’t fucking material, and my meat stick couldn’t go anywhere near her.