Page 49 of Forbidden Lust



“So, I asked him to be my fuck buddy.”

The waiter set our glasses down at precisely the wrong moment, and we all burst into laughter. He glanced at me, then retreated.

“Hopefully, he didn’t recognize me!”

“Girl, you’re in the society pages. Of course, he did,” Grace said.

“Screw him. He’s just jealous it’s not him,” Pepper said, scraping the last of her lunch.

“I can’t believe you asked Barrett. You know he’s had more women than your brother,” Pepper added.

“Ew.” I really don’t want to put my brother’s name in this equation. “And I don’t care. We’re just using each other for the time being.”

“And how long is that?” Grace asked, taking a sip of her lemon-infused water. “Surely, he has to get back to controlling his own company in Manhattan soon? I’m surprised he’s been here for this long.”

“He’s working on a deal here.”

“And you have nothing to do with why he’s been here this long?” Pepper's eyebrows shot into her forehead.

“Doubtful.” Although a tiny part of me hoped if I came back, he’d still be here.

I picked at the rest of my lobster salad.

“I have to go back on Friday. Mom’s hosting a dinner with Governor Connolly of Massachusetts, his wife, and his son.”

“Finigan Connolly?” Grace questioned.


“He’s cute.”

“Great,” I said automatically and not at all interested. I couldn’t get Barrett out of my mind. All I could think about was what we were going to do tonight.

“Wow, that enthusiasm is next level,” Grace mocked, but I didn’t care.

“She’s thinking about Barrett’s throbbing member.” Pepper smirked, and I laughed.

“Told you!” Pepper laughed.

“Well, I think if you only have a week, make it a week Barrett will never forget. I know a lingerie place…” She stood up and flung her Yves Saint Laurent quilted tote over her shoulder.


“Yeah, come on, it will be fun. It’s a new store in East Hampton, hidden and exclusive. Right up your alley. I walked past yesterday. It’s new. A designer out of LA. She loves everything lace, straps, and gold only.”

I threw back the rest of my champagne. My toes tingled. The idea of dressing sexy for Barrett was intriguing and exhilarating. “Let’s do it.”

We walked the cobblestone pathways, the afternoon sun beating down and casting shadows. My skin still hurt, but the cream he massaged into me last night and this morning was definitely helping. Or maybe it was the blistering touch of his hand that made me forget the pain of the sunburn.

One thing I hadn’t forgotten was the pain in his eyes when he spoke about his sister, Evelyn, being burned. It was then that he spoke of his parents, and I wondered what he was leaving out of the story to make him feel so much pain.

“Here it is!” Pepper shrieked.

I stopped and turned. The storefront wasn’t bright and open like the others, rather the opposite. Dark and with a small entrance, I realized we were in an alley. “What’s this?”

“I told you, she’s new. Her stuff is rude, not for your regular Hamptonite… hence, the Fort Knox entrance.”

“I’m definitely intrigued now.”

Pepper rang the bell, and a woman wearing a see-through top, lace bra, and short skirt with suspenders opened the door. Oh my, she looked phenomenal. “Okay, now I see why there’s a closed door and no display,” I whispered to Grace.

“Ladies, do come in.”

“We haven’t got an appointment,” Grace said.

“That’s all right. We can accommodate you. Ms. Diamond, pleasure to meet you. I’m Daisy. Part owner of Rose Lace. Do come in.”


The store was gorgeous, simple, and had three racks, two on either side with garments on each, then the back rack, which had bridal corsets. Lace meets BDSM was the style, and I loved it.

“Oh, my.” I thought about wearing everything in here and parading it in front of Barrett. I wanted to drive him nuts like he had driven me. This was exactly what I needed.

“This is gorgeous.” I picked up a lace bra, tasteful but skirting on the border of dirty. It was emerald green and so fragile.

“This one just came in.” She picked it off the hanger. “We like to pair it with this.” She held up a thong with a belt.

“My boyfriend is going to love this,” Pepper said, picking up something on the other rack.

“That’s the idea. My wife loves these,” she said, picking up the purple halter bra with satin cups. Oh, I loved it too. In fact, I loved everything in here as I looked around.

“Go try it all on. Let me open a bottle of champagne for you girls. I’ll be right back.”

“Thank you!” Like a kid in a candy shop, I was excited and overwhelmed, but this felt so much more than that.

I was famished from trying on lingerie and spending the entire afternoon laughing and parading the gorgeous pieces with Pepper, Grace, and the store owner, Daisy.

All that shopping had burned off the small salad I’d had for lunch. I raided Barrett’s refrigerator when I got home and spotted two steaks. His housekeeper must have restocked it this morning. Perfect. In fact, I whipped out my phone.

Lourde:What time will you be back? I’m making dinner.

Before I could put my phone back on the bench, it beeped.

Barrett:Ten minutes. I’m hungry.