“Well, I kind of figured since you’re married now, the next step is a baby. My only question is if you can make sure it’s a boy. Girls are gross.” I see Henley’s shoulders relax, the worry dissipating from her body.

“I’m not sure we can control that, Dante, but I’m sure we’ll do our best.” In a perfect world, Henley and I would have our own child. Sometimes life doesn’t work out that way. That’s okay, though, because there are many children who could use a kind and loving home. Henley once said she had the option to freeze her eggs. The doctor warned her even that might not work, and chances were slim, plus it would have delayed her hysterectomy and treatment further. All she wanted was the cancer out, and knowing it could potentially be handed down to her future children, she decided against it in the long run.

“Then, yeah, the more the merrier. Maybe then Aunt Henley won’t tickle me to death.” At the same time, he throws himself at her. She’s ready for his attack, this time squeezing him close to her body. Henley’s going to be an amazing mother. I only hope I’ll be half the person she is to our children.




“Fuck, Henley,” Massimo whispers in my ear. It was one of those nights where he wasn’t home for dinner. Though they come few and far between, he still has them. I don’t ask, and he doesn’t tell. The only time I can tell when something is worse than he expected is if he comes home hurt for me to bandage him up. Or nights like tonight, where he’s so greedy for me. I secretly love nights like these. The kids are asleep. Dante, Angelina, and our new baby boy, Gio, short for Giovanni. When Massimo found out that I was looking into adoptions and what all it would take, let’s just say he took over. Our house is full of laughter, giggles, and coos. It’s a lot of work, but I wouldn’t change a single thing.

“Massimo,” I respond. His hands are all over my body as he slides the shirt I’m wearing off my body, leaving me in nothing but a pair of panties. I knew the moment he was inside our room, when I heard the closing of the door, the swish of clothes dropping as he made his way towards me, barely giving me the time to turn on the light on the nightstand because I wanted to see him, making sure he’s home safely.

“I need you tonight.” My hands slide up his arms, towards the back of his neck, running my fingers through his hair, luxuriating in the feel of him as our lips meet one another’s. His hands are cupping my breast, and his length slides across my slit, my feet finding purchase in the mattress beneath me to press my body up further, letting him know that I’m ready, so very ready to feel him inside of me.

“You have me, Massimo, always,” I say against his lips. It must get his attention. He pulls away, not to leave me but to slide inside me, hard and fast in one forward motion. Our lips part, mine latching onto his skin on his chest, licking, sucking, biting as Massimo’s hips piston in and out of me. One of his hands moves lower to where we’re connected. The sweeping of his thumb glides across my clit, causing my center to tighten around on his cock, making him stop in his tracks, holding his body tight.

“Gesù.” His Italian rolls off his tongue, how he talks to our children in his second language, attempting to teach me along the way.

“Don’t hold back. Use me, please,” I beg of him, not only because I need this, but also because he does, too. Something has him strung tight, and if this is the way for him to decompress, I’m all for it, plus it’s not like I don’t get an orgasm out of the deal anyways.

“I’m not holding back. Enjoying this too much for it to end so soon,” he groans into the quietness of the night.

“Well, that’s good for me, but we have all night, Massimo.” That has him moving again.

“Hmm.” His nuance that he always does, it would annoy most people, but I know my husband. He’s thinking, plotting his next movement, which is why I’m suddenly flipped over, now straddling his waist, and it’s me doing the work.

“More.” I arch my back as his hands cup my breasts, thumbs and fingers working my nipples while I’m using the tops of his thighs for leverage to ride my husband’s cock.

“Come, Henley,” he demands. It’s then my eyes open, seeing that he’s holding on by a shoestring trigger. I bounce hard, tighten my muscles, and when his hands move from my breasts to my hips, he pulls me down so hard, I shatter completely, as does Massimo. Feeling him come inside of me has my body sinking down over his. A sigh leaves my lips, and my eyes close as I feel completely at peace.