“Well, it’s your fault, you know. We both could have orgasmed if you weren’t so firm on taking care of me first.” I roll my lips inward, attempting to hold back my laughter. You’d think she didn’t just come and isn’t about to again.

“Are you complaining?” I roll my hips, sliding my length across her seam. Her body jolts. This time when I pull back, the head of my cock is at her entrance. Our eyes lock on our connection, her pussy greedily fluttering against the head, almost sucking me in.

“No, but I will if you don’t finally come inside me.” Henley slides down lower on the mattress, the tops of my thighs meeting the back of hers. A hiss leaves me as I lazily work my cock inside of her, the velvet feel of her softness sucking me into her vortex.

“Henley,” I breathe out once I’m seated all the way inside of her. My body is aching to pull out and thrust back in. The only thing holding me back is making sure she’s okay to take more.

“Move, Massimo, please, I’m begging you.” I go down to my forearms, my hips slowly thrusting in and out, lazily at first until she closes her eyes, breath leaving her lips as she moans my name over and over again.

“Christ, Henley, you feel so good wrapped around me.” My other hand lifts her leg up and over my shoulder, opening her body more for me.

“God, I can feel you, every inch of you.” Enough is enough. Going slow isn’t working, not when she manages to slide her hand between us, cupping my balls, and making me throw my head back. I rock between her thighs. The tightening of her cunt, the way she’s massaging my balls, the softness of her hands, the fact that Henley is the only woman who can make me this weak. I’m fucking gone for her.

“Massimo, right there.” I swivel my hips as I’m thrusting inside of her wet pussy, as she tightens her muscles around my length, it’s me this time who comes, taking Henley with me.

“So much beauty.” My muscles go lax, trying not to give her all my weight, but unable to hold myself up. That doesn’t stop Henley, though; instead, she pulls me closer. “You have no idea just how beautiful you are, too, Massimo.” I find the strength to move, my lips meet hers, and I pour everything I have into our kiss, letting her know that those words she just gave me, they’ve moved me, deep in my soul.




“Are you okay?” Massimo asks. We’re out of the doctor’s office. He held my hand the entire time, through the relief when my doctor said that the PET scan was clear, and she’d see me again in three months.

“I am. The only thing that would be better is if we could pinch Dante out of school.” That’s another thing that’s changed in the past few months— we all have formed a bond. We’re a tight unit as a family these days. Even at my family’s barbecue on Sundays, everyone is welcoming with open arms. Which I didn’t think would ever happen. Apparently, you beat a man up, shoot him in the thigh, and work out some kind of deal that I’m still not privy to, and things are right as rain.

“You’re as bad as Dante. How am I supposed to be this authoritative figure when you’re getting him out of school any time he goes to the nurses station?” I know Dante isn’t my son. I’d never replace Sienna or even attempt to. My goal is to be there for him like an aunt.

“He’s a cool kid. Maybe we’ll bring him ice cream home, then?” I counteroffer.

“We have ice cream, cannoli, cakes, and the likes of any dessert he could want at home. Today is for you and me.” We finish our dessert, me a dole whip, and Massimo a plain vanilla ice cream cone.

“Fine, I’m telling Dante it was your idea to steal me all day.” We stand up. My hand reaches for Massimo’s, a natural thing between the us. It doesn’t matter where we are—the small touches, light kisses, and sweet smiles Massimo gives me without pause. A fact Dante likes to make fun of more and more each day.

“Hmmm, trying to get me in trouble with Dante, huh? I’ll remember that, especially once he goes to bed.” A shiver slides through my body. Last night was one of those memorable ones. I’m pretty sure it was more for me and less for him, though we both reaped the rewards in the end.

“You thoroughly enjoy coming up with new ways to take me, don’t you, Mr. Russo?” We’re walking through the downtown square of Ely now that we’re done with our ice cream and the appointment that I was quite honestly dreading. All that time before I said if my cancer came back, I’d quit seeking treatment, I’d take it all back now. I’d do anything to spend another day with Massimo and Dante.