“Massimo,” she purrs she as we end our kiss, our lips not leaving one another’s, partly because I refuse to back away, wanting to enjoy this moment with her.

“We’ll make it through this. I don’t care how long it takes, we’re going to make it work.” I kiss her lips softly one last time, then grab the cane I’ve named pussy stick when Dante isn’t home.

“Okay,” Henley responds. Her voice is low and husky, like the last time I had her, making her come with just one part of my body.

“Fuck, I’m going to hear that again later tonight,” I promise not only Henley but myself.



“Hmmm,” I mumble in my slightly awake state, not nearly ready to wake up from the dream in which I was wrapped around Massimo’s body all night, his scent wafting in the air. Only when it’s time for me to stretch do I realize that this isn’t a dream.

“Henley.” The deep grumble of Massimo’s voice has my eyes popping open. The last thing I remember is being full of good food and better dessert. When I attempted to head out, Dante begged me to stay to watch a movie. Apparently, that meant it was time for me to drift off to sleep.

“Massimo, oh my gosh, did I sleep here?” My first thought is that this is not good, not for me and him, but for Dante.

“Henley, you’re in my bed. I’m beside you. I’m pretty sure it’s the only place you could have slept.” Massimo pulls me closer. It’s then that I notice he’s shirtless, and pantless, too, and I’m missing my shorts as well.

“Fuck, what is Dante going to think about all this? That I’m some floozy who barely knows him or his uncle. I have to go, Massimo, before he wakes up.” I start to get up, but the way he moves so quickly, somehow managing to spread my legs so he’s between them, has me pausing in my tracks.

“I woke up earlier this morning and spoke to him about you being here. He was okay with it, though he laughed at how easily you fell asleep during the first ten minutes of the movie. I also reminded him it was me who put him to bed because he in fact did the same thing shortly after. Then we talked about you still being here and spending the night.” I open my mouth to say something, but Massimo takes the opportunity to press two fingers against my lips to quiet me down. It’s also how I feel more of him between me. His hard and heavy length sliding against my core has me stunned into silence. “All that being said, he’s excited to have you around more and even said it was about time that I find love. Dante is too smart for his own age, been through more than enough in his life and knows I’d never do anything to hurt you or him, hmm?”

“You’re positive, like, you’ll pinky promise me this isn’t going too fast for him or for us?” I hold said finger up, and he wraps his around it.

“I promise. Now, since that’s out of the way, what do you think we should do with our time today?” My eyes leave his, roaming over his chest. The darkening of his skin in certain areas has me once again going silent.

“Jesus, Massimo, what did my family do to you?” He allows me to move him so he’s on his back, my body straddling his. The length of his torso is purple and yellowing in different colors. I slide down. He lets out a hiss as I try to figure out why he’s been using a cane, already knowing the reason in the back of my mind but not wanting to think about it.

“Henley, honey. I’m fine. If it meant waking up with you, then I’d go through it all over again.” My head drops, shoulders quake. Sure enough, my own family shot Massimo. He’s got a nasty-looking wound with stitches in his left thigh. I know what Lorenzo did was wrong and someone had to pay the consequences, but did it have to be the man I’m falling so deeply in love with?

“Oh God, please tell me this is all over. That it’s the past, that what our future holds won’t be more of the same?” I ask.

“I can’t promise you that. You know my way of life. What I can promise you is that your family and I are on the same side, so there’ll be no more of this from them.” I move gingerly so I don’t put too much pressure on his thigh when I return to straddling his hips, my mouth longing for his.

“It’s not the greatest news you want to hear coming from the man you’re with, but I’ll take it, for now.” Massimo’s hand glides up my arm, curving around my neck, and pulls me down, all while I can feel his cock against my core, the two pieces of fabric, one on each of us, doing nothing to tamp down the desire we both feel for one another.