“Uncle Massimo!” Dante bellows through the house, running without a care in the world, like he always has. My mother raised Sienna and me the same way. Just because our house was this grand building, that didn’t mean you wouldn’t constantly traipse over shoes, book bags, toys. And even though she was the boss’s wife, she still made sure dinner was cooked nightly and we ate as a family.

“Hello, Dante, we’re in the living room.” Henley starts to move away from where she’s snuggled into my side, head on my chest, hand holding mine. After the way Henley let go, telling me everything, I needed this right here. No, let me take that back. We both needed it.

“Massimo.” I hold her tighter to my body.

“It’s okay. He knows about you.” I kiss her forehead in reassurance.

“Oh, hi, Henley. Uncle, guess what?” Dante doesn’t even blink an eye, like he’s known her forever instead of meeting her only once.

“At least you get a hello. I’m sure he’s going to ask for something next,” I state so they can both hear me.

“How’d you know?” God, he’s the perfect blend of Sienna and Alessandro, his father. They’d both be proud to see him as he is, even if the little monster is getting into trouble lately.

“Dante, you act as if I’m old and don’t remember being eight years old. You think I didn’t try the same thing on Nonna and Nonno?” I ask him. His bag is somewhere else, probably by the back door off the kitchen. Somehow, his shoes are still on, which is a rare occurrence. Usually, those are flung any which way the second he’s inside, not caring who is here or not. Today, I’m sure he saw a different vehicle in the driveway and was in a hurry.

“Well, when you say it like that. I was going to ask if we could have pizza and make cannolis tonight. Maybe Henley can stay with us and help, too?” Dante’s chocolate-brown eyes bounce from mine to hers.

“We can do that. Though, maybe we order pizza tonight and make homemade cannoli? It’s a school night, and we haven’t started the dough. Blasphemy for sure, but it’s the only thing to do unless we reverse the scenario, making the pizza here and ordering cannoli.”

“Eww, store bought cannoli? No thanks. Henley’s staying with us, right?” I look at her, silently asking her.

“That’s up to Henley entirely.” I give Dante a wink, hoping he understands what I’m going for.

“What do you say? Will you help us make the cannoli? Uncle Massimo needs all the help he can get. One time, Mamma had to smack his hands because he was trying to make different shapes out of the pastry.” He’s referring to the time when Dante himself asked if we could make it into tacos instead of the usual circular shape. Of course, being the uncle that I am, we attempted it, but not before Sienna saw the mockery of cannoli. She was unimpressed to say the least.

“I’ve never made it before. I’d be honored to try, though.” I’m shocked Henley isn’t reluctant to stay like I thought she would be.

“Alright, I’m going to start on my homework while you two make kissy faces.” Dante makes the noise and air-like kisses, causing Henley and me to laugh. Not like we’d do that in front of him right now. This is still new, not only to us but to him as well.

“Get out of here. You can let Hilda know I’ll be there in a few minutes. I’m sure she’ll appreciate being able to go home early tonight, too,” I reply.

“Yeah, not to mention she says you’re the worst patient ever. Even worse than Mamma was as a toddler.” It seems my rascal nephew is out to get me today. That’s okay because payback always comes when they least expect it, and we’ve got teenage years to get through still.

“Massimo, I think you’ve got your work cut out for you.” This time when Henley sits up, I do the same. The stupid cane is propped beside the couch, another reminder that I’ve got another week until the stitches come out, and probably even longer until I no longer have to use it.

“We’ve got our work cut out. It’s an us thing, Henley.” Her arms wrap around my waist. The bruising has gone down tremendously. Only an aching feeling is left behind. Even if I were in a mountain of pain, I’d still welcome having her body against mine.

“You don’t think it’s too soon? We’ve barely just started. What if Dante doesn’t like me?”

“Look at him. He’s half in love with you already. Every day, he’s been asking about you, talking about his mother a little bit more. There’s no way Dante doesn’t like you.” Henley’s lips are there for the taking. My head dips down, and I feel the softness beneath my own. The small noise that comes from her throat as we kiss only makes me want her more, to taste her flavor, to feel her tongue against mine. So, that’s what I do, and she takes what I give. The outside world isn’t surrounding us. Here in the living room, with Dante and Hilda in another room, I’m sure peeking around the corner as I sip at her mouth.