“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” My hands go to my hair, both of them sliding through the length. I almost got a haircut, until Henley mentioned she liked it and had no problem gliding the tips of her finger against my forehead to move the strands away.

“Yeah, I think that’s the least of your worries. Do you know what I had to go through? Massimo, it took everything I had to get them not to go after you right then and there, but if you don’t think for one solid second they aren’t watching your every move, let alone mine, you’re crazy. Not only that, Scarface or whatever the hell his name is, who abducted her, they want his head. I’ve never seen my family so upset. My dad, God, how he was with this whole thing… It’s too much, Massimo. And all for what?” The quietness in her tone lets me know she’s given up, all before it’s even started. I should have known all along that this could happen, but I buried my head in the sand, figuring if I took care of Lorenzo, pulled him out of the equation, things would be fine. The things my father would tell me and do to me right now, a fucking rookie mistake if I ever saw one.

“Lorenzo is gone. You’ll never have to worry about him, ever. I’ll make this right.” I don’t go into detail, not wanting her to know just how much of a hand I have in this.

“It’s too late, Massimo. The only reason they haven’t come after you is because of Dante. I had to beg and plead for them not to take you away from that boy. That doesn’t mean they aren’t planning something, even I know that much, and my reach, well, it’s not that great. You should leave. There’s nothing here for you anymore.” I’m not allowing for that to happen, making my way slowly towards her.

“I’ll make this right, I promise you that. Had I known what Lorenzo was capable of, I’d have never asked him to keep you there so I could thank you, properly that time. Believe me, the second I realized what happened, I made sure Sailor went to the hospital, safely, without being hurt further. It doesn’t make it right, I’m aware more so than you’ll ever realize. We have a lot to talk about, and it seems we’re both masters at keeping secrets.” My lips graze her forehead. Henley’s body locks up so tight, you’d think she was steadying herself to be taken down in some kind of battle, a battle she clearly hasn’t told me anything about.

“That’s none of your business. Maybe in a different scenario, my secrets would become yours, but not now, not ever.” She turns around and walks towards the back of her apartment, not caring that she’s left me standing in her living room. Someone who Henley now knows is capable of so much, yet she’s still trusting me to see myself out. Little does she know it’ll be the last time I willingly walk away from her.



I never thought I’d meet with Diamondback this way, not with my tail between my legs, so to speak, but for Henley and Dante, I’d let it all go. There are times when it’s hard to admit you’re wrong, and if Sienna were here right now, she’d be cheering me on, telling me that I should have done this years ago after she left her husband to a deal gone wrong. The gut-sinking feeling that this could backfire is churning inside of me. It took a lot for me to even secure a meeting with Shovel, Razor, and Ruger, Henley’s dad. The phone call, it wasn’t pretty, even putting myself in their shoes, knowing if something happened to Dante, I’d lose my shit.

It’s why I’m here on my own. After speaking to my father and my right-hand man, the only way to really come to a conclusion is to show my hands. It also means coming on my own, no weapons, no backup, not even a phone. I’d never do this for anyone else. Fuck, no.

“Russo.” I’m standing in one of their warehouses, completely aware of the smell surrounding me, bleach being one of them. I have no doubt they use this to get rid of bodies. My only hope is that they’ll allow me to walk away at the end of this.

“Shovel.” I stand with my hands in my pockets, attempting to relax even though I’m sure it won’t last.

“Seems we need to have a discussion.” I nod my response.

“Have a seat,” Razor suggests, turning on one of the lights, a scare tactic I’m well aware of, seeing how we do something similar in our own buildings.

“Alright.” I notice Ruger is staying off to the sidelines, arms crossed over his chest, the man who has all the stakes in the game. Even if it wasn’t me who kidnapped Sailor, it was one of my men, and there’s no damn way I wouldn’t be trying to bash in the man’s brains if he did that to her by any means necessary.