“Hmm,” I respond, not giving anything away, not right now at least. We make it to my car, where I open the door for her to slide inside.

“Massimo, I knew you had money, but this… this is enough to make me realize we’re lightyears apart in this aspect of our lives.” I suspected with the way Henley grew up, that she’s a Diamondback’s daughter, so I did enough research to confirm that fact. I wasn’t that much of a dick that I looked into the reasoning she was at the hospital. I held back, barely; it still has me questioning so much about her time there. She was sitting outside the cancer patient center when I met her, but nothing seemed out of place for her. I’m assuming she was there for one of her family members and was waiting to be called back there in a time of need.

“It’s just a car, Henley. Money is just paper at the end of the day. It’s what’s inside you that counts.” My hand is still locked with hers; I bring it up to my lips, kissing her fingers, hopefully letting her see the truth behind my eyes.

“Only a car? Massimo, this thing must cost triple what my own vehicle is worth, and that was a whack in my eyes.”

“Henley, sit down.” Her face is glacier cold, filled with anger at what I’m telling her to do. It’s probably a good thing she challenges me so much, or this would be boring already. “Please,” I tack on. She finally sits down on the front seat of my car, her legs out, ready to run. I squat down, blocking her but also so she can see my eyes when I’m talking.

“It’s a car. Yes, I do well for myself, and I like the finer things in life because of that. That doesn’t mean I’m not still the same person and human being I was when we spoke on the phone at the end of the day. I could lose it all, live out of my car with Dante, and I’d still be the same person.” Not that she’s ready to hear exactly who I am. Henley’s family may be in a similar business I’m in, which should make it easier to understand, but I have a feeling it won’t right now.

“You’re right. Forgive me. I shouldn’t judge anyone. I know better. It’s a lot to take in, but that doesn’t excuse my behavior. I promise to be better about it just the same.” I watch as she slides her legs inside. Hopefully, by the time she finds out just how horrible I am, she’ll be half in love with me instead of wanting to run away, or better yet, strangle me to death.

“Thank you.” I squeeze her hand gently, stand up, and make my way to the driver’s side, hopeful that tonight is a good night.



“Thank you for the amazing night, Massimo.” When I told him my taste has been off lately and I wasn’t sure what would taste good and what wouldn’t, he basically ordered half the menu. I guess part of his business is owning a cute little Italian restaurant on the outskirts of town. The old-world feel and charm of the place reminded me of those places you watch on television.

We might have started off kind of rocky, especially with me judging him on the luxuriousness of his car, the money that practically oozes off him. I shouldn’t have felt like he was better than me, not when I may not have lived a life of luxury eating grapes while sitting by the pool and being fanned. But I did have a great life growing up; there wasn’t a want in the world that my parents didn’t give me within reason.

“You’re welcome. We’ll have to do it again, say, tomorrow night?” he suggests. His voice is enough for me to give in to temptation, except I know that his weekends are meant for Dante; even getting away on a Friday night made for an interesting talk to his nephew as well.

“Nope, you have plans with a little boy, and I promised my parents I’d go over to their place for a late lunch-slash-early dinner thing.” In all actuality, we’re planning Sailor’s baby shower. She has no idea that we’re doing it, and that’s even better. I don’t know why she and Jackson thought it wouldn’t happen, both of them going so far as to buy furniture and outfitting my niece or nephew. As if. And while yes, it hurts that I probably won’t get that experience, I’m never going to ruin it for them, plus I’ll just steal their baby whenever they let me.

“Damn, I could rearrange my schedule. It wouldn’t take me long at all. Hilda wouldn’t mind, and sometimes I think Dante would rather hang out with her than me.” He almost looks forlorn after admitting to that.