Page 7 of The Magnum Model

“Oh, thanks,” I say as I grab it and take it off my easel. “I like to paint flowers. They make me happy.”

“So, you don’t normally paint naked men?”

I glance at him after I rest the canvas on the wall. His body is all tight and uneasy, like he’s very uncomfortable with me seeing anyone naked but him.

Stop it, I tell myself. That’s ridiculous. He doesn’t care who or what you paint.

He’s probably posing nude for the first time and is just nervous or something.

“You’re my second model,” I say with a nervous giggle. “The first one was gay.”

I don’t know why I throw out that insignificant detail, but it seems to relax him. He takes a deep breath and that uneasy tension melts off his body.

I grab the blank canvas I was planning on using for him, but then think twice and take the bigger one. I’ve been saving this one for a special painting and I think I’ve found it. It seems right, like it was destined for him.

His intense brown eyes never leave my body as I carry it over to the easel and set it up.

I take a deep breath when I’m all set. “Okay,” I say with my damn cheeks blushing again. “I guess it’s time…”

He walks over to the posing area and stands in the sunlight. His sexy eyes are locked on me as he reaches for the fabric belt around his waist.

I hope he’s going to be big enough to meet Peggy’s strict requirements.

My heart pounds harder as he slips open the knot. The belt falls.

He pulls off the robe and holy shit…

I’m going to need more paint.

I can feel my eyes widening. I can feel myself leaning closer to him, closer to… it. But I can’t stop myself from reacting this way. I can’t stop myself from staring.

Big is an understatement. Huge is an understatement.

This guy puts porn stars to shame.

I’ve always been the type of girl who says ‘ew!’ and turns away whenever I saw a naked man on TV or on the Internet. I never close a browser more quickly than when an unwanted big ugly cock shows up on my screen.

But even I have to admit that Cole has one beautiful dick.

It’s long, thick, and practically hangs to his knees. A big round head with a massive shaft, two full balls swaying underneath, and it’s getting thicker and harder the longer I stare at it.

“Okay,” I say as I rip my eyes away from it and get busy with my paints. “That will do.”

I swallow hard as I mix a brown with a green with a purple for some reason that I can’t explain. I pull out a few brushes and then put them back and then pull them out again. I’m a wreck. An awkward mess of nerves. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know where to look.

I steal another glance at him. It’s not just his cock that’s mouthwateringly beautiful. His chest is a masterpiece—all hard round muscle. His big arms are beautifully carved with strong biceps and thick forearms.

He’s so hot. I can’t believe I get to unabashedly stare at his body for the next several weeks. This is the best job ever.

I swallow hard as I drag my eyes down his hard sculpted six-pack. Each one is perfectly defined and that sexy belly button looks so damn lickable. That’s not the only part of him that’s lickable.

I wet my lips as I continue down, eying his big masculine cock once again. My pulse starts racing. Heat pulses from my core and surges between my legs in a heated frenzy of desire. I want to touch it. I want to feel it. I want to taste it.

“Okay,” I say again as I turn back to my paints. I have to remember to remain professional. This is a job. I can’t be lusting over models that come into my studio. I have to keep it together no matter how loudly my body screams at me to climb this man’s body like a stripper pole.

“How do you want me to pose?” he asks in a voice that sounds deeper and throatier than it did at the door. “Like this? Or like this?”

My mouth is hanging open and my eyes are unblinking as I watch him change into one stunning pose after another. He flexes his arms and chest. He turns to the side, showing off all those sexy back muscles. He pulls his hands behind his back, flexing everything. He’s all rock-hard muscle everywhere.

“Or, I can do something a little different,” he says as he wraps his big strong hand around his shaft and holds his dick up. “Like this?”

My pussy pulses in heat. She’s screaming at me to do something that results in that enormous dick to be thrust deep inside her. We’re both craving this man fiercely. It’s all we can think about.