“No, it’s yours. Please use it. For whatever you need. For the wedding.” He gestures around the penthouse. “Whatever you want.”

I straighten up again, then say, “What’s the limit for the wedding?”

Liam rolls his head, looking at me. “There’s no limit.”

Frowning, I shake my head. “You have to give me a limit. I don’t want to spend a thousand dollars on flowers and get in trouble.”

Slowly his mouth curves into a hot smirk. “Baby, if you don’t spend at least a hundred thousand dollars a month, you’ll be in trouble.”

My eyes widen at the amount. Liam leans closer, pressing a kiss to my throat. “So much fucking trouble.”

When he starts to push me down onto the couch, I protest, “Your wrist.”

“Not the body part I need to fuck you with.”

Chapter 46


My Monday morning is spent attending each of the funerals with Will by my side.

We watch the services, a safe distance from each grave, so the family members don’t notice us. At each funeral, I see my men scattered between the mourners. It offers me comfort knowing they’re there.

Tipping my head in the direction of Jimmy’s grave, I say, “Give me a moment.”

“I’ll wait at the SUV,” Will murmurs.

Walking across the manicured lawn, I glance at the gravestones as I make my way to Jimmy’s final resting place.

I stop in front of the grave and let out a sigh. “Hey, old man. I hope you’re giving them hell up there.” I crouch down, and brush some dust from the dark marble slab. “I’m sorry I’m doing this backward, but I asked Kiara to marry me. I’d really like your blessing.” I read his name, feeling the pang of loss deep in my heart. Not having words of my own, I steal once again for him. “There’s an Irish blessing you always use to say before getting drunk as fuck.” I take a deep breath. “I promise, if I steal, it will be to steal her heart. If I cheat, it’s to cheat death so I can stay with her longer. If I fight, it will be to protect her.” Then I add my own twist, “If she cries, it will be tears of happiness. If she’s in pain, it will be because she’s giving birth to our children.” I clear my throat, and pulling a pocketknife from my jacket, I flip it open and cut my thumb. Pressing the drop of blood to the gravestone, I say, “I make this blood vow to you, Jimmy.”

Rising to my feet, I put the pocketknife away. I stare down at the grave for a moment longer, then turn and walk toward the SUV.

When we get back to the office, the pressure in my chest eases at the sight of Kiara behind the reception counter.

Her eyes snap in our direction, and as I walk closer, I school my face into pure professionalism. “Everything okay down here, Miss Murphy?”

Playfulness sparks to life in her eyes. “Yes, Mr. Byrne.” She nods at Will. “Mr. Gillen.”

He chuckles, then heads for the elevators. “Going to look for my own woman to flirt with.”

Kiara’s eyes lower to my right hand. “How’s your wrist?”

“Getting better.” I lean against the counter and motion for her to come closer. Kiara stands up, and bracing her hands on the desk, she leans toward me. “Closer,” I murmur. She does as I ask until she’s a breath away. I brush my lips over her cheek. “Three o’clock. My office. I want you spread open on my desk.”

Her breath fans over my skin. “You have a conference at two-thirty.”

“Then you’ll just have to keep quiet while I fuck you.”

Bringing my mouth to hers, my tongue darts out over her bottom lip before my teeth nip at it. “Three o’clock.”

Walking away with a smirk on my face, I hear Kiara slump down into her chair. “Yes, sir.”


When the elevator doors close behind me, I reach down and adjust my hard as fuck cock.

Just an hour, then I’ll get to sink into her body.

The doors open, and I’m greeted by the scene of Will sitting on Denise’s desk, practically drooling over the girl.

Just like you were drooling over yours a minute ago.

Denise slaps his leg. “Move.” Then she smiles at me. “Afternoon, Mr. Byrne.” She gathers a list of messages, scowls at Will to move faster, then walks with me to my office. “Mrs. Crowe wants to change the paneling. Again. Mr. Jaggard wants to meet you at the building site on Wednesday. Mr. Morrow needs you to call him back.”

Walking into my office, she goes through a list that will keep me busy for hours. I take the message slips from her and sort them into two groups. Handing a bunch back to her, I say, “Have Devon deal with these.”

When I notice Will hovering behind Denise, I narrow my eyes at him. “Stop distracting her from her work before I ban your ass from the building.”