Will’s arm flies up, signaling to the men as he lets out a loud whistle. “Time to go hunting, boys. Gear up.”


Today that fucker dies.

My men run to the vehicles we’ve loaded with weapons, and as I walk to the SUV, I quickly dial Declan’s number.

“Declan,” he mumbles in my ear.

“We’ve found Finn. Don’t let Kiara find out. I don’t want her to worry. Just keep her busy for the day.”

“I’ll do that,” he answers.

“Keep her safe, Declan.”


He ends the call, and knowing I don’t have to worry about Kiara, I reach into the backseat, taking out the armored vest. I strap it on, then grab hold of the bag with our weapons and climb into the passenger seat. Will slides behind the steering wheel, a grin on his face.

“Fuck, this day’s been coming a long time,” I mutter as I open the bag and remove the machine guns and clips.

Will starts the engine, and we all form a motor brigade as we leave the warehouse, heading in the direction of the Damen Silos. The place has been abandoned for years, but trust a rat like Finn to take up residence there.

We stop a distance away from the silos, so Finn doesn’t see us coming.

“Collin, find a spot where you can watch from,” I order.

The boy hightails it across the field, moving like a rabbit, his sniper rifle slung over his back.

I hold out my hand to Will, who looks at me with surprise before clasping it. Yanking him closer, our shoulders meet in a brotherly hug. “I want you in one fucking piece when this is over.”

“You too.”

Letting go of him, I watch as he takes his team so they can approach from the right side of the property. The left is facing the water, so that only leaves the front for my team and me to breach through.

In broad fucking daylight.

I can’t wait for nightfall. I can’t risk the fucker slipping through my fingers.

“Let’s go,” I say as I lift my machine gun.

Everyone’s wearing an earpiece and is heavily armed. Hoping Collin found a good spot from where he can take out any of the Sicilians trying to escape, we slowly creep closer to the entrance.

The place is run down, but there are chunks of concrete offering some cover. We move around the left side of the building, and with the water right beside us, we carefully work our way over loose bricks and rubble. I find a small hatch in one of the steel doors.

I motion for the men to enter and watch as each of them ducks down and rolls through the opening. Getting down, I roll into the factory, then move into a crouching position, my weapon ready as I glance around the area.

Graffiti covers the walls, and there are holes in the ceiling, allowing light to spill in.

My gaze scans over a group standing around in a circle. It sounds like they’re in an argument about the men they lost.

Then my eyes lock on Finn. He’s watching the Sicilians with a bored expression on his face, his arms crossed over his chest.

Got you, fucker.

“Ready?” I murmur into the earpiece, my heartbeat speeding up from the impending action.

‘Ready,’ Collin answers.

‘In position,’ Will’s voice comes over the earpiece. ‘Don’t kill them all. Leave some for me.’

I chuckle quietly, then give the order, “Attack.”

Rapid gunfire fills the air, the smell of gunpowder flooding my lungs. The group of Sicilians scatters in different directions, Finn making a run for the back.

My machinegun vibrates in my grip as one bullet after the other flies, riddling the bodies of the Sicilians as they try to flee.

Finn runs toward a doorway and slips through just as I spray the area where he was with bullets.

Pushing forward, my men and I move deeper into the warehouse. I run after Finn, every nerve ending in my body on high alert for any sudden movements. I keep scanning over the graffitied walls, checking for the holes in the ground, so I don’t step in one.

Come out and face me.

I take cover behind the wall, then order, “Will, give me an update.”

‘I’m in some fucking tunnel–’ Loud gunfire rattles over the earpiece, ‘Fucking rats. Smells like a sewer down here.’

The corner of my mouth lifts, and making sure it’s clear for me to move, I dart into the room.

Seeing a set of old stairs, I dart up, finding Finn where he’s hiding behind a broken piece of wall, right by a huge gap.

Not even fucking thinking, I lunge forward, and tackling the fucker, we both fall through the gap.

I hit the ground hard with the left side of my body.

Pain shudders through me, but I roll over and dart to my feet. Finn’s still shaking his head as he struggles to stand up. Lunging at him, I tackle him back to the ground. I crouch over him and start to swing wildly, my fist repeatedly slamming into his face.