Bringing my hands to her cheeks, I wipe the tear tracks away with my thumbs. I wait for her to look at me. “Let me do this. Okay? I need to take care of you.”


I don’t hesitate to answer, “Because you make me feel.” Christ, do you make me feel. My hands frame her face, my eyes burning intensely into hers. “Because I can touch you.” I tilt my head. “I. Can. Touch. You. Kiara.”

Her bottom lip starts to quiver, the sad expression on her face enough to make me lose my mind. “Okay,” she whispers, then her eyebrows draw together as the loss of her father hits again.

I wrap her against my chest, and lowering my head, I take a deep breath of her. “I’ll take care of everything. Okay?”

She nods against me, her arms wrapping around my waist to cling to me. It makes me feel like I’m the only thing keeping her standing.

All my life I’ve had power. I was born to lead the mafia.

But I didn’t know there was a gaping hole in my life until Kiara.

The princess I never knew existed and the only woman I want.

She’s mine. Especially now that I have a right to claim her.

Chapter 27


Even though I knew it could happen, I can’t believe Dad’s gone.

I didn’t get to say goodbye.

Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I don’t take in the black dress Liam got for me. My sight blurs, my throat constricting while I try to remember our last conversation.

I’m sure I told him I loved him.

Closing my burning eyes, I swallow the tears down.

Daddy, I’m sorry.

What Finn couldn’t do, Dad’s death did. I feel broken as if my heart is nothing but shards. I tried so hard to not upset Dad, and then the news of the attack made his heart give out.

Guilt rears up, swirling into a ball of darkness inside me as it mixes with the grief.

I hear movement behind me, and opening my eyes, I suck in a fortifying breath. Today’s going to be difficult.

I turn around as Liam stops behind me, and looking up at the man that’s kept me from falling apart the past week, I don’t know what I would’ve done without him.

First, the attack. Then, Dad died.

I can’t handle anything else. It’s all too much.

Taking a step forward, I wrap my arms around Liam’s waist and rest my head against his chest. I feel the bulge of his gun behind his back, and it serves as a reminder of who he really is.

He holds me until I pull back. I suck in a quivering breath, feeling smaller than a speck of dust.

“Ready?” Liam asks, his tone gentle as always. I’ve started picking up on the fact that he only talks to me like this. There’s a dangerous edge to his tone whenever he's speaking to another person.

He treats me as if I’m precious.

Nodding, I take hold of Liam’s hand, following him out of the penthouse.

The drive to the church fills my stomach with burning coals. I keep glancing at Liam, the power he holds becoming more evident every day.

The church comes into view, and the hollow bitterness of death fills me.

I’m not ready.

After Liam parks the car and we get out, Mom comes walking toward me, Rowan hovering behind her. Silently we hug before we walk into the church.

Mom didn’t have much of a relationship with Dad. They haven’t even seen each other since I turned sixteen, so at least I don’t have to worry about how she’s handling this. But she’s still worried that I’m staying at Liam’s place.

Entering the church, I’m surprised to see the pews filled with people I’ve never met.

The mafia.

My eyes lock on the casket upfront. There’s a beautiful photo of Dad that’s been enlarged. It’s one of the rare ones where he’s smiling. My eyes mist as Mom takes a seat in the front row.

I suck in a trembling breath as I stop by the casket. Closing my eyes, it takes all the strength I have to keep the tears back. Slowly, I lift my lashes, then look down.

The sight of Dad’s body, cold and lifeless, crushes my heart to dust.


Unable to stop it, my body shakes as sobs burst from me.

I’m going to miss you so much. I’m so sorry I didn’t listen to you, and I took the job at Byrne Enterprises. If I had done as you asked, you’d still be here.

God, I’m sorry.

Leaning forward, I press a kiss to Dad’s cold skin.

“Please forgive me,” I whisper.

When I turn around, Liam’s right behind me. His eyes are filled with compassion and worry as he takes hold of my arm, leading me to where Mom’s sitting.

My eyes lock on Dad’s photo, and when the priest starts the service, I don’t take in a single word.