A smile spreads over my face. “Oh, you’re brave. I have no filter.”

His lips curve up, the grin hot as sin. “Let me have it.”

“Did you start Byrne Enterprises or inherited it?”

“I started the company when I was eighteen.”

“So, did you always want to be in construction?”

Liam glances away, thinking before he answers, “It just came naturally.”

Along with being the head of the mafia.

“Byrne is Irish, right?”

He nods. “Third-generation in Chicago.”

“Explains why you don’t have an accent.”

My mind races for appropriate questions, but the only ones I can think of might offend him or give away that I know he’s involved with the mafia.

“When was your last relationship?” he suddenly asks.

“Gosh, let me think.” I count the months, then an eyebrow lifts. “Damn, it’s been two years.” I playfully narrow my eyes at him. “I like how you just assume I’m not in a relationship right now.”

“You wouldn’t be sitting here if you were.”

Good point.

Liam seems to be deep in thought, then he smiles at me. “You’re a different person now than when you’re at the office.”

“In what way?”

“You’re skittish at the office.”

My happy bubble pops, and I scowl at the wine glass. “That was because of you-know-who.” Reaching for the bottle, I empty it into our glasses.

After a sip, I ask, “Devon will be back on Monday, right?”

“He should.” Liam surprises me when he admits, “I’m going to miss having you as an assistant, though.”

“I’ll still make coffee for you,” I joke.

It starts to get chilly, and Liam gets up, saying, “Let’s head inside.”

I help him carry the dishes to the kitchen, and not in the mood to finish the wine, I place the glass in the sink. “I’ll do the dishes.” I turn around just as Liam reaches past me to put his own glass in the sink, and I bump into his chest. His left hand grips hold of my hip, so I don’t stagger back. One of my hands land on his arm, the other pressed flat against his solid chest. Trapped between the counter and Liam, my eyes dart up to his.

Sweet Jesus.

Instantly, the atmosphere begins to sizzle with the same electric feeling from earlier. We stare for the longest moment, the tension building until it hums over my skin.

Just as he begins to lower his head, his phone rings.

“Fuck,” he growls, then yanking the device out of his pocket, he says, “This better be important.” As if hit by an invisible fist, he staggers a step back, then snaps, “I’m on my way. Don’t leave his side.”


Liam shakes his head, and grabbing hold of my hand, he starts to pull me toward the elevator. “One of my men is in the hospital.”

“Oh no.”

On the ride down to the basement, it’s clear Liam’s very upset. I just hold his hand, thinking it’s my turn to support him.

It doesn’t escape my attention that Liam really cares about the people who work for him. I’ve never heard of a boss rushing to the hospital, because one of his employees got hurt.

He’s so caring.

Chapter 26


Worried out of my mind, I rush into the hospital with Kiara’s hand firmly in mine.

Will comes jogging toward me, his face grave as he shakes his head. My heart sinks, and I come to a stop in the middle of the hallway. “Jesus. No.”

“They tried everything.” Will shoves a hand through his hair, visibly shaken by the loss. “I was over at his place, and we were just talking. I was updating him on everything that happened with Finn last night, and the next second he dropped. It happened so fast. I got him to the hospital as fast as I could.”

“Fuck,” I snap, pulling my hand free from Kiara’s. The loss of one of my men is never easy, and I have to breathe through the emotions.

A nurse walks toward us, then looks at Will. “Are there any family members we can call?”

Stepping forward, I say, “No. Jimmy worked for me. I’ll handle everything.”

“Jimmy?” Kiara gasps, her face turning horribly pale. “Jimmy Flanagan?”

The nurse nods, then Kiara staggers back, her hands flying up to cover her mouth. “No.” It’s only for a second. She darts down the hallway and starts to look into rooms. “Where is he?” she calls out, her tone distressed.

The nurse goes after Kiara, while I’m stunned by her strong reaction.

“Where’s my dad?” Kiara screams.

The words hit like a ten-pound hammer.

Holy fucking shit.

Her dad.


Jesus Christ.

I move, going after them as the nurse shows Kiara to the room. Just as I rush inside, Kiara lets out a broken cry, slumping over Jimmy’s chest.

“No,” she cries. “No.” She pushes herself up, her face torn with shock and grief as she looks down at her father. “No, Daddy.”

Her father?

Will comes to stand next to me, muttering, “Fuck.”

Stunned, I glance at Will. “Did you know Jimmy had a daughter?”