My family.

“Look,” she whispers, her voice hoarse with emotion, not taking her eyes off our child. “Isn’t he perfect?”

Leaning over them, I press my mouth to Kiara’s temple. “Just as perfect as you. Thank you for making me a father.”

Kiara laughs through a sob. “Say hi, Daddy.”

With my head pressed to Kiara’s, I take in our beautiful son. “Hi, James.”

He makes a fussing sound. Kiara coos, and me... I stand in utter amazement before my wife and son.

The loves of my life.

Epilogue 2


Two months later…

James’ cry echoes through the penthouse.

Groaning, I throw my leg from the bed, trying to gather the strength to get up.

Liam takes hold of my hip and pulls me back onto the bed. “Stay, baby. I’ve got this.”

“You’re the best,” I mumble. I feel the mattress dip as he gets up.

Prying my eyes open, I watch as he turns on the nightlamp we got for the cradle. Reaching inside, he gently picks up our baby, then cradles him against his chest. “Is my boy hungry?” He lays James down on the bed and checks his diaper. “Yes, definitely hungry,”

I pull myself up against the pillows, then Liam lays James, who’s got a red line running down his forehead from all the crying, in my arms. While our son latches on, Liam leaves the bedroom.

I blink a couple of times to rid my eyes of the scratchy sensation, then stare down at James eagerly sucking me dry.

Just as the thirst hits, Liam comes back with a bottle of water. He uncaps it and hands it to me.

Only after I’ve drank half do I smile at my husband. “Go to sleep. I’ve got this.”

“I’ll wait until he’s had enough.” Reaching beneath the covers, Liam brushes his hand up and down my leg, his eyes on James.

It’s three in the morning. We’re both dead tired.

Still, how lucky am I?

I have the best husband in the world sitting next to me. Our healthy son in my arms. No worries besides when I’ll have my next nap.

Life is insanely good.

James makes fussing noises, and instantly Liam’s lips curve up, his eyes filled with adoration.

When James frees my nipple, Liam takes him from me, and standing up, he picks up a towel, placing it against his shoulder before gently burping our son.

“I’m jealous,” I mutter as I cover myself. “I don’t know how you burp him.”

“Rub. Pat. Rub. Pat,” Liam teases me. James lets out a loud one, then makes a gurgling sound that melts my heart.

Liam moves him into a cradling position, slowly rocking him.

Taking in the sight of my husband and son, who are entirely in love with each other, my heart feels full.

When James drifts off to sleep, his little hands open, his lips parted, Liam presses a kiss to his forehead. “Sweet dreams, my boy.” He lays him in the cradle, then turns off the light.

I snuggle down into my pillow, but the moment Liam climbs back in bed, he takes hold of my hips, and pulls my butt against his pelvis.

Feeling his hardness, I mumble, “Sleep.”

He pulls my leggings and panties down. “You can sleep. Don’t mind me.”

I let out a chuckle, which turns to a moan as he thrusts inside me. “I’ve changed my mind. Fuck me.”

Liam presses a kiss to my neck, his chest pressed against my back, then asks, “When can we have another baby?”

His body rocks mine with hard thrusts, making it impossible to talk. When my orgasm hits, I smother my cries against the pillow.

Liam jerks inside me, his teeth sinking into my shoulder to smother his groan.

We lie still for a moment, then he asks, “When?”

“As soon as James is on solids.”

He kisses my shoulder, then murmurs, “Good.” When he pulls out of me, he turns me onto my back, pressing a kiss to my mouth. Caressing my cheek with his fingers, he murmurs, “I love you, baby.”

“Another kiss,” I demand playfully, now wide awake.

This time when his mouth takes mine, he deepens it. It doesn’t take long before Liam thrusts inside me again.

“I love you,” I breathe against his lips.

So much.

Just when I think I can’t love the man any more than I already do, he does something that makes me fall in love even deeper.

“Mine,” he groans, his arms wrapping me tightly to his chest as he makes love to me.


Two years later…

“Liam, have you seen Lily’s bag?” Kiara calls from upstairs.

Just then, James decides to turn his box of toys over, sending them spilling across the floor.

“Have you checked the nursery?” I yell, crouching to pick up the toys.

“Not here.”

James grabs two cars and makes a run for the foyer. “Our bedroom?”

“Already checked. Not there.”

Climbing to my feet, I walk to the stairs, stopping to grab hold of James. Throwing him over my shoulder, he lets out a bark of laughter, then proceeds to drive his cars up and down my back.