Today I’m marrying Liam.

I wish Dad was here to walk me down the aisle. I’m sure if he saw how much Liam loved me, he would’ve approved.

“Smile down on me from heaven, Daddy,” I whisper.

“I’m sure he is,” Mom says as she comes to stand behind me. She places her hands on my shoulders and turns me to face her, adjusting my veil.

“Sweet Jesus, my baby’s getting married,” she says, her voice straining as emotion threatens to overwhelm her.

My throat closes up, and I have to blink fast to keep the tears back. “Don’t make me cry, Mom. The makeup.”

“I’ll just fix it again,” Denise says where she’s sipping on a glass of champagne. “But let's not tempt fate.” Setting the flute down, she picks up my bouquet and brings it to me.

I take the flowers from her and suck in a deep breath of air. “God, it’s really happening.”

“Deeper breaths,” Denise laughs at me, then glances at Mom. “You too. You’re both going to pass out at this rate.”

Denise walks to the door and opening it, she says to Will, “She’s ready.” Glancing back, she gives me a warm smile. “See you downstairs.”

I swallow hard on the emotion welling in my chest, then take hold of Mom’s hand. The wedding’s being held in the same church where we had Dad’s funeral. I wanted to be as close as I could get to him today.

When we reach the top of the stairs, I look at Mom.

“Ready, sweetie?”

I nod, the smile around my mouth trembling. “You?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

The opening notes for ’I get to love you’ by Ruelle start to fill the air.

With my hand tightly in Mom’s, we slowly take the stairs down. When I reach the bottom, and I lift my head, it’s to see Liam taking a step back as if he was physically punched. He presses a fist to his mouth, shaking his head, his features drawn tight with awe.

That’s my man up there.

We’ve decorated the ceiling of the church with lightbulbs hanging down. The warm light shining from them makes everything look magical. White lilies adorn the pews, a white carpet rolled out down the aisle.

Slowly, Mom walks me up the aisle. I don’t take in any of the guests. Just Liam.

Unable to contain the love I feel for him, a tear slips down my cheek.

Stopping in front, Mom lifts my veil and presses a kiss on my cheek. “I hope you find all the happiness this world has to offer with Liam.”

“Thank you, Mom.”

She gives Liam a hug, whispering something to him.

Finally, he comes to stand in front of me. He doesn’t bother wiping the tear escaping his right eye. “You’re so beautiful it hurts.”

Reaching up, I catch the teardrop with the tip of my finger.

We turn to face the priest, who clears his throat then says, “Dearly beloved, we’re gathered here today to celebrate the holy union of Liam Owen Byrne and Kiara Murphy.”

I don’t take in half of the ceremony, my heart fluttering as if it’s grown wings.

Turning to face Liam, my heart takes flight.

“I, Liam Owen Byrne, take thee, Kiara Murphy, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”

Our love wraps us up in a safe cocoon where nothing can hurt me.

When it’s my turn, I say, “I, Kiara Murphy, take thee, Liam Owen Byrne, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”

Liam’s mouth curves up, satisfaction darkening the circle around his blue irises, then he murmurs, “Mine.”

The priest lets out a chuckle. “Yes, she’s yours. I pronounce you husband and wife. You may k –”

Liam wraps his arms around me, and I’m yanked to his chest, his mouth taking mine with the same hunger as when he first kissed me.

The church and all the guests fall away until there’s only us and our happily ever after.


Two years later…

I’m in the middle of a board meeting when my phone vibrates on the table. Seeing Declan’s name flashing on the screen, I grab the device. “What?”

“You better come now!” he says, then shouts, “Get a fuckin’ doctor now, or I swear, so help me God–”

“Stop threatening the nurse,” Kiara snaps at him. “Oh, God. I’m going to die.”

“What the fuck is going on?” I shout to get Declan’s attention while shooting up from my chair and rushing out of the boardroom.

“Kiara’s havin’ contractions. You better come. I don’t know what to fuckin’ do. I wasn’t trained for– You’re breakin’ my fuckin’ hand!”

“Don’t shout at me,” Kiara yells, then she growls, “Don’t you dare let go.”