“This.” Punch. “Is.” Punch. “My.” Crack. “Fucking.” Punch. “World.”

Pulling back, I climb to my feet, sucking in breaths of air as rage boils in my veins.

Finn groans, rolls onto his side, and pushes himself up. Chuckling, he spits out some blood. “Go fuck yourself, Liam.”

“You betrayed me,” I grind the words out between clenched teeth. Pulling my Glock from behind my back, I train the barrel on his knee and pull the trigger.

Finn lets out a howl of pain, clamping his hands around the wound. “Fuck you.”

“You hurt my woman.” I fire a shot at his other knee.

He squirms on the ground, crying from the pain.

I take a step closer. “You threatened my city.”

“Fuck you!” He shouts, spittle and blood flying from his mouth. “You were just lucky he gave you the mafia, but you never fucking deserved it. You don’t have the balls to make the mafia great.”

I hear my men approaching, my finger flexing on the trigger. Gesturing at my soldiers forming a solid group around us, I let out a bitter chuckle, “They’re loyal to me. They’re my fucking family.” I train the gun back on Finn. “Kiara said yes. She’s marrying me. She’ll give birth to my future.”

Finn tries to sit up, his blood soaking into the ground and dried grass beneath him, then he sneers at me. “I tasted her first.”

Fuck this.

Holding my gun out, one of my men takes it. I lunge forward, my foot connecting with Finn’s chin. His head snaps back, and as he drops to the ground, I crouch over him again. My left hand grips his shirt and I yank him up, slamming my right fist into his nose. I yank him up again, and whisper in his ear, “But you didn’t hear her moan. You didn’t feel her come.” I slam my fist into his face again, then yank him closer again. “You didn’t hear her say I love you.”

Dropping him to the ground, I start to pummel his face, grinding the words out, “And. You. Never. Fucking. Will.”

I keep hitting, until I feel a sharp pain in my wrist, and Finn’s nothing but a bloody mess beneath me. Gasping for air, I stare down at the bane of my existence. His eyes are mere slits, the stare blank and lifeless.

“Rot in fucking hell,” I growl.

Climbing to my feet, I take a step back. With my men around me and my enemy dead at my feet, I lift my head and find Will’s eyes.

Slowly a smile spreads over his face, then he nods at me.

It’s done.

Chapter 45


I check my phone to see if Liam returned my message, but there’s nothing. Letting out a sigh, I frown at the cards in my hand.

I suck at this. I need to Google how to play poker.

“One thousand,” Declan says with triumph in his voice. He throws the chips into the pile between us.

My eyes narrow on his face, trying to figure out if he’s bluffing.

I tilt my head, and faking a sigh, I throw double the chips into the pile. “Aaand I raise you one thousand.”

His eyes flick to my face, the left one twitching.


Declan tries to stare me down, but I hold his gaze. “You’re bluffin’.”

I shrug, then nod at the pile. “Give me your money, sucker.”

The elevator doors open, and my eyes snap to the foyer. The air wooshes from my lungs, and throwing the cards down, I dart to my feet. Running to Liam, I’m horrified at the blood above his temple, the disarray of his clothes, and the limp he’s walking with.

“What happened?” I gasp as I grab his arm, my other hand and eyes searching his body for any wounds.

“Just took a dive,” he grins at me. “I’m fine.”

“You don’t look fine,” I snap. When my hand slides down to his wrist, he flinches, pulling away from me. “Liam?”

I take in the swelling around his wrist, the broken skin on his knuckles. My eyebrows draw together as my eyes meet his.

The grin doesn’t leave his face. “I just sprained it.” He tips his chin at Declan.

“Everything okay?” Declan asks as he shrugs on his jacket.

“Yeah. It’s over.”

Confused, I watch as Declan leaves, then turn my gaze on Liam. “What’s over?”

He lifts his good hand to the side of my neck and presses his forehead to mine. “Finn’s dead.”

The words shudder through me, the news hitting so hard, I stagger a step back. Liam tightens his grip on me, and tilting his head, he says, “I killed him.”

Finn’s dead.

Again the wave hits, my lips parting, but no words coming out.

Finn’s dead.

Liam’s mouth curves into a tender smile. “He’ll never hurt you again.”

Slowly my hands lift to cover my mouth. Intense relief fills me, making tears push up my throat.

Liam tugs me against his chest, and I notice the droplets of blood staining his shirt. My arms fly around his neck, and I press myself against him.