“The mosquitoes nearly carried me off last time,” Legend complains, a few of the others at the table quickly agreeing.

“We had some stronger insect repellant packed in your kits,” Kincaid says.

“Bunch of damn babies,” Snatch mutters, but there’s a smile playing on his lips.

The bugs were seriously horrible last time, and we’re still in the thick of summer, so we all know they’re going to be just as bad.

“If these dickheads had a little more respect and didn’t hide their compound in the damn rainforest, that would be even better,” Spade mutters, all of us quickly agreeing.

“This is the last compound in the area,” Kincaid states. “Unless we find more intel after this raid, we’ll be heading to Venezuela next.”

We all groan. We’re never met with open arms and compliance with any of our jobs, but the criminals in Venezuela are far more violent than nearly every other place we go.

“I vote to only take cases from places where there are really nice beaches,” Slick says with a smile.

We quickly agree to it, but we know even if we ended up in a resort town, we’d never have the time to actually enjoy what it has to offer. We work and then come home. Coming back to our families is far more important than getting in a saltwater swim.

“Maybe we should plan a clubhouse vacation,” Shadow offers.

We all perk up at the suggestion because if one of the original guys is talking about it, we know he has the power to actually make it happen.

“Aria has only ever seen the beach at Galveston,” I say. “And she was only months old.”

Shadow looks to Kincaid, who nods with a grin on his face. A wave of cheers echoes around the room, a knock drawing it up short.

Before Kincaid can get to the door, it shoves open, a dark-haired woman with bright blue eyes walking in like she owns the place.

Several of the guys give her a quick wave as if they’ve met her before, but I’ve never seen this woman.

“Some of you may remember FBI agent Lauren Vos. For those of you that are new, Lauren Vos.”

She gives a little wave, and despite being the only person in the room other than Shadow’s son Cannon not wearing a leather cut, she doesn’t seem the least bit intimidated.

“Holy shit,” Spade mutters beside me. “I’ve never gotten an erection so fast in my life.”

“She is delicious, isn’t she?” Ugly says from Spade’s other side.

“Dibs,” Spade snaps angrily at Ugly as if the woman is the front seat of the car and Spade is a teenager calling shotgun.

“She just needs a spot to lie low for a while,” Kincaid says.

Thumper doesn’t look exactly pleased that she’s here, but I don’t doubt I’ll find out why very shortly.

“I could go with you to South America,” Lauren offers.

“That’s not lying low,” Kincaid says, and Thumper grunts his agreement. “The plane is waiting.”

We all stand and start to exit the room.

“Harley, a minute please?”

I don’t hesitate to walk toward Kincaid when he calls me over. I no longer doubt he believes in my ability to do my job. We’ve had several missions in the last month, and I’ve carried my weight during each one.

“What’s up?” I ask after the room is cleared.

“I wanted to ask about Ali.”

“She’s fine,” I tell him. “Staying at my house while we’re gone.”

He gets a weird look on his face before speaking again. “And how long after will she be there?”

A slow smile spreads across my face. If I have my way, Ali will never pack a bag to leave that place ever again.

“I’m asking because we’re still full, and I’d like to be able to give Lauren the room she was staying in.”

I nod, understanding. “Ali is staying right where she’s at.”

Those words have a deeper meaning, and Kincaid grins like he knows it.

“Good man,” he says with a clap to my back.


“You have to give us something,” Spade says an hour later after the plane takes off. He points between us newer guys. “It’s not fair that everyone else knows, but we’re left in the dark.”

“We may need all the information to keep her safe,” Ugly adds.

“Lauren Vos doesn’t need anyone’s help,” Thumper says, but the guys are wearing him down.

They’ve asked for details on the FBI agent, but Thumper has been extremely tight lipped with the information they’re requesting.

“I knew she was a badass,” Ugly says with a wide grin. “She just looks like a badass.”

“I called dibs, you dick,” Spade snaps.

“Dibs?” Thumper scoffs. “You don’t call dibs on a woman like her.”

All grow quiet in anticipation, the only sound the roar of the plane’s engine as they wait for Thumper to continue.

He sighs, as if accepting that they’ll never leave him alone if he doesn’t give them something.

“Lauren is like a tornado,” Thumper mutters.