I drop the blankets immediately, but the sight of the erection in those briefs will now always be burned into my head. Although I felt exactly what Harley had to offer when he slid inside of me, I was too wrapped up in his mouth on my skin to get a true visual. I bite my lip and squeeze my eyes shut, but I’m filled with nervous energy. Afraid I’ll vibrate right out of the bed, I pull back my side of the blankets to get out.

A huge, warm hand grips my hip, making me not only stay in bed but roll over to my back.

“Will this help,” Harley says, his fingers trailing over my face.

The tip of one finger traces my eyebrows, and I fight a smile at realizing he’s doing to me what I did to get Aria to fall asleep last night.

It does something, but making me sleepy is the very last response my body has to his touch. He’s so damn close, and warm, and the scent of his skin on the sheets is enough to intoxicate me more than the wine I drank last night. Before long, my body starts to hum, and it’s like every idea I had of running as far away from this man as I could, never existed.

But somehow, the softness of his touch relaxes me, and after a couple of minutes of having my eyes closed, I actually fall back asleep.

Waking up the second time doesn’t bring the fear of wondering where the baby is. Waking the second time is much worse.

There’s no longer a gap between the two of us, and my body is insanely keyed up after where my dreams just took me. I swallow thickly, knowing I should climb out of bed, but I’m unable to muster the energy it will take to back away from him.

As if he’s trapped in his own filthy dream, Harley’s hand runs down my back, his hips rolling just the slightest amount. I have to keep my eyes closed, because opening them and seeing him this way would be too much for me to resist. The erection he had earlier is still out in full force, I realize, as he rolls his hips against me once more.

His dream must be controlling his body, and maybe it’s a little creepy that I’m still lying here letting it happen, but I just can’t seem to pull away. He moves again, and I startle when warm lips press against mine.

It’s just a brush of lips, but it’s enough to set my body on fire.

It’s as if my dream has come to life, and I have no idea how to react.

My eyes jerk open, and despite the small smile on his lips, his eyes are closed exactly like they were yesterday.

I have a choice to make, and with the way I felt yesterday after walking back out into this empty room, it should be an easy one to make, but I can’t help letting my mind drift back to the conversation I had with Boomer last night.

“Just have great sex,” he’d suggested as if it were that simple.

The other half of me is trying to convince myself that maybe this time would be different. Maybe he was caught up in the feel of what was happening and it had nothing to do with Lana being stuck in his head.

His lips trail a path down my shoulder. “Love this fucking tank top.”

Cold chills race down my skin at the sound of his sleepy voice, and my fingers trace his side, relishing the way his muscles bunch and flex under my touch.

His strong hand cups my breast and my insides tighten with desperate need. My body is making up my mind for me, and somehow, despite my earlier conflict, I don’t feel like I even have a choice right now. I have to do this. I have to give in and see where this goes.

When his hand drifts lower, dipping into the front of my sleep shorts, I lift my leg and curl it over his hip to give him better access.

He moans, a pleased and needy sound, when he finds me slick and ready. Talented fingers rub tiny circles over my clit as if he isn’t setting my world on fire, as if he has all the time in the world.

I whimper with need when he pulls his fingers away, skimming over my lower belly and leaving the evidence of my desire in a line up my skin.

“Off,” he grunts, pushing at the waistband of my shorts.

I obey, rolling quickly to my back and lifting my hips just high enough to get the shorts down. For good measure, I pull off the tank top as well, throwing them both over the edge of the bed to the floor. He moves to cover me, but that didn’t work so well yesterday. Instead of staying on my back, I push against him until he’s sitting back on his calves, pulling down the front of his boxers to reveal the full length of the man, then I shove him more until he’s flat on his back.